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    hi all

    just wanted to share a further mounted group, this one a little different and the citation for the OGPW II a little different




    Document pertaining to Order of Patriotic War II # 811.524

    A.     Information card  A 015800

            Order Booklet No

    1.      Last name : Stankevich

    2.      Name and patronymic: Ivan Fedorovich

    3.      Rank: Captain 3rd Rank

    4.      Sex: Male

    5.      Birth year: 02.04.1917

    6.      Birth place: Nerjaz Village, Bihovsk District, Belorussia

    7.      Party membership: Party member since 1945

    8.      Education:  Higher

    9.      Nationality: Belorussian

    10.  Joined red army: Since 21.06.1939

    11.  Place of service and duty position at time of awarding: Teacher of Naval discipline of the Naval Medical School

    12.  Place of service at current time: Teacher of Naval discipline of the Naval Medical School

    13.  Home address: Odessa, Academician Pavlov Street 7/4

    14.  Awards

    Name                                            Number                     Awarded

    Name of orders and medals

    Numbers of awards

    Numbers of documents

    Reason for the award

    Order of the Great Patriotic War II Class


    A 015800

    Order S 0125


    Combat Service



    A 015800



    Order of the

     Red Star


    A 015800



    For Victory over Germany


    Y 0044629











    Order of Patriotic War II # 811524

    Award sheet

    1.      Last name, name and patronymic : Stankevich, Ivan Fedorovich

    2.      Rank : Senior Lieutenant

    3.      Duty position and Unit:  Lieutenant Commander of the 2nd Company of the 3rd Year in the Pacific Higher Navy School

    4.      Birth year: 1917

    5.      Nationality: Belorussian

    6.      Party membership: Candidate for the All-Union Communist party (Bolsheviks) since June 1944; Member of the Worker-Peasant Red Army and the Navy since July 1, 1944

    7.      In combat: Participated in World War Two in the 74th Naval-Infantry Brigade of the North-Western Front; lieutenant-commander of the infantry company from January 1, 1942 to January 29, 1942

    8.      Wounds of Contusions:  Heavily wounded on January 29 th 1942, received a bullet wound in the right side axillary area resulting in damage of the radial nerve of the right arm

    9.      In Red Army: Since 21.06.1939

    10.  Inducted by:

    11.  Earlier Awards: No previous awards

    12.  Permanent address: City of Vladivostok

    Short description of the specific details of the individual’s military exploits and services:

    Faithful to the ideology of the Lenin-Stalinist party and the Socialist Motherland. Satisfactory political development, morally stable disciplined, persistent. Performs work duties properly. Enjoys the respect of his subordinates but not to a sufficiently high degree due to his lack of thorough preparation and lack of regular Navy education doesn’t spend sufficient time and effort on his specialty field.

     He has lately been giving significantly more attention to matters of student education. Holds himself and others to high standards.

    Took part in the battles for the Motherland on Motherland War battlefields. Was heavily wounded. As a soldier in the Motherland War who has been heavily wounded in the battles for the Motherland, he is eligible to receive a government award—Order of the Motherland War 2nd degree.

    For the commander of the Pacific Higher Navy School-3rd Year,

    Captain 3rd rank: Semenchuk

    May 26, 1945

    City of Vladivostok










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