Well, it was a long battle, and there was no victory :-(
Some time ago a Jeweller sold a group on ebay, I managed to get MOST of it... awards and documents to a guy in a MGSSA... EK2, Braunschweig Cross, Cased EK1, Ehrenkreuz, Treuedienstkreuz.....
I missed the Sachsen Anhalt Friedrichskreuz and document (went for EUR190) , but was able to get the details of the buyer.
After many efforts, including trading him another Anhalts Kreuz with award document, AND almost EUR400 extra in trade (yes, i became desperate), he still refused. I have to respect his descision, but it really bites not to be able to complete the group... :-(
The sticking point is/was that it was an early 1915 award. IMHO it does not really add any value to the Document and award, so you can understand my frustration :-(
I need to go cry in my beer tonight.... sigh.....