The regimental history of the I.R. 155 (2) describes the heights as follows
"......The bloody, notorious Höhe 304, endless desolation filled with grief and damnation. Neither trees nor rocks, neither grass nor clods of earth could survive here. Shellhole overlapped shellhole, no more trace of field or meadow. Shells and mines have wiped away everything, leaving nothing but a desert, empty, inhabited only by death.
The green cloak of life has been ripped from the earth, brown and naked she lies there, ripped and turned over. Blackened by explosions, yellowed by powder, the earth is covered with splinters, human remains and military equipment. The smell of decay hangs heavily over the field of battle.
Here, in this pestilant corner,in their scanty, half destroyed trenches and mud filled bunkers live the companies, engaged in an endless and bitter fight with the enemy- death and destruction wherever one looked."