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    Old Contemptible
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    Everything posted by dond

    1. Nice badges. I guess its another one added to the "must acquire" list. I here these are heavily faked. Any pointers for getting a real one, preferably wartime issue would be apprieciated. Thanks Don
    2. The back with pin system and mark. Don
    3. Nice variety. I feel sorry for the Turkish soldiers. It is a shame when you risk your life and get a crappy thank you. Here is my BB&Co. Don
    4. Hi Rick, nice to see you here. Nice post. Those awards run the spread of qualitity control. It is a shame how quality and I think respect for awards suffered as the war dragged on. You see it in the TR stuff too. And we won't even bring up '57 stuff, eeeewwwww. Don
    5. All I can say is WOW!!! The only thing missing is the body. Michel, you don't have the Herr LT stuffed in the basement do you. Don
    6. I might have something in the offing Stogie. Give me a week or so. You know how the mail is. Don
    7. I try. I am moving over to a scanner for more consistant pics. I don't know whether I will redo my collection or just phase in the new stuff. Don
    8. oops, found another one. Now how did that happen. RRS with more detailed grass than the other one. Don
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