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    He was a pilot in WW1.  What awards etc did he earn? All help is appreciated.



    Hello Don;


    Do you have anything more to give on Walter Hübner?  An aeronautical engineer that is also a pilot?  Was he a test pilot?

    The unit he was with?  What unit he was with before he became a pilot?  Do you have any documents?

    How do you know Walter Hübner? 


    RIA had a grouping attributed to him. There was a pilot badge in it but little info.

    • 2 weeks later...


    I do think that he might be the later Obstlt zV in the Luftwaffe Walter Hübner who was born 15.01.1897 !

    He is also listed on ancestry.de regarding some basic info as pilot during the War.  He is noted later on to be an Dipl.Ing. I dont have his complete flying career during the War.



    Looking at the image on the RIA site, I would say the missing decoration on the medal bar is the House Order of Hohenzollern, based on the ribbon and the placement of the hook.  There were two Lts.d.R. Hübner with that award, but with no other known info.  

    The Walter Hübner that Gunnar notes was wounded twice with JB 5 before going to the Fliegertruppe, according to the Kriegsrangliste-Auszug from Bavarian Armee-Flugpark 6, so the wound badge is accounted for.

    The roll of the Olympia-Ehrenzeichen lists "Hübner, Walter, Major, Berlin".  So assuming we are talking about the same guy, probably an E-Offizier before being placed z.V.

    • 3 weeks later...

    Hi again Dave

    Does it exist approximate dates when these two different  Lt dR Hübner received the Hohenzollern award ?

    I have some clues/ideas when Walter might have received his award.



    3 hours ago, Soderbaum said:

    Hi again Dave

    Does it exist approximate dates when these two different  Lt dR Hübner received the Hohenzollern award ?

    I have some clues/ideas when Walter might have received his award.



    One was gazetted in the Militär-Wochenblatt on 27 November 1917:


    The other was gazetted on 3 September 1918:


    There was often a gap of one to two months between the date of the award and the date of publication.


    Thanks Dave for providing the data.

    Unfortunate it does not fit directly with my theory that Walter might have gotten his award very late during the War(due to an annerkennung for an un-specified Lt dR Hübner).

    So the hunt continues


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