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    Everything posted by Jktu

    1. 交通部電政一等二級獎章 - 1st class, 2nd grade medal of Administration of telegraph service of the Ministry of Communication.
    2. 板東俘虜収容所 - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Band%C5%8D_prisoner-of-war_camp
    3. I do not know English (Japanese, too). But I think that can be understood from the documents that the large wings are not intended to for pilots only.
    4. Where did you get the information that "the larger wing specified that the wearer was flight qualified: i.e. a pilot"???
    5. This is badge for: officers, petty officers, cadets, class А officer candidates. It turns out that all branches. Did surgeons fly in a plane? According to the table (in 1944, not in 1943), did not have the larger wings: 甲乙種區分前ノ幹部候補生 - class А and B officer candidates who received these classes in other schools (who complete their education in aviation schools), 乙種幹部候補生- class В officer candidates.
    6. Тhe wings 航空胸章 were added October 20, 1943: see the page 20 http://www.jacar.go.jp/DAS/meta/listPhoto?REFCODE=A03022866700&IS_STYLE=eng&image_num=31 I was wrong. I gave links and translated the official bulletin of May 10, 1944.
    7. According to the table in 1943 badge 航空胸章 worn by: 将校 - officers, 下士官 - petty officers, 士官候補生 - officer cadets, 技術候補生 - engineer cadets, 軍医候補生 - surgeon cadets, 甲種幹部候補生 - class A officer candidates, 操縦候補生 - pilot candidates.
    8. An edict of 1943 about the 航空胸章. http://dl.ndl.go.jp/view/jpegOutput?itemId=info%3Andljp%2Fpid%2F2961532&contentNo=3&outputScale=1 http://dl.ndl.go.jp/view/jpegOutput?itemId=info%3Andljp%2Fpid%2F2961532&contentNo=8&outputScale=1 In 1944, there were changes. /// Japanese write that in 1944 was founded the 空中勤務者胸章, for: http://library.kiwix.org/wikipedia_ja_all/A/%E8%BB%8D%E6%9C%8D%20%28%E5%A4%A7%E6%97%A5%E6%9C%AC%E5%B8%9D%E5%9B%BD%E9%99%B8%E8%BB%8D%29.html 空中勤務者 - flight personnel: 操縦者 - pilots, 偵察者 - look-outs, 爆撃手 - bombardiers, 無線手 - radio operators, 旋回機関銃手 - machine‐gunners. /// On rathbonemuseum*s site there are photos: http://www.rathbonemuseum.com/JAPAN/JPCptArmy/JPCptArmy.html This is a pilot and an observer at the same time?
    9. 航空用特別胸章 (航空胸章) - Air Force badge. 空中勤務者胸章 - flight personnel badge. http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E8%BB%8D%E6%9C%8D_%28%E5%A4%A7%E6%97%A5%E6%9C%AC%E5%B8%9D%E5%9B%BD%E9%99%B8%E8%BB%8D%29
    10. Sorry! I'm confused. I translated "Korean".
    11. Korea = 朝鮮 = ちょうせん = Сhousen.
    12. http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E6%9C%9D%E9%AE%AE ちょうせん - Сhousen.
    13. 1021空 = 第一〇二一海軍航空隊 - 1021st Naval Air Group, 岡崎 – Okazaki, 八郎 – Hachirou, 義久 – Yoshihisa, (variant - 善久 http://papamama.asablo.jp/blog/2009/05/10/ ), 飛曹長 = 飛行兵曹長 - flying warrant officer, 授与されたバッジ – badge for awarding. 1021空の岡崎八郎義久飛曹長に授与されたバッジ - badge for awarding named after these warrant officers. /// 第153航空隊第901飛行隊の中川義正一飛曹(操)大住勇上飛曹 (偵) ペアも昭和19年9月2日夜の対B-24休当り攻撃の戦功により授与された 901st Air Squadron 153rd Air Group flight petty officers (飛曹 = 飛行兵曹) Yoshimasa Nakagawa (中川義正) – pilot (操), and Oosumi Yuuue (Yuugami) (大住勇上) - look-out (偵), were awarded this badge for crashing the B-24 September 2, 1944.
    14. 大東亞戰爭 - Great East Asia War: http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E5%A4%A7%E6%9D%B1%E4%BA%9C%E6%88%A6%E4%BA%89
    15. 1940: http://dl.ndl.go.jp/info:ndljp/pid/2960607 1944: http://dl.ndl.go.jp/info:ndljp/pid/2961695
    16. I was looking and I found this:
    17. This is not a rescript about the badge. This is a brochure about uniform.
    18. Found in the book of 1912. Two points on the right butt. Now, precisely as in the photo. It seems to me… Now: 射撃褒賞徽章 - shageki houshou kishou.
    19. 中華民國維新政府 - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reformed_Government_of_the_Republic_of_China 纪念章 - commemorative medal.
    20. I searched. Yea! There is also in 1929. With an elements on the butts of guns, similar to jshorter*s foto. At this rate: 小銃徽章 - shoujuu kishou.
    21. 小銃射撃徽章 - shoujuu shageki kishou. Indeed 1939 (right):
    22. Preferred reading: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Japanese_numerals
    23. Jktu

      Flying Tigers medal

      Government award: http://news.sina.com.cn/c/p/2005-09-03/23227671869.shtml http://news.sina.com.cn/c/p/2005-09-03/12237670393.shtml http://dzwww.com/xinwen/xinwenzhuanti/kangzhan/djjr/200509/t20050903_1180342.htm http://news.163.com/05/0906/20/1T0B0VKI0001124T.html The text is the same: 中国人民抗日战争胜利60周年.
    24. Jktu

      Flying Tigers medal

      Perhaps at the bottom of the page: http://www.flyingtiger-cacw.com/new_page_329.htm
    25. Mongyoung - Methawaw Battle Medal.
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