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    Everything posted by Naxos

    1. Kaufhaus Rudolph Herzog, Berlin (a large Department Store). Hertzog owned the first car in Berlin (1901) Am 8. Juni 1901 kaufte sich der Berliner ?Warenhausk?nig? Rudolph Hertzog das erste Automobil der Stadt, ein Cabriolet der Marke ?Horch? mit schwarzem Lederverdeck. Er lie? es beim Polizeipr?sidenten unter der Nummer ?IA-1? registrieren. Hieraus entstand die allgemeine Kennzeichnung der Berliner Kraftfahrzeuge mit ?IA?, die in Ostberlin sogar bis 1990 G?ltigkeit besa?. Kaiser Wilhelm II. wollte seinen sp?ter erworbenen ?Daimler? nicht mit der Nummer 2 fahren, sondern bat den Polizeipr?sidenten um Erteilung der an Hertzog bereits vergebenen Kennzeichnung IA-1. Hertzog lehnte eine andere Kennzeichnung ab. Hierauf klagte der Polizeipr?sident im Namen des Kaisers, doch dieser unterlag vor dem Gericht. Die ?1? geh?rte Hertzog, nicht dem Kaiser, der, weil er nicht als ?Zweiter? gelten wollte, k?nftig in seinem Daimler mit Genehmigung der Polizei ohne Nummer fuhr. Der angeblich so obrigkeitliche Staat konnte nicht einmal eine vom Kaiser gew?nschte Autokennzeichnung durchsetzen. Das Recht hatte Vorrang.? (Ehrhardt B?decker, Preu?en und die Wurzeln des Erfolgs, 2004, S. 161-162).
    2. Nice pictures Thomas - Look how proud he marches. Do you think (besides not having served in the Baden-Baden voluntary Fire Department for over 25 years) Reddemann would have missed a photo opportunity to sport his WWI medal bar?
    3. Looks like him - but I doubt it is. The man that is the expert on Flammenwerfer is a member here. His name is Bob Lembke, send him a PM Bob's profile: http://gmic.co.uk/index.php?showuser=3014 Hardy
    4. Freistaat-Baden, twenty-five years service in the voluntary Fire Department - was awarded from 1920 to 1934. I'm not sure about the medal, it's not the 40 year service medal - perhaps it's the Grossherzoglich Badische Rettungsmedaille Hardy
    5. Kurt Max Theodor Wasserburger, from K?ln (Cologne) born on April 5 1916, was killed on April 9 1944 half a kilometer north of Beljakowa (Russia, near the Latvian border). At the time of his death he held the rank of Unteroffizier. Wasserburger is a very uncommon name - there are only 6 men KIA by that name in all of WWII and only 1 K (Kurt) Wasserburger.
    6. Good points Les - besides that the boards are in the rank of Oberst - Hundrich was not with the 26th as such. Hardy
    7. Strafen: keine Has taken part in the following battles: see attachement Awards: ?RJE medal, Austrian? PRLM3, ? (Rick can help you with the abbreviations) EK2 (iron cross) Dec. 30, 1914 Milit?r-Verdienst-Kreuz 2, Sept. 12, 1916 P EK1 (prussian iron cross 1st class), Oct. 29 1917 ?Abz.2 (?) Dec. 24, 1917 Promotions: Apr. 27 1916 Vizefeldwebel March 1 1918 Offiziersstellvertreter Nov. 11 1918 etatm?ssiger Wachtmeister On March 25, 1919 he was transferred to the Battery. signed by the former Battery Commander Oberleutnant Egersdoerfer (corrected, thanks Uwe) Hardy
    8. No Stammrolle (serial number): 60 f?r Regiments Musik (regimental musik) June 19 1906 promoted to Gefreiter Sept 25 1908 promoted to Unteroffizier Nov. 16 1913 promoted to Sergeant
    9. The crown and cypher is for F?silier-Regiment von Gerdsdorff (1. Kurhessisches) Nr.80 Hardy
    10. It would make sense as bait to attract enemy aircraft - then hit them with the camouflaged FLAK Sorry Rick but it's JPG
    11. Dummy cannon, just a toy - or what? Men from the Flugabwehr-Kanonen-Zug 113 July 1916 attached to the 111. Infanterie-Division
    12. No, you were close - an Offiziers-Stellvertreter wore the insignia of a Vizefeldwebel (Vizewachtmeister for Kavallerie and Feldartillerie) with additional Tressen around the shoulder straps. Hardy
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