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    Doughboy helmet and gasmask

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    Hi all,

    These are also in our local museum collection... a doughboy helmet and gasmask.




    I hope to add more pieces of U.S. militaria in our holdings over time, including not only WWI but also WWII, Korea, etc.

    Dan :cheers:

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    That's a nice helmet, a Brit made MKI rimmed Brodie. I think about 3 or 400,000 were sent to the US troops in France before they had their M17 helmet production up and running.

    Will the museum let you check under the oil cloth? There should be a red Brodie stamp.

    Great gas mask too, is it US made? I can't tell the difference between Brit and US gas masks but both are really quite rare.


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    Indeed, a Brit made one.

    Difference between a US and brit gasmask? About 10 times the price :-( ... man., what I would give for a brit one ....

    I think it's the bit of metal joining the mask and tube, the Brit one obviously made with more expensive material, making it as you mention, out of reach for the bog standard pocket.

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    Hi Chris, hi Tony,

    Thanks for taking a look. So, I take it the helmet (most likely) and the gas mask are both British? I'd have never known! That's definitely something I'll put on my report.

    As far as being able to do "whatever" I've basically got carte blanche. I'm an assistant curator over there more or less. Things are very loose for the most part. I've "sat" at the museum and given the tours, etc. And when no one is coming in I've got all the time in the world to go through, check things out, do pics, you name it.

    So yes, be happy to check out anything ya'll need to know, see, etc. :beer:

    If you could do me a favor... if you happen to know even rough values on any museum stuff I have or will post and could let me know I'd deeply appreciate. As it is they're now getting a couple of vehicles appraised that were donated to them... a Model T truck and roadster. But I know there's no way they can get any of the militaria appraised. I believe they're doing it for insurance purposes to make sure that everything is adequately covered. Probably hasn't been done since Lincoln was President! :cheeky::lol:

    And of course the more information I can give them on stuff, I suspect the more they'll start to pull out from storage, etc. Plus if I ever need to being something home to scan (once I have a scanner), etc. it'll be no problem... although it probably wouldn't be now. But I figure the more I can do for them the better.

    Not to mention that the more accurate the displays and info the better we can inform the public at large when they come to visit.

    Mucho thanks! :D

    Dan :cheers:

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    I was doing a bit of googling at work today and from what I found, it seems that the Brit made gas masks had a black filter for drill purposes.

    Those masks that saw service in a theatre of war had yellow and green filters. The yellow coloured filter appears to be the main one used by US troops.

    There was also a difference in the carrying bag which I found on a reenactor site but there weren't any details, it just said US bags had snaps or something that are to be hidden from view when reenacting in Brit gear.

    As for prices, well, I think it all depends on the country you are in. The US M17 helmet will probably only cost about ?40 in the UK whereas the Brodie pictured would set you back ?100 - ?150. This may or may not reflect prices in the US.

    The price of a Brit box respirator? Silly money. Choose your own 3 figure number (in sterling) and someone somewhere will buy it. I've only ever seen one, that was years and years ago and it was snapped up for ?400.

    If you ever find the differences between British and US masks, please post it.

    As for the difference between the US M17 and Brodie; I think the easiest are the rivets holding the chinstrap bails. Brit ones having the split pin, US having a domed rivet on top and under the brim. There are other differences too like makers and I think the material in the US helmet is grey as opposed to buff. The split pin rivets are the easiest though.


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    Hi all,

    Sorry this took me so long... just been a very busy week. Here are more pics of the helmet and gasmask.

    First off... I checked thoroughly under and inside the lining on the helmet... I could not find a red dot... or anything red for that matter. Hope that's not a biggie.

    But tried to take pics inside to pretty much give you a feel for how it looks.

    Tried to do the same with the gasmask, taking stuff out of the pouch, etc. so hope I managed to show what ya'll need to see.

    Anyhow here goes:




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    Again I hope these show what ya'll need to see on these. But if you have any additional requests you have but to let me know and I'll try to get them as soon as possible.

    Thanks, :cheers:


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    Can't tell you anything about the gas mask except as the nose clip isn't there, it'll more than likely be a late war model.

    I don't know what the bag is either but it's probably US as the only Brit Putnam in the RAMC was a Captain.

    Does the Brodie have a name and number on the chinstrap?

    Below are pics of my Brodies with liners to show you what the stamp looks like. The clean looking one was Brit Brodie used by the US.


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    Can't tell you anything about the gas mask except as the nose clip isn't there, it'll more than likely be a late war model.

    I don't know what the bag is either but it's probably US as the only Brit Putnam in the RAMC was a Captain.

    Does the Brodie have a name and number on the chinstrap?

    Below are pics of my Brodies with liners to show you what the stamp looks like. The clean looking one was Brit Brodie used by the US.


    Hi Tony,

    Basically took pics of all that I could so if it's not in the pics it's not there. That's not to say it might not have been removed, but considering that even the instruction booklet and accessory pack was still attached it looks as if it's very complete.

    Name on the bag is U.S. It was a Sgt. Putnam who also brought back some of the German souvenirs I posted. His name and info was printed on the top of the German Stahlhelm shown in that post:


    Again no such red marking was in the helmet so don't know. I "think" there is at least a name on the chinstrap but it's probably that of Sgt. Putnam. Will try and remember to check next time I'm over there... may not be till the coming weekend at least.

    Thanks! :cheers:


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    • 5 months later...

    I would think about soaking the filter in wd40 or something before it rusts through... it seems to be on its way to falling apart. :o

    Hi Chris,

    I totally agree that something needs to be done. I'll make the recommendation again and see if I can somehow get something decided so it can be taken care of.

    So as far as method of preservation... would soaking in wd40 be the best bet? Would that affect any of the other parts in a negative way? I'd want to go the best route as far as trying to preserve anything they have over there. I've tried to bring up preservation techniques with them before... sent them articles on same. Would love it if they'd send someone (and I'd even be more than willing to go if no one else was willing to take it on) to a conference or seminar on occassion to learn proper museum preservation techniques. But no idea if this is something they'll ever decide to do or not.

    Dan :cheers:

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