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    Everything posted by Stogieman

    1. Welcome and a nice selection of awards earned by your Great Uncle. Did you get his observer badge as well? Any documents? Photos??
    2. Welcome Demir and thank you for your help and input!
    3. ... when even the most absolutely common WW1 pair is being sold as "Collector Copy". Identified as such, but still.... what the hell's the point of selling a fake?
    4. Makes sense.... with a Griffin Order, he certainly could have picked up the Danish Order easily.... Now here's the fun part... for me. I'm thinking Wendian Crown in first. The early RK ribbon was wide enough it would have needed to be folded if our unknown man was being a bit frugal...... Having said that... the ribbon bar style (components-plate, pin/hinge/tabs) is post 1915. So maybe he could bring himself to update the style... just not his ribbons!!
    5. PS, I'm not buying "faded Anhalt" without pulling it apart and seeing green inside. My experience is that you might get a front fade... but the top and bottom edge where it folds over the bar will retain more of the original color... I'm not seeing any darker color (especially green) on the edges of Steve's bar.
    6. These awards are very difficult to find on the open market. Especially with all the documentation & original box of issue. Someone will win a very significant set....
    7. I think it's fascinating that we continue to see things as "new" and "unique" after all these years. This is the second item I see on the forum this morning that I have never seen before. I've been doing this an awfully long time....
    8. Well, in all my Imperial years that's the first time I saw that maker mark & that piece marked by that firm... nice!
    9. I just couldn't get this one out of my head.... Now, mind you I'm not convinced at all that the ribbon bar is legit. Too messy, too convenient that the threads are black so they will not glow.... Just too much garbage in the marketplace these days for me to be comfortable with this bar... Having said all that........... I present to you from deep within my archives.... A photo I call... "The Naughty Bavarian" Enjoy!
    10. I was really hoping you guys would get a chuckle out of this!
    11. Probably one of the most exceptional collectors of Luftwaffe items in the world today. With a substantial sense of humor to boot. One of my most trusted associates & lovers.

    12. Offered by one well-known "militaria" auction house. Opening bid? $750- USD Enjoy!
    13. Heiko, one other possibility. I have not checked my boxes... you may have purchased it from Bob Hunter, who would have purchased it from me.
    14. Hi Heiko, that's because (like so many other pieces floating around out there)...... you bought the 2 ribbon bars and medal bar from me! The photos are the original ones from when I purchased the set. Here's the other ribbon bar. I believe I originally purchased it from Claus Phillips, I could go back through the records in the attic and tell you when I bought it and when I sold it to you! But it will be a few more months before I am moving boxes again.... (As an aside. When Herr Phillips sold this set there were 2 additional ribbon bars that someone else had already bought before I bought the three pieces in the group!! (individually).... It was a real shock to me to find a German dealer selling a broken group that was clearly from a General Officer!)
    15. As an aside... I always advise keeping archives on zip drives or tape backup or CD-Rom. That last picture is the original scan from the seller in Germany. BOTH the twins lost an awful lot of data when we each had zipdrive self-destruction... many, many images have been lost forever. I have had over 800 ribbon bars pass through here since the last computer failure. At least that many before and all those images are gone forever... whine, whine, whine...
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