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    Everything posted by I_♥_Police

    1. Reminds me of the old saying 'the more things change, the more they stay the same'. Just goes to show everything comes full circle in the end thanks for letting us know by the way as I had no idea whatosever
    2. Nothing unfortunately and a Google search reveals little. Shame really.
    3. Very interesting. Thanks for posting and first example I have seen. On a side note, someone has changed the Ministry of Defence Police page on Wikipedia to a new logo with CiiR however it has been changed back so I assume this may be 'fan made'? I have not seen anything on Force twitters or facebook announcing they have changed cap badges which would likely be done. The Met would surely be one of the first but this does not seem to have happened yet.
    4. Feels very strange using KPM and KGM abbreviations. Just not used to it.
    5. Great mockup, well done. It probably wont look much different to that, other than the 5 pounds bit. I wonder what the new special constabulary one will look like also
    6. Sounds like an awesome career. Congratulations. Hopefully one day I will get mine one day. I can see them being a thing of the past though at some stage as I can forsee a time where no one will stay as long as 20 years.
    7. I really do hope so. I think theres a good chance of it, however who am I to say. Too soon I would have thought at the moment. For the jubilee, they authorised the wearing of ribbons before the jubilee medals were given out, but theres no mention of anything like that yet and it hasnt even been announced.
    8. I personally think that certainly for the Police it should be every officer of five years by the date of coronation, however I fear they wont do that due to costs.
    9. I can see it being a very long time before any change. Who am I to say, however what I can see being a possibility is that forces with EIIR on the badges, such as the Met, having to change it. I can forsee other forces who have a county arms in the centre of the badges, such as Essex for example, keeping it albeit with the Queens Crown due to costing issues. I hope I am wrong, however.
    10. Basically I got what looked to be a fairly standard reply saying that HMG had a committee looking at how emergency services/keyworkers etc should be recognised and thanks but absolutely nothing more than that. I remember a few press articles saying about a Covid medal which seems like a possibility as they brought out an Ebola medal so who knows. I have never seen a Covid recognition committee release any official documents about this etc. I know a number of forces gave out little pin badges to say thanks, but not a medal by any means. Basically I got what looked to be a fairly standard reply saying that HMG had a committee looking at how emergency services/keyworkers etc should be recognised and thanks but absolutely nothing more than that. I remember a few press articles saying about a Covid medal which seems like a possibility as they brought out an Ebola medal so who knows. I have never seen a Covid recognition committee release any official documents about this etc. I know a number of forces gave out little pin badges to say thanks, but not a medal by any means.
    11. Could cause some ill feeling if its only those who were present at the actual event, rather than the standard 5 years service, but I suppose thats the way the cookie crumbles.
    12. I wonder if it will actually look something like that and how long it will take each force to have a new one made and send them out what with the economic issues in Policing. I wodner also if they will issue a new medal for the change of the monarch?
    13. I fear one day this medal may be seldom awarded, what with recruitment and retention issues. Who am I to say, however, it just seems like this is a long time in the job of the modern day. Without overtaking another thread, while this one is still 'warm' and has attention - I really do wonder when and if the emergency services (and others possibly) will be awarded the promised Covid response medal and what the criteria would be.
    14. I wonder when and if the UK will issue a medal to all emergency services who were serving during Covid?
    15. Just as a quick aside to this, Dave and all, hope no one minds but I've seen several CoLP helmets online etc bearing the 'E999' on the number area of the plate. I take it for so many of these to be in circulation with what I would say is an unusual epaulette number means they are not genuine plates? Many thanks indeed,
    16. I have today emailed the Prime Ministers Office as per the contact details on the official website asking when the Covid medal may be as the Prime Minister has announced a UK Commission on COVID Commemoration some time ago which was in several newspapers and online etc.
    17. Such a shame that no official Covid medal has appeared yet. I did email the MOD medals team, although I appreciate it its not an MOD medal alone, and they just gave a standard response. The issue the criteria makers may have though surely is who gets it. Is it going to be Police/fire/ambulance/army? But then if you do that the NHS will want it as well as shop workers who were classed as key workers during Covid so not everyone will be pleased. Also, during the pandemic certainly in the Police alot of frontline officers are/were probationers and if the usual 5 year rule applies then that will go down badly and feel very sore indeed.
    18. Such a shame that no official Covid medal has appeared yet. I did email the MOD medals team, although I appreciate it its not an MOD medal alone, and they just gave a standard response. The issue the criteria makers may have though surely is who gets it. Is it going to be Police/fire/ambulance/army? But then if you do that the NHS will want it as well as shop workers who were classed as key workers during Covid so not everyone will be pleased. Also, during the pandemic certainly in the Police alot of frontline officers are/were probationers and if the usual 5 year rule applies then that will go down badly and feel very sore indeed.
    19. Incredible to think that last time I commented on this it was 2010!! Seems like another world with how much everything has changed! Mervyn (RIP) was giving me advice as can be seen in earlier pages. Awesome info on the duty arm bands.
    20. Hi all, Long time watcher, small time poster here. I had to comment though to say what a fantastic collection of City of London police memorabilia! Goodnes me, I was honestly shocked at it haha. Don't suppose you have a similiar one for the Met or a larger image of this one? We have corresponded before Dave, however you will likely not remember me but I did buy your book a couple of years back. This website may well be of interest to anyone looking to see CoLP memorabilia (I dont have a connection to it at all ) - https://citypolice.tripod.com/ Kind regards, Jack
    21. I still have not applied yet because I am still 17. First, I am trying to find work so that I have some life/work experience because I have heard from many sources that they value that. What with many forces having a hold on recruitment, I am starting to think that joining first as a Special or PCSO first will be a good way to get my foot in the door, if you like. Thanks for asking, though, and yes still keen on joining.
    22. From what I have read, I believe they were discontinued in about 1968 time. An interesting thing to point out, is that the only officers exempt from wearing the armband were officers attached to the traffic department due to the safety implications of them snagging on an indicator arm or the like.
    23. Hello Rod. How old were you when you started collecting?
    24. Certainly, what a good way to put it. From the posts I have seen, Mervyn seems to be very knowledgeable and I am learning already. Not sure about the other two as you and Mervyn are the first members I have talked to since joining, which was only the other day. Jack.
    25. Hi again. I am below the minimum recruitment age for police in the UK which is 18, but I have always wanted to make a career out of it and plan to try as soon as I am old enough. I collect anything to do with British police forces, with an emphasis on the Metropolitan Police. Jack. Also, from your profile I see you are ex-job and was in service with The Met? Please tell me about yourself and what you collect if you don't mind :)
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