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    Chris Boonzaier

    Old Contemptible
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    Everything posted by Chris Boonzaier

    1. I have read the book this week and had the same thoughts! :-) They would have supported the Leib Regt when Schörners 12th Company took Höhe 1114!!!
    2. Hi, unfortunately not, there are 2-3 pages about the fight at Champien, but no mention. I think if he had been an Lt. he would have gotten a mention....
    3. Hi, for many years I had advanced the theory that there must have been an order in 1916 that recipients were to recieve Preliminary documents as there was a hugs wave of documents in early 1916 for awards made in 1914-15. Wernitz managed to dig up info confirming this in his book. The Germans had planned a standard postwar award document as had happened in 1813 and 1870, so many units did not issue docs at the beginning of the war (although many others did on their own initiative) then in 1916 orders came down that all units should.... which is what happened here.
    4. I picked this up last week.... I have a great weakness for this division and have an article up about them at Bertrix... http://kaiserscross.com/41815/41824.html He was the 5th EK1 of the Regt and the 1st NCO to get it... and for actions rerally early in the war indeed....
    5. Does anyone have a direct link to the Ranglisten and Stammrollen? I only find the photo collections..... https://www.landesarchiv-bw.de/highlight_hp3.php?hl_link=https://www.landesarchiv-bw.de/web/58589&q=regiment
    6. Hi, the one on the left is an ultra rare item (I know, a term used very often in the hobby), it is the Officers Ring for Bavarian Leib Regiment, for 24 Months in the front line. The second is a Leib Regt commercial Ring for soldiers serving/or who had served in the regt and the one on the right is the Other ranks ring for 24 Months on the front. The officers ring is not pictured in this article, but here is an article about the Leiberring... http://kaiserscross.com/69501/566501.html Thanks :-) Yeah, I tried a few possibilities, but rings are very hard to display indeed.... they look like nothing... or like very little.... it is only by displaying them like this that someone looking at them thinks "well, they must be something special if displayed like that!"
    7. ... I completed the mounting today.... Am very pleased with the result....... :-)
    8. Damn.... it has never been my intention to collect beer mugs... but this was too good to pass up...... unlike the 1st 2 mugs in the thread this is a REAL Reservist one, he served 1907-09 in München.... called up at the outbreak of the war he marched out with the Leib Regt.... and here is the big coincidence.... 65 Men were killed at Saarburg..... One of them was the owner of the first mug shown.... and another of them was Johann Berkmiller...... the owner of this one.... without even intending to I seem to be attracting dead mens mugs.... I think it is time I researches Saarburg in detail .....
    9. For what it represents historically, the ring is actually pretty small.... So I adapted a frame to make a small shadow box...
    10. The coincidence continues with Tuesdays mail... if emails from the post office can be trusted..... :-)
    11. Hi, agreed, the portrait I want is the 1st Pic you posted. If I get the enlargement of the last one it is purely to make out the details on what ring he is wearing.
    12. This may be the closest one.... it is a 720dpi pic.... the Bundesarchiv has a 2500dpi version.... I am wondering if it is worth the EUR15 to get the bigger one.....
    13. I have a big weakness for that legion of that era....
    14. Best to keep any discussion about his post 1918 life seperate.... for me he is like OJ Simpson, there was early OJ... and later OJ.... up until 1918 Schörner was the man....
    15. Indeed... the Leiber addiction.... that is probably the key.... I put the value on the bar BECAUSE he was a Leiber.... if he had been any other unit I would still recognise the Historical significance, but would also not have been interested in paying the price ;-)
    16. OK, some reflection here...... The photo we see is him wearing a medal bar before the Anchluss I think we can assume he would have had a new bar done after he recieved the anchluss medal. I would find it very unusual that someone of his rank did not have his medal bars up to date. With reflection I dont see any reason to doubt this was his immediate prewar/wartime bar, with the caveat that, like with ANY bar, there is always a tiny possibility that it was remounted at some time, but that possibility exists with any bar a collector has had in his collection since 1945. But I don't see any signs that should make us suspicious? As far as price goes, if I had had the money ready I would have grabbed it. And pray I get the chance somewhere down the line. I think the docs with the bar would have been worth about eur1500-2000 to me on their own. Can we really say that a medal bar like this is not worth 3-4 times more than the same bar to an anonymous officer? If his Militärpass had been to Leutnant Arsch it would have been worth EUR50. I ended up paying EUR1900 (with fees) (and i am not a millionaire collector) and for me it is worth every penny. So 38 times the cost if it had not been his. Owning this bar is owning a piece of history... the EUR1500 version to an unknown recipient is for me no barometer to measure it. Just my 8c worth... :-)
    17. Fantastic. Your talent knocks me over with drunken delight!
    18. Hi, thanks, do you have any ideas for the one next to the EK2? awarded 15 April 1915? Looks to be Ernestinischen as well... All the best Chris
    19. Hi, This man was a Feldwebel in 1914 in the Leib Grenadier Regt 100.... Who can figure out the awards? :-)
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