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    Everything posted by kapten_windu

    1. Thank you Chris.. Hmm, i think i need a WW2 British army/airforce tunic for a place to display the medals, but i think i'll buy it later (need budget for some other priority target) At least i have started my British section on my collection.. ;)
    2. This bar is on my hand and have been fixed! I wonder which division does this medal bar belong to? Can it be Ghurka's? Defence medal's criteria is for 'non-operational service', so this bar belongs to an instructor/admin/airfield crew? I think it's almost impossible researching an individual who got this bar because no name on the stars and this is a common bar, isn't it? So this is my summary: This man (army,navy, or airforce) was served on a division in Burma/Malaya/Sumatra/Bengal; he was on non-operational service (an instructor/airfield crew/admin/other) Any opinions? Windu
    3. Thanks for the advice Mervyn..! I got them $68 for total to Indonesia.. Will be shipped this week from UK.. I think i have a good deal.. Windu
    4. Well, this is my first acquisition on British medal, someone offer me this: 1939-1945 star defence medal burma star war medal well, i think i must re-arranged the position of the Burma star and defence medal how's your opinion, Gentlemen? Windu
    5. a lovely one, isn't it? and also the condition is very very good.. windu
    6. I just realized that today i'm 20 and not a teenage anymore.. :P

      1. Show previous comments  2 more
      2. kapten_windu


        thank you gentlemen.. :)

      3. Chris Liontas

        Chris Liontas

        ROFL!!! Welcome to the "sir" club!! Happy Bday (late - sorry :( )

      4. kapten_windu
    7. that's a fake, you can find many of them on ebay
    8. The news taken from Antara News Agency 2 days before: Jakarta, May 6 (ANTARA): The Japanese government is to decorate the chairman of the Indonesian Regional Representatives Council (DPD), Ginandjar Kartasasmita, in recognition of his valuable contributions to closer Japan-Indonesia relations, the council said. Kartasasmita would receive a medal of merit called "the Grand Cordon of the Order of the Rising Sun", the DPD said in a statement on Tuesday. The Japanese emperor was expected to confer the award on Kartasasmita at a ceremony to be held in the Japanese Imperial Palace on Thursday, the DPD said.
    9. Very fast! your point.. interesting isn't it? how's a carrier ship turn it's duty from military to be a hotel&casino.. :P
    10. Hi Emmanuel, thank you for posting.. The breast star in my photo is earlier than yours (please notice the word GERILJA and GERILYA The changes from J to Y probably happens in 1970's Windu
    11. you're welcome.. more: Ginandjar Kartasasmita receives The Grand Cordon of The Order of The Rising Sun (8 Mei 2008)(sorry, the photo is small):
    12. Thank you for pass this honor to me Dan! An easy one: i used to be a pride for the Soviet navy, but now i move to Asia and become a hotel&casino, who am I? :jumping:
    13. Hugh, i have no knowledge about that, but as i knew luk is not weaken the blade as long as the Empu (person who make kris) have good work & quality control on his kris.. (remember, in ancient period an Empu can only produced 1-2 special Kris in a year!) Mervyn, i haven't study much about Kris's history, but in fact most of the Kris style (the 'dhapur' like the pictures above) were designed during Singosari Kingdom (12-13th century) and Majapahit Kingdom (14-15th century).. Majapahit was a great kingdom and occupied most of Indonesian Archipelago, Malayan peninsula, and Southern Philipines.. All of that area were influenced by Majapahit style of Kris, but after the Majapahit kingdom collapse, the little kingdoms which used to be occupied by Majapahit developed their own style but still include the basic Majapahit style.. Singosari and Majapahit kingdom were a Hindu and Buddhist kingdom, not a Islam sultanate.. Java, Moro, Bali and some other island also have a huge Kris (with blade more than 70cm!) but that's very rare.. Burma, Thailand, and other Indochina area were not occupied by Majapahit, so they were not influenced by Majapahit style.. :)
    14. From Indonesia: Honorary celebration: Japanese Ambassador to Indonesia Kojiro Shiojiri (right) shakes hand with Jakob Oetama, Kompas Gramedia Groups’s president commissioner, after the latter receives an honor of “The Order of the Rising Sun, Gold Rays with Neck Ribbon” from the Japanese government at the ambassadorial residence In his speech, Shiojiri said Jakob had contributed to the develop-ment of bilateral ties through the publication on Japanese culture and bilateral cooperations in Kompas, the largest daily newspaper in Indonesia.
    15. Thanks for posting Dan.. Don't worry about $$, most of Indonesian item are in low prices.. Windu
    16. Kris with Luk more than 13 is wrong according to the Javanese Palace's rule, but there are many kinds of them on the society.. Next i'll post about them.. :)
    17. Luk 13 ' alt='' class='ipsImage' > ' alt='' class='ipsImage' >
    18. wonderful research!! thank you for posting, it make us have more knowledge about golden kites.. Excellent work..!! Windu
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