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    Old Contemptible
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    Everything posted by dond

    1. What's the date on that last document Chris, 15 August 1916? I can scan the pages from the history if you want them. PM me your email.
    2. Actually that is about standard Rick. The only medal I don't think we give foreigners is the CoMH.
    3. I did say little didn't I? I wonder if they were envious of thier bretheren's larger and more powerful looking crosses?
    4. Doc, just trying to shield the eyes of poor Rick (the good one). Stoggie, do you mean this little thing?
    5. I thought I would show this one off. Lots of goodies on this one and only one offensive thingy.
    6. Excellent job. If only other families cared about thier ancester's legacies....
    7. Very nice cross. I'm still looking for my first one.
    8. Thanks Chris. We aught to create a thread showing good, clear pics of the different marks. It would be great for a reference.
    9. What is the mark on the one at the bottom left?
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