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    Hi all,

    There is a long casualty list in the 6. April 1916 Preußiche Verlustliste for IR 20. About 700 killed, wounded and missing, just from the II. and III.Btls. of the regiment. Would this be for Verdun?

    The 6.Infanterie-Division Gefechtskalender has the division at Verdun then, but I don't know when IR 20 was transferred to the 5.Garde-Infanterie-Division and I don't have any references at hand like the Schlachten des Weltkrieges.


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    I.R. 20 remained with 6. Infanterie-Division until coming under command of 57. Infanterie-Brigade (212. Infanterie-Division)on 10 September 1916. It joined 5. Garde-Infanterie-Division on 18 January 1917. It was at Verdun from 13 January to 12 June 1916 according to Günther Voigt's "Deutschlands Heere bis 1918".


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