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    Hello Guys

    Just want to share you this recently aquired Silver Bavarian Bravery Medal (TKM) Bar, it belongs to a known Artillery Unteroffizier who was awarded the TKM on October 1919 for his actions performed on the battlefield in France in September 1918.

    He earned wartime the following orders/decorations:

    Iron Cross 2 nd Class (1915), Bavarian war Merit Corss 3 Class with Crown and Swords (1918), Wound Badge Black (1918), Iron Cross 1 Class (1918) and Silver Bravery Medal - Bavaria (1919 for heroic actions performed in 1918)

    Cordial greetings and enjoy



    detail RS.jpg






    Thank you!  There where approx. 2840 awarded of these during WWI. These medals don't have a engraved inscription on them (The Baden Ones had them!). This medal is the so called "Tongue" variant.

    This soldier was awarded this medal as he did not abandon his Gun, despite they where overrun and he kept firing it. As a result the previously collapsing defense by the Infantry troops did fight back instead of folding back. For this fact he was awarded this medal.

    Along with the medalbar the "Militärpass" and the original Award case of the Bravery medal are also still in existence and i will present them within a few weeks ;).

    Cordial greetings,



    Thank you guys! When i have the time i will show the "Militärpass" and Original Award case of the Bavarian bravery Medal that go's along with this bar.

    Cordial greetings,


    Nice and very scarce box :thumbup: There is still the old name of decoration on its lid (on March 2nd 1918 the official name was changed from the  Militär-Verdienst-Medaille (Military Merit Medal) to Tapferkeits-Medaille (Bravery Medal)

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