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    Old Contemptible
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    Everything posted by dond

    1. 2 months without a skull sighting. Have we reached the end? Will the mystery of the black skull never be resolved?
    2. The clue lies in the bar itself. The shooting award was held in by a straight pin (yellow arrow). The medal ring for the missing DA is still in place (red arrow). Since the other medals are mounted so that the bottoms are level I measured from the bottom of the ring to a line across the bottoms of the other medals. The gap is 30mm. This rules out a cross type DA.
    3. Fake. Do a search on the Turkish subforum for H.Rose fake. I tried to post a link but this forum software is not cooperating.
    4. Put it to use man! Not as efficient as a blender but it it a tool of a more elegant time.
    5. I believe the later to be the case. I don't believe the D.O.V. actually produced anything themselves.
    6. The second medal is a 1st place shooting preis from Hesse marked 11 November 1891. I doubt it belongs on the bar but who knows? I'd think an LS medal would be more likely.
    7. Thanks Andreas. Can I assume he would have also received the BMVK3mS as well?
    8. Does anyone have the book on the holders of the Bavarian Tapferkeits medal? I'm looking for a recipient by the last name of Frankl.
    9. What a shame. Why was the other guy so adamant about keeping it from you?
    10. Got his EK1 the day before the Armistice. I wonder if he became a postman because he wanted the quiet life. What did you miss out on?
    11. Here is a solid silver wound badge. Some people had to have something better. JMHO.
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