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    Chris Boonzaier

    Old Contemptible
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    Everything posted by Chris Boonzaier

    1. It was comman practice to remove the spike from the spiked helmet when going into combat in wooded areas (for example)..... how many were captured like this... a "legit" way of wearing them.... Raiding parties would remove their shoulder boards.... what did they do when they had sewn in ones? Did the Bavarian M15 (16?) jackets have a collar in the same color green as the rest of the jacket... or do all collars have a different color green? anyone have any good photos of the water containers used to bring water to the front lines? All these questions and more.... watch this space...
    2. Hi, David Gregory and I are working on getting more info together to increase what is on the site. I must look but I think there is a mention of collins scouts. From what I can find, motorised vehicules were used for a number of things, but not by the commandoes. I will check my notes and see what i can find. Welcome to the site !!!
    3. http://cgi.ebay.de/Alter-franzoesischer-St...1QQcmdZViewItem
    4. Here you go.... The really nice thing is, I have a group MVO4th class, EK1 and 2 and a few other things to a Lt. in the same Battalion who took command of the 6th Company where this guy was serving as a Vizefeldwebel section commander. So these two guys must have really known each other well.
    5. You are not thwe only one... from the Uniform, 1970s porno star moustache and the lazy look I thought he was an Iraqi general.....
    6. I have wanted one of these for ages, but like so many doc collectors I always think medals are uninteresting because there is no story to them. I was lucky enough to pick this up with the doc and the citation..... The slightly flattened edges are because someone had this in a vice many moons ago....
    7. I stopped getting that when they stopped having the centrefold. Anything interesting in the article? Best Chris
    8. And no air in those old fashioned tires must have played hell on his haemorrhoids ! To add to his reputation as a pedantic beamte.... In 1919-1920 he was still writing letters to the Govt saying they owed him a bicycle.... there had been none availible when they had gone to war... so he had to borrow/take his fathers.... and now the war was over.... pappy wanted the damned thing back !!!!
    9. Hi, During the mobile warfare of 1914 he was a despatch rider carrying messages from the brigade to the front under enemy fire. The brigade saw some heavy action in this period, no easy job! The 1st class must be related to his work on the staff where he seems to have had a rather important position, all his letters from superiors are glowing reports. From his records he had EK2, wound badge and the bavarian M.V.K. 3rd and 2nd class. (and tried for the 1st).
    10. especially as his superior was turned down ;-) Rare level indeed... brigade staffs were tiny, tiny, tiny units....
    11. Hi, he was a senior NCO, bicycle messenger, but also head NCO of the 12th Brigade staff. He later recieved a Beamte rank and was responsible for the staff administration of the 16th Bavarian Inf Regt where he seems to have kept the office running in times of stress and crisis. He seems to have saved quite a few little papers.....
    12. Then his letter to the ministry in 1931 asking for a replacement award (3rd class lost during the war) and the award of a 1st class which he claims was promised to him just beforethe war ended. The ministry says "no go"
    13. Some interesting "stuff" to go with it. First of,, the original approval list from the 12th Inf Brigade. One award approved, signed by the Gen bottom right.
    14. And one I assume to be rather scarce.... a post war variation..... In this case the guy was captured in 1917 and his awards were all made in 1921.....
    15. or.... does it have something to do with the Love parade?
    16. Just wanted to post this before packing it up.... I am sure the new owner will post some new "Reunited" pics ..........
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