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    Ken MacLean

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    Everything posted by Ken MacLean

    1. Frank, Any names attached to the awards you posted? I would like to search for them in the Canada Gazette. Cheers, Ken (MWO RCAF ret.)
    2. Not for wear on a uniform. This item appears to be a "sweetheart" badge; a gift for a wife, girlfriend, etc. There are quite a few similar items currently available on Ebay: http://www.ebay.ca/s...513&_pgn=1]HERE
    3. Pat, Legion Magazine "Last Post" entry. Lieutenant-Commander John O. Aitkens Died 9 May 2005 Age 83 Service Number 01380 Member of Kelowna branch. Cheers, Ken
    4. Leigh, 435662 Private Andrew Surtees is included in the Nominal Roll of the 50th Battalion sailing from Halifax, Nova Scotia on 27 October 1915 aboard S.S. "Orduna". http://www.archive.org/details/CEF_50thBattalion_1915 Cheers, Ken
    5. Christer, I suggest you try to obtain a copy of "Making for Sweden" (1999) by Swedish author Bo Widfeldt. A web search on this title will bring up many hits. This book contains an account of all British and Commonwealth airmen who were interned or died in Sweden during WW2. I corresponded with Bo several years ago seeking information about my brother-in-law, an RCAF pilot interned in Sweden, and he very kindly sent me some information (I could not find the book in Canada). Unfortunately, I no longer have Bo Wildfeldt's e-mail address. Bo Widfeldt is prominent in Swedish aviation history matters, so also suggest you have a look at the Swedish aviation websites. His name and perhaps contact info possibly found there. He also published a second "Making for Sweden" that documents USAAF airmen interned in Sweden. Cheers, Ken
    6. No need to sign up or register to view on-line files Leigh. At the NA Australia home page: http://www.naa.gov.au/ Select the drop-down "Collection" menu at the top of the page and click on "Record Search"; this will take you to a page where you may "Search Now as a guest". Selecting this option will take you to the search screen. Files which have been previously digitized for on-line viewing have a coloured icon beside them. Only necessary to register if you intend to correspond with them for purposes of arranging a personal visit to one of their archive locations or requesting digitization of a file. I believe the link that I posted above has timed-out, so you will have to go in "through the front door" as described above to access the service file.
    7. His service file (65 pages) is on-line at NA Australia. http://naa12.naa.gov.au/scripts/ItemDetail...0&B=3510176
    8. Hello Alexandre, I found some information in the London Gazette. Both of these men served on RAF Squadrons, however they were not members of the RAF, but members of the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF). I did not find any promotion info in the LG for either man but did find their award citations: LG 5 June 1942: Award of Distinguished Flying Medal (DFM). Aus: 402500 Sergeant Adrian Phillip GOLDSMITH, Royal Australian Air Force, No. 126 Squadron. "This pilot has destroyed at least 5 enemy aircraft. On one occasion he dived through a strong enemy fighter screen to destroy a bomber. When engaged by the fighters he shot one of them down." LG 3 July 1942: Award of Distinguished Flying Cross (DFC) - rather long to type, here is the link to the LG page: http://tinyurl.com/6dpg2c Goldsmith's service file is available for viewing at National Archives of Australia. Go to this link, http://www.naa.gov.au/collection/recordsearch.aspx then click on "Search Now-as a guest" and then enter his service number in the "Keyword" field. Sadly, his wife had been killed when the ship she was on was torpedoed in the Atlantic about one month before he was shot down and survived near Darwin, Australia (Spitfire BR526, 452 Squadron). I found only one mention of Waddy in the LG; his file has not been scanned, so not viewable at NA Australia. 21 June 1946: Mentioned in Despatches Aus. 402685 Squadron Leader John Lloyd Waddy.
    9. Robin, Suggest you post this question at www.rafcommands.com Many queries relating to Polish airmen serving in the RAF are posted on this forum. You will find posts there by Franek Grabowski, who may be able to provide info. Cheers, Ken
    10. Any identification on it ? Name, service number etc? Reason I ask is that he has the DFM ribbon up and if his name is known the citation for his award is available on-line. The RCAF had one Pathfinder Squadron, No. 405. However, as a member of the RCAF he could have served on an RAF Pathfinder Squadron. Cheers, Ken
    11. Snoopy, His Royal Highness Prince George, Duke of Kent. He was the fourth son of King George V, born 20 December 1902. He was killed in the crash of a Royal Air Force Sunderland flying boat in northern Scotland on 25 August 1942 while en route to Iceland. At the time of his death he was Chief Welfare Officer of the R.A.F. Home Command and had recently been promoted to the rank of Air Commodore. Cheers, Ken
    12. Perce, This could be your man's crash. From the London Times, a Lancaster from Lindholme crashing on 21 December 1948:
    13. Perce, You mentioned he died as result of an accident in 1948. Do you have his name and the circumstances of his death?
    14. Perce, He is wearing the "S" Brevet - Signaller. Perhaps not an award but something to do with that aircrew specialty?
    15. A new display in the Lebreton Gallery, Canadian War Museum.
    16. The General Duties Branch of the RAF was the aircrew branch; included all commissioned aircrew (officer ranks only); pilots, navigators, bomb aimers etc. There were some non-flying people in the GD Branch, such as Intelligence Officers. There was no citation for his MiD, he was just listed with several hundred other men. Regarding 'duty', where he was posted and what units he was with, I suggest you post the question at RAFCOMMANDS forum. This forum is acknolwledged as the best source of info on Commonwealth airforces on the web. Tell them everything you know about him, include his service number - and I suggest you paste the LG entries I provided in your query to save some duplication of effort-the forum members will appreciate it and it will demonstrate that you have done some digging already. www.rafcommands.com Cheers, Ken
    17. Wing Commander Gavin Forsyth ANDERSON. I found a few London Gazette entries. AUXILIARY AIR FORCE RESERVE OF OFFICERS-GENERAL DUTIES BRANCH in all cases. LG 35114 21 Mar 1941 Flight Lieutenant Gavin Forsyth Anderson (90110) is promoted to the rank of Squadron Leader (temporary) 1st Mar. 1941. LG 35841 27 Dec 1942 Mentioned in despatches, King's New Year List, 1 Jan 43. No citation. LG 36041 1 Jun 43 Sqn. Ldr. (tempy.) granted the rank of Sqn. Ldr. (war subs.):- G.F. ANDERSON (90110) 1st Mar 43 LG 36092 13 Jul 43 Sqn. Ldr. G.F. ANDERSON (90110) to be Wg. Cdr. (tempy.) 1st Jul 43.
    18. Everything about us was 'unofficial' as I recall Station Bandmasters must have had a great deal of autonomy in selecting uniform accoutrements, and they only reported to the Station Commander so there were variations in uniform add-ons on different Stations. The bandmaster was the only professional musician, the other members being volunteers with other 'real jobs' in the Air Force Uniform was normally a modified No. 5 Best Blue with a single inverted chevron on both lower sleeves, shoulder frogs and 1" wide stripe down outside trouser seams, all in old gold. Normal rank badges on upper sleeve and the lyre badge on the wedgie or peaked cap.
    19. I wore this one 1960's-70's, RCAF Station Bands
    20. Is there a 'central archive' of records available in Germany for research of individual German soldiers of 1914-1918? Or were such records kept by Prussia, Bavaria, Wurtemburg, etc., and if so, did they survive and where are they? I am wondering if for 1914-1918, there is a service similar such as Deutche Dienststelle (WASt), which offers a tracing service for Wehrmacht KIA/Missing during WW2.
    21. Tony, The 43rd Inf Bn was in bivouac at BRICKFIELDS CAMP, ALBERT on the 7th October 1916. The Bn left bivouacs at 2.00 p.m on the 7th to relieve a portion of the 32nd Bn in the trenches between WEST MIRAMOUNT ROAD & EAST MIRAMOUNT ROAD. The Bn assaulted REGINA TRENCH at 4:50 a.m. on the 8th (unsuccessfully-they could not get through the German barbed wire and fell back to their jumping-off points). Total O.R casualties 7-8 Oct were 10 killed, 240 wounded and 120 missing. They were back in bivouac at TARA HILL near ALBERT 11:00 pm 9th October. Here are the relevant War Diary pages: http://data2.collectionscanada.ca/e/e045/e001110431.jpg http://data2.collectionscanada.ca/e/e045/e001110432.jpg
    22. Tony, The majority of Flight Engineers on RCAF squadrons were members of the RAF. I have added the crew positions to the names below from their CWGC records. From Richard Koval's 6 Group (RCAF) pages: "90 Halifaxes from 408, 415, 420, 425, 426, and 432 Squadrons were joined by 110 Lancasters from 419, 424, 427, 428, 429, 431, 433, and 434 Squadrons on an attack of the rail yards at Leipzig. The crews were over the target at between 15,500 and 19,000 feet, releasing 1,532,000 lbs of high explosives. According to reports, the weather was good and severe damage was caused. F/O R. Grisdale (Pilot) RCAF and crew, flying Lancaster I PB-903 coded BM-F, failed to return from this operation. Sgt R. Thurston RAF - Flight Engineer F/O I. Zierler RCAF - Navigator F/O W. McLeod RCAF - Air Bomber P/O J. Hirak RCAF - Wireless Op./Air gunner P/O F. Seeley RCAF - Air Gunner P/O D. Roberts RCAF - Air Gunner All were killed. According to witnesses, this Lancaster was hit by flak, the stbd inner was seen to be feathered. Then a small explosion was seen, the aircraft flipped onto its back and spiraled to the ground. No parachutes were seen." See http://www.rcaf.com/6group/left.html Click on 'Daily Operations' Cheers, Ken
    23. Hi David, Glad to assist. I suggest you post this query at the RAF COMMANDS forum: www.rafcommands.com Probably the best source of info for RAF/Commonwealth airforces personnel on the web. I suggest you include the LG info I provided in my previous post to prevent members there from "hoeing the same ground". You may also wish to enquire if anyone on forum has copies of the 14 Sqn ORBs, as they should provide a record of his comings and goings while on that Sqn. Cheers, Ken
    24. Found the following London Gazette entries for him: Supplement to the LG 29 Sep 1942: To be Pilot Officer on probation (emergency) 28 May 1942; Temporary Warrant Officer 581272 Andrew Edwin CHAPLIN, D.F.M. (49571). Supplement to LG 12 Jan 1943: To be Flying Officer (war substantive) 28 Nov 1942; A.E. CHAPLIN, D.F.M. (49571). Supplement to LG 16 Jun 1944: To be Flight Lieutenant (war substantive) 28 May 1944; A.E. CHAPLIN, D.F.M. (49571). Supplement to LG 30 Dec 1947: To be extended service as Flying Officer (four years on the active list) 18 Dec 1945 (seniority 28 May 1943); Andrew Edwin CHAPLIN, D.F.M. (49571)
    25. Looks like a British MkIV "Tadpole" c. mid-1917, so named for it's extended rear end designed to improve trench-crossing capabilities. See lot no. 295 in this auction list from 2005, reserve price ?17.50; sounds like your Tank- is yours about 114mm long? http://www.gosscollectorsclub.org/auctions/september06.htm
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