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    @Chris Boonzaier has mentioned the Waterloo Ducat in this post here earlier in this forum. But let me show you one more piece of the most desierable and extremly rare honor ducat given to the bravest of the braves. Only 8 soldier recieved them in a special ceremony on 13th of august 1815 on the doorsteps to Paris. One soldier of each brunswick troop units, so it was one for the Husars, one for the Uhlans, one for the Artillery, one for the Life Bataillon, one for the Rifleman Bataillon, one for the first, one for the second and one for the third Line Bataillon. 


    The ducat shown here is an original ducat from 1814, they were a present from the black duke to his sons, who gave them away as a honor awrad the these eigth soldiers (no officers should get them), a jeweller in Brussels mad the suspension and thight them on a blue ribbon.


    The first drawing of these waterloo honor ducats was shown in 1837 in the Book on the orders and medals of the guelphic houses (Hannover and Brunswick). The one shown here looks exactly like the drawing from 1837 with the suspension. A jeweller has checked it recently and said that golden alloy used for the suspension is old. 


    But to be honest it is impossible to tell, if this one is really one of the eight ducats given away in 1815 or a newer production for a collector who wanted deerly to have one in his collection. The 7 owner of the ducats who were still alive in 1834 had to lay down their ducats and wore the newly founded silver honor cross 2nd class of the order of Henry the Lion. Their ducats stood in their posessions and wasn't given back. 


    So this is a piece you won't see that often. 


    PS: more on this ducat and all the other orders and medals of the duchy on Brunswick can be found here! Only 15 sets left for order, then it is sold out and it won't be reprinted! 


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