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    Hi to all,

    In my collection I have this strange jacket. It has the body structure of a gymnastorka, and the details (collar piping, cuffs) of an officer jacket. At first I thought it might be a manufacturer mistake, but there's slight fraying in the middle area, indicating that it was worn with a belt. It is obvious this jacket was already produced to be like this, as it does not look like an artisan modification. The collar piping is deep blue, though the shoulder boards are put there by me. I have however found no answer as to what this might be, does anyone have any idea what it might be?





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    O Kallarati, me ndje, por po ja fut kot. Mos u perzje ne nje fushe qe nuk e njeh.

    Ajo qe ke sjelle ti, eshte gjimnastorka standart qe e njeh gjithe dynjaja.

    Ajo qe kam sjelle une, ka xhepa oficeri, pra te jashtem, dhe jake oficeri, pra pa kopsa. 


    Edited by Zaim Qyteza
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    Une ta tregova si shembull, dmth nuk eshte shqiptare.

    Te dyja kane te njejte kopsat qe fillojne nga gusha e perfundojne fiks poshte gjoksit.

    Ska asgje te gabuar nga ana ime.

    Ky grup eshte per gjithe boten.

    Secili eshte i lire te jape mendim.

    Ndersa ju po qaheshit se ekspertet e faqes e pane postimin dhe nuk e perfillen, une shqiptari idiot ju dhashe nje shembull te ngjashem per reference.


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