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    Dave Wilkinson

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    Everything posted by Dave Wilkinson

    1. Lawrence, This is a "presentation" piece which would have been given to the SC to commemorate his service in the 1st WW. Birmingham City Police became part of the West Midlands Police in 1974. The number on the stick would be his personal force number. They have a museum which is primarily "Birmingham" related in terms of exhibits and paper records. Their personnel records are very extensive and stretch back to the formation of Birmingham Police. Whether that extends to their SC's I'm not sure. If you make an enquiry to the below address you may have some success. The Curator, West Midlands Police Museum, West Midlands Police HQ., PO Box 52, Lloyd House, Colmore Circus, Queensway, Birmingham B4 6NQ Dave.
    2. Yes, I think your deduction is probably correct. At least you have a good indication that he was a Caernarvonshire man. Shame the name is not a more unusual one. Dave.
    3. On 30th September 1950, there were five (5) Constables serving in the Caernarvonshire Constabulary named HUGHES:- John Stanley HUGHES John Emlyn HUGHES John Thomas HUGHES J. HUGHES (no first name given). J. R. HUGHES (no first name given). On the same date the Anglesey Constabulary has one Constable serving with that name:- John HUGHES. He joined Anglesey on 11th March 1939 as Constable 35 at the age of 19 yrs. He served in the Armed forces 3.9.42 until 17.11.45. At the time of the amalgamation he was serving as a Detective Constable. I have no final nominal roll for Merioneth. That said, there is a final force photo which is "named" and which may provide a clue. I will make an enquiry and come back to you. Dave. PS. For clarification, I should explain that Caernarvonshire, Anglesey and Merioneth Constabularies were the forces who were amalgamated to form the original Gwynedd Constabulary on 1st October 1950. Just checked the final force photo for Merioneth. Only one Constable named HUGHES. First name began with "E". Dave.
    4. I think I'm right in saying that the cardboard box was also used (with typed label) for the "regulars" medal before the introduction of the "posh" case. So, I'm not convinced that the "Gwynedd" box would have contained an SC medal. As to what the numbers are I've no idea. As an aside, the Gwynedd Constabulary was formed in October 1950, so the box can only "date" post that period. Dave.
    5. I don't know what the current police regs. say. However, in my time there were a number of "punishments" available one of which was "required to resign". That said, I can recall a number of occasions when a serving member of a police force who was under investigation was allowed/permitted by the Chief Constable to resign ahead of disciplinary proceedings. This obviously saved the cost of preparing for and holding a disciplinary hearing. I take it that your question is in the police context as opposed to the military one, which may differ somewhat. Dave.
    6. Since my previous posting on the subject, I am led to believe that Assistant Commissioner Mark Rowley of the Metropolitan Police was awarded his Police Long Service & Good Conduct Medal several years ago whilst serving as Chief Constable of Surrey. I suspect that this is probably the most recent of a number. I'm unsure as to whether at the time he had served 20 or 22 years. Dave.
    7. Please remember that the "20 year" provision is a very recent change to the Royal Warrant. I suspect that somewhere there will have been a Special Course (or otherwise) man to have reached the top within 22 years. Also, remember that when the PLS&GC medal was introduced in 1951, all those Chief Constables who were in post on the relevant date and who had 22 or more years approved service would have received a medal. Obviously, all other ranks below would have also received one. It follows that their respective ranks would be engraved as now. In 1951 there were some 127 county and borough police forces in Great Britain, not including the non-Home Office forces. So in theory I would estimate that there are probably 120 or so medals floating about bearing the rank of Chief Constable. This would be in addition to any awarded since the initial 1951 awards. Dave.
    8. Speak to your HR again and ask if they can give you the name of an Officer locally who has recently had such a Welsh engraved medal awarded. A photo of the rim would, I'm sure, be of interest. Dave.
    9. Being the politically correct Nation that we are you could bet your life that it would change if it was raised in Parliament by a sympathetic MP. But there again I suppose that it would be difficult to know where to draw the line. Would Welsh MOD employed staff demand a similar preferment in respect of their honours and awards? Dave.
    10. This is an interesting concept and I suppose it could be taken one step further than simply showing the rank in Welsh. Why are they awarding medals to Welsh forces which have on them ANY English wording? If the Act applies to showing the rank in Welsh then surely it must apply to the wording on the medal as a whole. Dave.
    11. Forgive my saying so, but you are being exceptionally kind in describing John Reginald Halliday CHRISTIE as a "crook". He was, of course a "MURDERER" of the first order many times over. If that were not bad enough, he was content to see a young innocent man, Timothy EVANS, executed for his (CHRISTIE'S) foul misdeeds. Dave.
    12. Gordon, Many thanks to you for the time you've taken in transcribing that information. Looking at the old almanacs which I have it would appear that the officer sitting to the left of the Chief Constable is Supt. D.T. Morgans. I do wish that the people of Wales would have been a little more inventive with their surnames. That said, first names seem no less varied. Bless them! Dave.
    13. Gordon, The incident took place in August 1961 on the outskirts of the village of Machynlleth which was then in Merionethshire. Constable ROWLANDS was shot at the scene by Robert BOYNTON. There was a subsequent manhunt which lasted several days through the mountains and which involved a large number of police officers who were sent to assist the Gwynedd Constabulary. Arising out of the incident there were four George Medals awarded and two British Empire Medals for Gallantry. The recipients were as follows:- GEORGE MEDAL. Constable Robert CARSWELL - Liverpool City Police. Constable Thomas Owen DAVIES - Mid-Wales Constabulary. Constable Robert William ROBERTS - Shropshire Constabulary. Constable Arthur Rees ROWLANDS - Gwynedd Constabulary. The two BEM Gallantry medals were awarded to a Sergeant and a Constable of the Mid-Wales Constabulary. If anyone wishes to read the full circumstances of the incident please "google" the Liverpool City Police history website. Under "Roll of Honour" you will see "Robert CARSWELL". Click on that and you are there. Dave.
    14. The information published on page 9 of the book "Staffordshire Police 150th Anniversary" states, "Whilst Captain Anson (Chief Constable), did not consider a detective branch throughout the county to be a necessity, he saw the advantages to be gained by employing officers on plain clothes duties. Accordingly, in 1894 he gave authority for ten constables to be engaged on enquiry and detective duties. These enquiry officers were paid a plain clothes allowance of four pence (2p) a day". The book is published by Staffordshire Police and is compiled using a number of archive sources including the minutes of the Standing Joint Committee. Its worth bearing in mind that an individual seeking marriage could and can describe his/her "job" using whatever title he/she pleases. Perhaps Mr. Moreton occasionally did duty in plain clothes and took the view that whilst so dressed he was engaged in detective work. This practice may have been the norm prior to the year mentioned, or you man simply decided that "detective" on his marriage certificate sounded rather impressive. I hope this is helpful. Dave.
    15. Can't comment upon the first part of your question. However, the Docks in London were owned by the Port of London Authority and were policed by their own non-Home Office police force. Dave.
    16. They certainly do. I administered the issue of the Golden Jubilee medals to the force I was serving with at the time (Port of Dover Police). The completed nominal role with signatures in receipt alongside was forwarded to the Secretary of State for Transport who I understand transmitted them, together with those from the other Port Police Forces, the BTP and the Mersey Tunnels Police to the National Archives. Whether the National Archives have produced one complete list or simply retained the lists submitted by each force, I know not. Dave.
    17. An interesting photo Lawrence. Thanks for sharing it. Can't imagine that helmet being very popular with the gents who were required to wear it. I suspect that there may have been some "micky taking" by the public and his mates! Dave.
    18. Lawrence, No, I'm not aware of an SC badge for Huntingdon town itself. I already have the HSC badge otherwise I would take it off you. Dave.
    19. Lawrence, It was much easier to chop out the old cipher from the centre and put a new one in than to pay to have the Crowns taken off as well. Or perhaps there were technical reasons why the Crowns could not be cut off and easily replaced. Its a chrome badge and the application of too much heat would risk damaging the enamel and discolouring the chrome. If there was a QC version floating about locally then your Dad would have had it. I do know that he tracked down all the old Inspectors years ago and spoke to the families of those who had gone, without success. Dave.
    20. I'm sure someone with access to Metpol. records will oblige. You probably stand a better chance with a Metpol. war reserve than any other force. Dave.
    21. It depends upon the force. Some have excellent records others none at all. Dave.
    22. Lawrence, There were several forces who used a white "tunic" jacket. As far as I'm aware they were only worn on traffic direction duty and not (as Peterborough intended) for everyday street patrol wear. The exception I believe was in Jersey (Channel Islands) were prior to 1972 they wore them with a white helmet during the summer. The only difference was that theirs has a "stand collar" as opposed to an open neck one. I have an identical one to yours from Liverpool City Police. Best wishes, Dave.
    23. Hi Lawrence, The Peterborough Inspectors badge is absolutely correct. The force sent back to the manufacturers the KC GVIR centred Inspectors badges, when the old King died and had the GVIR removed and replaced with the (then) new Queen's cipher. Several forces did this. I have a hallmarked sterling silver version of the same badge which would have been worn by the Superintendent (he was also the Deputy Chief Constable). Peterborough did eventually have a small number of the correct QC EIIR version of the badge made. This is almost impossible to find. I don't have one and I don't think Dad was able to find one either. The Northamptonshire (incorrectly spelt) badge was issued and they were all recalled when the mistake was spotted. Most were destroyed but probably half a dozen survived. Again, that is a difficult one to find with the missing "p". The story which you relate is, I believe correct. That's a nice photo of the old boy which you've used. Just as I remember him! Best wishes, Dave.
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