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    Chris Boonzaier

    Old Contemptible
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    Everything posted by Chris Boonzaier

    1. He has 2 Erhardt badges, the sleeve unit badge and the award next to his EK1. Collar badges are I assume a post Erhardt service... Would be interesting to know his career... There must also have been a number of "Walts" around back then, wearing things to impress the guys in the Pub...
    2. I am guessing that this guy was up in Baltikum /Schlesien /east Prussia after the Kapp Putsch and that the Skull and collar badges are from then.
    3. Its a navy wound badge, the other badge with the EK1 is the one given to the guys for a years service in the Freikorps Ehrhardt. Nice selection of stuff on the guy.
    4. Maxim, once again, hats off. We have lots of folks collecting "top" awards, but few who have recieved them!
    5. I am not a huge fan of this kind of stuff, but just bought 2 nice pieces over Ebay. I will post them when they arrive. In the meantime, lets see what you guys have? Best Chris
    6. If I remember right the 57 EK1 had the same hardwar as his WW2 one.
    7. It looks to be a signals badge, although what this one is I have no idea. Is it "FQ" underneath?
    8. The next part.... The diary is slowly coming to an end...... 4.III.16 Draining the water from the I./R.16 trenches is out of the question. 7.III.16 Relieved last night at 04:00 by II./16 From 28.II 07:00am until now there were 4 dead and 8 wounded in the company. Other Companies had more (losses). Hauptmann Raffloer. 8.III.16 Last night no Glühwein, no redwine. (Today) drank a bottle of red wine. Pleasently warm. Sleeping quarters, slept well but acid reflux in the morning. 06:00 orders to get ready. Depart at 11:00. Only 1 day of rest. 10:00 mealtime, 11:00 depart for the Regimentsschlucht. Upon reaching Beaumont distribution of handgrenades and bullets. Exchanged a Kalipatrone (?). Everyone is heavily laden. Right turn along the Kolonenweg, over the heights. In the forest a shell explodes 5m in front of the company. 2 wounded. Hadeln in the eye, Barusch in the abdomen. Cover in the ravine. Then over the heights. All high ground and depressions covered in shellhole after shellhole. Under fire again. In ravine our 21cm Mörser fire. Hear and see. “Marsch.Marsch” (Double time) over the crossing. Terrible sights, countless dead horses and wagons. 03:00 the Regimentsschlucht under French Artillery fire. The planned assault is delayed by a day. 16 Artillery pieces captured at Douaumont. A warm place found at the 7th Pioniers, the company digs in. By the 5.II 115 Artillery pieces and 161 machine guns captured. 5 heavy French attacks beaten off with heavy losses. Many prisoners, much material. Letter from dear wife, 5.III.16 9.III.16 Little sleep. Cold. Infantry and machinegun fire. At Dusk the field kitchen brings coffee. At 12:00 ready to march. Attack postponed as Left wing not far enough forward. In the night heavy artillery. 2. Komp has 3 dead, Pioniers 8 wounded. They are in a more dangerous position than we are. It is a terrible chaos. It is memories and hope that keep us alive. Al least some warm soup. Field Kitchen under fire. As it is cramped everyone has to lay on their side. 10.III.16 04:00 orders, 04:45 ready for combat, then standdown. Rations arrive at dusk, thank God. I drink coffee. Wrapped my feet, layed down. 02:00 pm in position, trenches filthy 1 Card from wife. In the evening heavy artillery fire Hauptmann Feierabend badly wounded, Blank lightly wounded. Bursche and a number of others killed. 11.III.16 04:30 mann the trench. 2. and 3. Company back. Hauptmann Andre acting Battalion commander (Bataillonsführer) Evening in positions, freezing, heavy artillery and mortar fire because of our patrol. Ordered the men to dig/improve positions. 12.III 06:00 handgrenade attack by R/16. unfortunately no great success. More dead and 30 – 40 wounded due to heavy artillery. Bösel, father of 3, killed. At 08:00am relieved by 1/16, filthy from head to toe. Rest. Report about the Leutnant Möhlmann pump affaire. III./16 relieves. Our fieldkitchen with 4 horses runs away due to artillery fire, not yet found. Fieldkitchen found safe and sound in Fay Wäldchen (Copse) Leutnant d. Res Ruhstadt joins Company. 13.III.16 04:00 am, 2 Company relieved. II Section is left flank of Regt. Beautiful weather, wrote a number f letters. Minenwerfer to our left is firing, getting the range. Afterwards the quiet moment was over. French artillery is searching for our Minenwerfer. They did not find them, but fired on our left flank. Have never before seen such intense fire. Unteroffizier Barras and his group in the advanced lookout Sap white with shock. An never before experienced intensity. 10 German planes in the air at once. A dogfight as the dashing lads chase each other. Towards evening it quieted down. If the Minenwerfer had not fired the day would have been calm. The night stayed calm and we could recover from the long hours of the day. Thank God all went well. A shell had landed 1m away from me. It half buried some people (none wounded), but I was just showered with clods and splinters. At 03:00 checked the positions. 14.III.16 At 06:00am relieved by the 1/16. covered from top to bottom with mud. Rest, nice weather. A few letters to the wife, Heinrich and Friedrich, Card to August. Orders received, we will be relieved by I.R. 159 after 1 month in the mud. We will go to Champneuville. If it will be restfull, we shall see.
    9. Is that thing good? The quality does not impress me. Best Chris
    10. Does anyone have a reference with field emplacements? Especially the "regulation" dugout for a minenwerfer 76mm? Thanks Chris
    11. Here is a nice Helmet on the left... Wish I had one... :-(
    12. Here is a Photo of von Kluck, and Major Wetzel/Wetsel? and Oberst Winkler. Does anyone know what unit the last two served in? Photo is probably pre March 1915.
    13. Thanks Guys. I am surprised the EK1 bar is not identified, I thought that would be easier than an EK2. Best Chris
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