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As I have mentioned earlier the earliest dated KS 98 bayonets I have seen is 1904 .I believe the First KS 98 bayonets came into DSWA in 1904 with the troop reinforcements which arrived on 11/06/1904 ,under lt. Gen von Trotha .These reinforcements were sent from Germany due to the outbreak of the Herero Rebellion in 1904.It is logical that they would bring the latest weaponary with them . I found a photo taken in 1904 of uniforms worn during various periods in DSWA ,that might help.the soldier on the right, from the viewers perspective , is wearing the latest uniform with the M98 rifle,the new bandolier and I believe he seems to wear the KS 98 bayonet which was far shorter than the previous models often shown on Berlin studio photos. This is not conclusive evidence though ,as the ofiicial bayonet as per “Bekleidungsvorschrift “ ( Uniform regulations) as specified by “ AKO “( Royal orders) dated 19/11/1896 for “Kaiserliche Schutztruppen “ ( Royal Protectorate Force) , was the Seitengewehr M71/84 .This bayonet only has a blade length of 250mm which is of coursevery similar in length to the KS 98 bayonet which has a blade length of 253mm. I have recently come across KS98 with composite reddish grip ,marked ERFURT and dated 1913, which has the crosguard stamped KS 5259. As you know I keep a list of all KS Bayonet details for many years and this is the latest marked KS 98 bayonet I have seen .The earliest I have seen is was dated 1904.
The facts were that the Herero uprising caught the country by surprise and there were not enough troops in the country to control the uprising which had escalated into a war.Up to this stage the small Schutztruppe was made up of 4 Feldkompanies and small detachments in major towns .An expeditionary force and a Seebattalion were hurriedly sent from Germany early in 1904 followed by more troops ,and the Feldregiments were formed in German South West Afrika after midyear.They were certainly Schutztruppen and clothed and armed accordingly.Troop transports kept arriving for the balance of 1904 and well into 1905 ,so that the Schutztruppe strength was about 14,500 in May 1905. This would explain why the 1904 marked KS bayonets are rather seen less often and those marked 1906 upwards are more readily seen.
Good photo of the maker .It is FR Klett as I thought which seems to be the predominant maker , if not the only maker . The 1923 disc has been added separately as far as I can see ,and was not done in one process. Could you send a detail photo of the disc and its method of fixing . I have sent you a message separately.
The Gau Baden badge looks original .It would have been gilded. The badge could be worn by NSDAP members of the Gau Baden. Should the member have been proven to have been a member before the 9 November 1923 he was allowed to wear a badge with "1923" on it . Obviously there were not many members before that date and therefore the badge is quite rare. Wearers of this badge would also have qualified to wear the Blood Order . Could you show a detail photo of the maker. Looks like FR.KLETT KARLSRUHE which is a known maker . Le me know if you want to part with it.
Never seen anything like it . Can you do a picture of the reverse
The second one you have only shown the one side of ,with the eagle and serpent ,is also of brass? It is the combattants medal for the China Rebellion " Boxer Wars",issued to German Troops that fought in China.It is real in my opinion.
Brass is combatant .It looks like a second strike ,post WW1 .You could post a belter photo showing the suspension ring as well .Sorry I thought it was silver.
The medal is a an official commemorative issued medal for the 1904-1907 miltary campaign in German South West Africa ( not East Africa!) .It is the silver medal issued to non combattants .I my opinion it is an original one . The pinback badge was ian unofficial commemorative badge made after WW1 ,in the Weimar Republic period of Germany ,to all that saw miltary servicein the old Colonies ( not just East Africa) Also known as the "Elephat Order".It was not issued but had to be bought .In my opinion the one uou have pictured is a copy.
Captain Martin Drewes (born 20/10/1918) shown with his Knights Cross awarded 27/7/1944 as Commander of III/NJG1 . Drewes was awarded the Oakleaves on 17/4/1945 ,after 52 victories ,and his last rank was Major .He was one of a few pilots that flew missions in Iraq under Iraq colors (see picture) against the British in WW2 .He lived in Brazil after the war and passed away on 13/10/2013 in Brazil .
I must point out that all the KS 98 bayonets that were regimentally marked in German South Weat Africa and German East Africa . were marked ERFURT without fail .The earliest I have seen coming fro GSWA were marked 1904 and the latest were marked 1912. EF Hörster KS 98 bayonets marked 1913 with wood grips have come out of German East Africa.These were not regimentally marked and were probably the lastshipment that made it go the colonies.They do come up occasionally in South Africa. As do the KS marked variety and the SCH DOA marked one's
All the one's I have seen so far have the slot in the grip plate !It is however a 1907 marked blade stamped ERFURT,and I agree that it is very likely a Schutztruppe piece from one of the African colonies ,probably German South West Africa .The guy that stamped the numbers just went home before he stamped the letters KS .Daron you have not posted a photo of the lettering on the crossgaurd?.
Daron this KS98 was not a private purchase .The numbering indicates an issue number ,weapon number, of a regimentally issued weapon.The scabbard was never nickel but black and the nickle finish was obviously done later .The numbering is not the type seen on bayonets carried in the German colonies ,as they have alphabetic letter ahead of the number ( KS or DOA etc).I am puzzled by the numbering as even regimental numbers in Germany have a combination of letters and numbers in some form like 1.E.435 .
Daron it is a 1907 KS 98 mauser bayonet. There should stamped numbers on the crossgaurd and scabbard throat.Please post photos of that side . Chris the KS98 is not an officers bayonet , but worn by other ranks and NCO's ,nor a private purchase .I do know that you know that .It is just the heading of the post that is a bit misleading . Thank you so much for sharing photos of your blades.
What is the date on the spine? I believe 2. FR .12 would stand for Second Feld Regiment weapon number 12 . This seems to be the consensus although Feldregiment is one word ! I have a S98nA (made by V.C.S,. SUHL) bayonet (two piece grip) marked 1902 whichhas the stamped lettering 1.F 299. As it comes from Namibia I have no doubt that it is a Feldregiment Nr 1 bayonet (weapon Nr 299) There were only 1 Feld Regiment and 2 Feld Regiment in German South West Africa (Namibia) More photos. Scabbard is leather with metal fittings with non matching number "4195" ..Only this number no "F". Chris posted a nice photo earlier in this thread of the S98 in wear by a Schutztruppe member.
Could you post a better photo showing the numbering on the scabbard guard as the glare on the posted photo makes it difficult to read. It seems the "7" is larger than the other numbers and was used from another punch set ( size I have seen on other KS98 bayonets) Please also post detail photos of the Feld Regiment bayonet .
Lion Colonial Order
piekenier replied to bryansk1959's topic in Germany: Weimar Republic & Deutsche Freikorps
The medal was issued to Colonial veterans after WW1 . In my opinion it is a nice original example .