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    Everything posted by Stogieman

    1. The seller has agreed to accept the return. Thanks for all the help. We will see how this goes
    2. I agree, I’ve met Bill a number of times at local shows. He’s a first rate individual
    3. Okay, appreciate all the input, everyone makes mistakes, thankfully this wasn’t an expensive one
    4. Can anyone please confirm this is an authentic 1813 reverse? Thanks
    5. Hi Saschaw, I appreciate your input and experience but I will respectfully disagree. Copper mounting bar, cloth ribbons and no UV reactivity. Looks, feels and smells right. i agree, it’s become a real minefield out there but to me, the bar is legit. Thanks
    6. Beautiful! Always liked this order. Used to have one in the titled and named paper issue packet
    7. There’s also a gold grade of this medal but I’ve never seen one
    8. I’ve had these two for quite a while now and decided to share them. Not military but still medals. These are Lifesaving Medals from The Massachusetts Humane Society. silver Medal named to William H Tabeling, For Saving Life At Castle Island, June 29th, 1896. Bronze Medal named to Nat Parodi For Gallantry In Saving Life Haverhill April 21, 1903
    9. On eBay now, miniature repeat bar on the EK2 ribbon and KX on the Red Eagle ribbon! What were they thinking?
    10. Thanks for all the help, I’m very rusty and have lost access to all my archived images from my prior pieces
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