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    Old Contemptible
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    Everything posted by dond

    1. Thanks Chris. I'd have posted it but resizing it to my permissions would have left it alot smaller. This was found posted on a Russian Collector's forum by someone else and he posted it elsewhere. I'm sure some people will find certain badges very interesting.
    2. But if it is a jeweller made piece why is theSchott mark trying to look like the mark found on original badges produced by an authorized maker? Makes no sense for a jeweller to mark it this way. If anything other than silver content, I'd expect a jeweller's mark.
    3. As with Tim, I have serious reservations with this badge. The edges on the reverse give it a cast appearance. If that is the case then why the added marking?
    4. True but some of those "others" came with something else that adds to their credibility... :cheers:
    5. You would think there would be a photo of him wearing it. I'm sure he attended more than one dress ceremony between 1935 and 39.
    6. I find this line of thought highly unlikely. If that is the best the prosecution can come up with I'd say the evidence is more in Paul's favor.
    7. If this bar had all his WW2 stuff on it I would buy the "tribute bar" story. Who would have said,"I think I shall make a tribute bar for GEN Model showing his pre-war stuff?" If that's the case here is my Manfed von Richtofen tribute bar. I think I have his EK1 laying around here somewhere too.....
    8. I would also think an officer of his stature would not have recycled awards but would have commissioned an entirely new bar.
    9. Unusual and an enlistedman's bar. Things I collect. But getting into a secret bidding war whether real or imagined was too much for me. I'm not hear to inflate dealer's profits. I also will not help i.d. things for them either. They want to make the money they need to do the work. Now if you ever decide to part with it...... :whistle:
    10. A nice catch. I was interested but the seller kept bouncing back and forth between prospective buyers in an auction type sale so I bowed out.....
    11. Chip, isn't that bar currently for sale or did your guy buy it already?
    12. Robin, you already had the skull/minenwerfer connection via your henschel badge.
    13. I've wanted one for years. I could have taken the easy way out (relatively speaking) and bought an unmounted one but I like to think of some young German officer earning this one eye-balls deep in trench fighting.
    14. The question then is, "Is the piece I posted a period produced item or a modern repro?"
    15. As requested, "The information came from an old chap in Auckland who has been a colletcor of these for many years apparently this one is a copy of this original type : http://cgi.ebay.com/GERMAN-TURKISH-GALLIPOLI-WWI-STAR-RARE_W0QQitemZ120307017847QQihZ002QQcategoryZ135QQcmdZViewItemQQ_trksidZp3286.m7QQ_trkparmsZalgo%3DLVI%26itu%3DUCI%26otn%3D4%26ps%3D63 Note the lack of detail in the silvered border and the difference in enamal styling, apparently the triangle enamalling on the arms is a give away as is the poor hinge attachment and sloopy finishing on the hook attachment solder."
    16. I been informed that the one I posted is a new fake based upon the Austrian one shown. Can anyone confirm this? thanks
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