I agree certainly worthy of a gallantry award i.e. CGC or MC, but not to decry the mans courage in any way awarding a VC ?? It is harder and harder to in this modern age to be actually considered for any type of gallantry award both civilian or military, this dirty war comes along and suddenly a VC. Read the citation as provided by BJOW. In WW2 RAF pilots were never considered for VC awards for bringing home crippled planes despite suffering multiple injuries and saving their colleugues. Why ? Because there is an element of self preservation. This reads the same to me an element of self preservation in Pte Beharrys actions which given the circumstances is perfectly understandable. So where is the hopless expectation of death in this scenario, putting his own life after the lives of his colleagues in the expectation of self sacrifice. Well it doesn't stand out to me in that citation or am I missing something. Its a bloody shame as all they have done is taint a bloody brave act by in my mind giving an inappropriate award for political reasons. After all the army needs a boost (as well as the government) after all the negative press. When you read WW1 and WW2 citations for the VC it is a bloody different ball game.