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    Documented Group - Captain Afanasiya Lysko - NKVD, SMERSH

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    Captain Afanasiya Kondrat'evich Lysko

     Investigative officer of the Special Section of the NKVD, 256th Rifle Division




    On July 20, 1941, he was sent to the Moscow-Sofrino formation point, where he was appointed commander of a machine-gun company of the 256th rifle division of the 930th regiment. In 1941 he took part in the battles in the Kalinin region, the liberation of the city of Kalinin, where he was wounded in the stomach. He took part in the battles for liberation of the Smolensk region. When the blockade of Leningrad was broken in the area of the city of Shlissenburg, he was wounded in a tank explosion. For 2 months he was in a Partisan brigade in the Leningrad forests. He fought in the territory of Romania and Bulgaria, was wounded and did not reach Berlin. Throughout the war he fought in one unit, in the 256th rifle division. After the war he was decommissioned with the rank of captain. He had numerous awards: the Order of the Patriotic War of the 2nd degree, 2 Orders of the Red Star, a medal for military merit, a medal for the Defense of Leningrad and many others. He lived in the city of Khorol, Poltava region. After the war, he worked as director of the Khorol state forest nursery. He passed away on 24.04.2002.






    Red Star 1 (Missing)


    Award sheet

    On: Lysko, Afanasiya Kondrat’evich – Captain, Investigative Officer for the Special Section of the NKVD, 256the Rifle Division

    Nominated for: Order of the Red Star

    1. Born in 1912 in Sumy Region, Ukrainian SSR
    2. Nationality: Ukrainian
    3. Social Status: White collar worker
    4. Party membership: member of the All Union Party of Bolsheviks
    5. Since when in the Red Army: Since 1932
    6. Previous service: In the Patriotic was since July 1941
    7. Wounds and contusions: Wounded twice in combat with the German-Fascist invaders
    8. Recommendations for, or awards previously received: No prior awards and no prior recommendations
    9. Home address: __________

    Short, concrete description of his combat feat or merits


    Comrade Lysko has been working in the Special Section of the Division since the early days of the formation of the 256th Rifle Division – July 1941. First in the position of Commander of a separate platoon of the special section of the NKVD, and since April 1942 in the position of Investigative Officer of a serving reconnaissance battalion and a separate communications battalion of the 256th Rifle Division.


    Comrade Lysko, as commander of a platoon of the Special Section of the NKVD was systematically sent with the fighters of the Division’s units, to the most critical areas of battle, where he successfully organized and led blocking battalions, combatting the panic-mongers and cowards.


    In the most critical moments of battle, comrade Lysko showed his initiative to ensure the victory of his unit in the battle against fascism.


    In December 1941, by the city of Kalinin, whilst with the soldiers of his platoon in the 930th Rifle Regiment, comrade Lysko, using his own initiative went to scout into the enemy’s rear in order to reconnoitre the firepower needed for the 930th Rifle Regiment to break through the enemy’s defensive arrangements.


    Comrade Lysko assumed fire on the superior enemy forces, obtaining valuable information about the enemy, scattering a group of fascists and then made his way back to the location of the 930th Infantry Regiment’s defence.


    In the battles against the fascists, comrade Lysko was seriously wounded twice, but despite the injuries – he refused to leave for the hospital and continued in his service.


    Whilst being surrounded, along with sections of the 256th Rifle Division in July 1942 at Sychevsky, Smolensk Region – comrade Lysko did not stop his operative service in the sub-units he served, denouncing cowards, alarmists and traitors with whom he waged a relentless struggle.



    Red Star 2 - Included




    Comrade Lysko, working as an officer of the SMERSH section, managed to properly organise the assessment of the Regiment's personnel.


    During the period of the combat from January 22nd 1944, to February 22nd of the same year, west of Novgorod, the Regiment did not have a single instance of immoral phenomenon. In the same location, whilst the Regiment was advancing, among the liberated population, he exposed 18 traitorous men – betrayers of the Motherland, working for the Germans, which contributed to the fulfilment of our combat missions.


    In the battles to the west of the city of Narva, Estonian SSR, since March 14th this year, whilst continually personally being in combat formations, he captivated the fighters to fulfil their combat duty.


    In the Battles from the 6th to 8th of April 1944, to the west of the city of Narva, Estonian SSR, when the enemy was numerically superior in manpower and tanks, and at elevation 32.2 cut off the headquarters and subdivision, Comrade Lysko rendered great assistance to the military command in making a combat decision. He personally formed subunits from the personnel of his subdivision and other units, thereby assisting in the suppression and holding back of the enemy.


    For his vigilance shown, personal bravery and courage, I apply for comrade Lysko to be awarded the governmental award – Order of the Red Star



    OPW - Included




    Whilst participating in battles on September 26th 1944 in the area of Lake Taleya in the Latvian SSR, whilst eating at the battalion's command post, he discovered a group of Germans who were trying to bypass the battalion's command post. Comrade Lysko, having gathered a group of 5 men, decisively attacked the Germans, as a result of which the group of Germans were scattered and 5 German soldiers were taken prisoner.


    During the period of preparation for combat on September 14th 1944, Comrade Lysko prevented an instance of treason to the Motherland at the hands of form Private in the 930th Rifle Regiment, GRINKO, who was sentenced by the VTK to 8 years imprisonment for this crime.


    Skilfully organizing the Chekist work in the Regiment and Blocking Units, Comrade Lysko prevented a number of cases of desertion and escape from the battlefield. All of those who had intended to defect from the unit were promptly detained.


    On September 20th Comrade Lysko, whilst in the combat formations of the unit, received a fourth wound – however, he did not leave the battlefield, continuing his work in the regiment to the present day.


    For courage and bravery shown in battle, as well as the skilful organization of the Chekist work and blocking units, I apply for comrade Lysko to be awarded the Order of the Patriotic War 2nd Class.



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    On the medal for the defense of Leningrad, the ribbon from the medal to the Partisan of the Patriotic War of the 1st degree. A clear example of a self-assembly pad with a confused arrangement of medals and incorrect ribbons. I do not see the Jubilee Order of the Patriotic War in the kit. And so the normal officer recruitment. congratulations.

    On the Order of the Patriotic War, the hammer and sickle is not native, from the asterisk from the headdress.

    The veterans liked to hang all sorts of badges on themselves, so much so that they could not even see the battle orders in the mass of trinkets.

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