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    Co A 1st BN 112th Cav. 1st cav. Airmobile division KIA SS/PH

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    KIA feb 18 1968 in US counterattack during Tet near Quang Tri city SVN

    he was 20 yrs old ! if anyone has details on his Silver Star citation or how he died?

    Seeking Roberts named Bronze star .air medal ARCOM sold on ebay jan 2012

    please contact me if you have them


    For the sake of accuracy - Co A 1st BN 112th Cav is incorrect - it should be Co A, 1st BN, 12th Cavalry. If there ever was a 112th Regiment (I doubt there was) - it had no elements assigned or attached to the First Team during Vietnam.


    Correction - there was a 112th and they did have affiliation with the 1st Cav but not during Vietnam. They were a National Guard Cavalry regiment and their lineage is now carried by the 112th Armor of the National Guard.


    For the sake of accuracy - Co A 1st BN 112th Cav is incorrect - it should be Co A, 1st BN, 12th Cavalry. If there ever was a 112th Regiment (I doubt there was) - it had no elements assigned or attached to the First Team during Vietnam.

    Sorry typo !


    Just speculation on my part...because SGT Nowak's decorations are on the open market, there is possibly no one left in his family to ask for his award citations to be included in the public databases such as http://www.homeofheroes.com/members/04_SS/5_RVN/01_main.html or http://militarytimes.com/citations-medals-awards/search.php?medal=5. The NPRC fire in 1972 may have also destroyed his records, including the medal citations. Another possibility is that General Westmoreland may have authorized his posthumous award without creating the paper trail needed for historical records, based on the testimonies of the field commanders and witnesses. I have seen award certificates from the Vietnam War which should have had an extensive description of the heroic act (9-line citation, all capital letters, proportional spacing) reduced to the date and location of the action which resulted in the medal.

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