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    Chris Boonzaier

    Old Contemptible
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    Everything posted by Chris Boonzaier

    1. Hi, but the Ehrenkreuz cant be on the extreme right of the bar... it would have to have been in the Hansacross place I think.
    2. Hi Les, the sniper version od the Gew98 has the bolt turned down, here is a really nice one... http://www.google.de/imgres?imgurl=http://www.warhistoryonline.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/GEWEHR_98_45.jpg&imgrefurl=https://www.warhistoryonline.com/living-history/german/german-weapons/german-rifles/gewehr-98-standard-german-infantry-rifle-of-world-war-i&h=440&w=838&tbnid=qjb9JC5K4qaa_M:&tbnh=90&tbnw=171&usg=__plKeo4NOBQ3e_yCXeWHr1M7yNsg=&docid=3BxCNpWFpmesyM&sa=X&ved=0CCcQ9QEwAmoVChMI0e6uqKaNyAIVww8sCh1dZQtV I am guessing it may be a G98 with the stock cut short, the front sight is a Gew98 one I think?
    3. Maybe in the 30s the Ehrenkreuz was Pflicht or compulsory and not having the time/Money/desire to go through getting a whole new bar he just exchanged the two for peace and quiet? At the local NSFK or SA meeting the missing Ehrenkreuz would be noted, but states awards less so?
    4. Has anyone ever seen this variation? It seems to be stamped from an alloy of some sort...
    5. Hi, on the front someone wrote "2GR" on the back someone else wrote "Garde regt zu Fuss Nr. 4" ... but from the piping it looks like GRzF 1 ?
    6. I usually see sniper photos with guys hamming it up with the rifle, but here is a nice private shot, unfortunately no Regt number, but proper dusty boots... So often we see tiny guys where the G98 reaches their shoulder.... here a couple of guys where it only reaches the belly.... Rifle...
    7. Those are really, really, really amazing ! I am still on the lookout for the right Helmet to decorate :-)
    8. Hi, will post it when it arrives. It relates to the plain blue one with red band and red piping, Best Chris
    9. Hi Claudio, Nice badge! I have seen the basic one like mine, then a version with oakleaves, and now with oakleaves and "25" ... For the bigger one with the crown, I am going to go out on a limb and doubt Nimmerguts catagory. There are the established membership pins (I assume newbie, 10 year and 25 year) and I don see the big badge simply being there as a unusual or unofficial Association badge. As it came out of a Generals group (Leib Regt officer during the war) I am guessing that it is some kind of Merit badge or distinction within the association? I have been looking for Leib Regiment items for quite a few years and this is the only one I have seen, so I would go 2-3 times what Nimmergut quotes ;-) The Leib Regt association actually predates WW1, so not Reichswehr time. I have to look but I think I have association membership certificates from 1905-06. If you brother wants to trade... ;-)
    10. All nice... but Rudi, wow! Both are fantastic, I am probably alone in finding the bottom one as the sexier of the two...
    11. Hi, Is there any difference between the Blue hats as used by Bavarians/Prussians/Saxons etc other than the cockade ) Thanks Chris
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