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    Hello all,

    im looking for an Information about the 1918 Woundbadge. Was it awarted retroactive? My great grandfather was wounded twice - first in 1915 and second in 1916. His second wound he was shot in the leg and lost it Later in Hospital because of gangrene. Were he retroactive awarted an wound badge?  If so which grade?  silver because he lost a leg?  

    Greetings Stefan

















    Edited by Uffz. Rohleder
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    the Wound badge was introduced in 1918 and awarded retroactively. It is very possible that someone who was invalided out in 1916-17 slipped between the cracks. He could have applied for it, but it seems in the 1920s there was not thaaaaat much interest... when the Nazis came to power medals and badges and uniforms were in fashion again. I have a number of Wound badge documents from the mid 1930s, so guys were still applying then, or applying then again.

    P.S. initially it was for NUMBER of wounds... so he qualified for black. If I remember correcty it was long after WW1 that severity of wound counted. Men invalided out during the war qualified for black, unless the number of wounds was high enough for silver/Gold

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    Ok Thank you very much! During ww2 the severity of the wound counted to (ie If you lost a hand, arm,foot, leg aso...) You got a silver woundbadge. I thought this were also for the 1918 Woundbadge.  

    Greetings Stefan













    Edited by Uffz. Rohleder
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    WWI veterans, who never got their Verwundetenabzeichen could, from 30. January 1936 onwards, get a certificate to obtain a badge. From this date on it was not only awarded according to the number of wounds, but the severity was also taken into consideration, so your great grandfather would´ve qualified for the silver grade!   

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