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    Blockade Breakers Case - Opinions Please

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    It has been mentioned to me that there are some good quality fakes of the Blockade Breakers case going around. I would therefore be grateful for any opinions as to the originality, or otherwise, of this Blockade Breakers case. The pictures aren't the worlds best, but hopefully they show enough detail.

    All comments and opinions welcomed.

    Many thanks.

    Edited by DavidM
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    • 4 months later...

    Hi David,

    Definitely concur. Check out mine at:


    As I also had mine apart, although I didn't get into as much detail with the spring catch, etc. But details like that and the moulded makers marks, numbers, etc. in the bases would be things I feel the fakers would probably not do well if at all.

    Dan :cheers:

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    A D&B double hinge case, very nice !!


    You have to be careful even with cases that have base codes on them. A few years ago a load of bare Luft bases were found in Berlin and sold on the flea markets, hence I dare say they ended up in fake cases.

    Also whom ever does it, bases are swopped from original cases into fake constructions of a similar case and the bad into a good case.........this has confused alot of collectors and uh hum the odd dealer !!

    Edited by Marcus H
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    A D&B double hinge case, very nice !!


    You have to be careful even with cases that have base codes on them. A few years ago a load of bare Luft bases were found in Berlin and sold on the flea markets, hence I dare say they ended up in fake cases.

    Also whom ever does it, bases are swopped from original cases into fake constructions of a similar case and the bad into a good case.........this has confused alot of collectors and uh hum the odd dealer !!

    Hi Marcus,

    Geez! I had no idea about any of this! Seems I put my foot in my mouth once again... I'm in good company on that though as George Patton used to do it all the time. But I should have figured something like that would be the case. Seems whenever you seal up one entrance, they find another way in. :angry: But again that's one reason I've all but pulled out of TR. Just got soooo tired of it all, when it got to the point where hardly anyone knew what was real and what wasn't.

    And of course it can get to that point in nearly any facet of collecting. I often think we're like herds of some wild beasts... roaming from pasture to pasture. We graze on the "good stuff" till it nearly runs out then we move on. Once in a while the pasture up ahead looks soooo good, and we get there only to find that it just doesn't taste too good. So we have to move on again till we find the good stuff once more.

    But I guess it's all part of the challenge. The vultures and parasites of any hobby are always going to be there. Folks who only care about money. All we can do is continue to learn all we can and educate our fellow collectors in the hope that we'll keep the baddies at bay just a while longer.

    Thanks for the update! It's been filed away in the memory bank for future reference. :beer:

    Dan :cheers:

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    Nooo my friend you didn't put you foot in it, you are right as far as I'm aware they don't actually fake the base codes as of yet or if they do I'm unaware or haven't spotted them even !!!

    As far as the raised KB and D&B codes go that is. If you look on the fake case bases of the box part (not insert award base) you often see pencil, ink or 'biro' numbers...with the 'exception' of the biro marks you find these numbers on fake and good cases so there is some effort on the part of the fakers, but no raised in the mold kind of numbers (like I say that I'm aware of, so you were correct there)



    Edited by Marcus H
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    Nooo my friend you didn't put you foot in it, you are right as far as I'm aware they don't actually fake the base codes as of yet or if they do I'm unaware or haven't spotted them even !!!

    As far as the raised KB and D&B codes go that is. If you look on the fake case bases of the box part (not insert award base) you often see pencil, ink or 'biro' numbers...with the 'exception' of the biro marks you find these numbers on fake and good cases so there is some effort on the part of the fakers, but no raised in the mold kind of numbers (like I say that I'm aware of, so you were correct there)



    Hi Marcus,

    And here I was in the good company of George Patton and everything. :rolleyes::lol: Oh well, I'm "sure" there'll be a next time! :P

    Thanks! :cheers:


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