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    Everything posted by Soderbaum

    1. Hi Dave Yes, it is Walter Pohl from earlier IR 136. Walter was the first commander FFA 64 which he lead to late 1916. He have an BAMA file which I have checked. He also had an background in the Air Force pre-War which made his "status" little higher. The last known date I have for Haehner in FFA 64 is July 1916. Gunnar
    2. Thanks very much Dave With first names it will probably be an high chance to find his date and place of birth later on. I have that he started as active officer in FuAR 10 and promoted Lt 19.11.1908 mit Patent 27.01.1908, then circa 1910 he went over to the Reserve of that Regiment. Gunnar
    3. Hi Oblt dR x Haehner from FuAR 10 received the Das österr. Verdienstkreuz mit der Kriegsdekoration in spring of 1916 while serving on the Eastern front. Does it exist any award-list for this award which can give a first name ? He apparently later received the Hohx in late 1917 or early 1918. He is one a the few airmen mentioned in von Hoeppners book so he became "famous". He was living in Straßburg but apparently it does not exist any on-line address books for this town. And sadly for me the archive in Straßburg is on French language so I am unable to find if he have an file there. Anyone who have a first name for him and/or possible date and place of birth ? Gunnar
    4. Thanks ixhs No it is only to find his date and place of birth, he apparently had an connection to Düsseldorf which maybe is his birth town. Gunnar
    5. Hi In one source is the Apotheker and Lt dR Karl Dohmen from Köln-Sülz listed as receiving Badische Orden vom Zähringer Löwen mit Schwerten late 1914. Anyone knew the award and/or possible date and place of birth ? His Regiment is IR 112. Gunnar
    6. Hi ixhs As he was an flyer I have some minor adds on him. You probably knew that he have an file in BAMA Freiburg and one in BA Berlin, as well one in Karlsruhe and one in Stuttgart so you have a good chance find "complete" info on him. I havent checked any of these files yet. Lt dR 30.03.1916. Before joining Js 37 he served in FA 38(ex FFA 69) on the Macedonian front, 15.02.1917 until 18.04.1917(maybe first crash). Then he joined Js 37 on 20.10.1917 coming from Jastaschule. I do think he was only "temporary" leader of Js 37 after Udet until the new leader arrived(Georg Meyer). He was apparently posted to AFP 2 on 16.04.1918. The Württemberger loss list dated 01.07.1918 says he was wounded. These WVL(as well Saxon loss list) were generally slower in reporting losses. No notes regarding aerial victories. Gunnar
    7. I do think that von Tschudi did not arrive to FEA 7 Cöln until early 1916, despite nominated commander earlier. So there were likely five commanders before him. Gunnar
    8. Hi Mattyboy I am not certain regarding post 272 but it looks "Ludwig" for me. Gunnar
    9. No, Nauroy was the airfield for FFA 26. FFA 59 was probably located near Jasta 3 during this period but I dont knew the location for their airfield. Gunnar
    10. oops, I stand corrected. I mixed up the later FAA 259 with FAA 269, both units had their origin in FFA 26/FFA 26a. FFA 26a later became FFA 59 then FAA 269 and it served within the same Army as Jasta 3 in Nov 1916. So the report by Lohmann is rather certain correct. Gunnar
    11. Hi Geoff FFA 59 and Jasta 3 served within two different Armies in Nov 1916. FFA 59 was within 1 Army (Gruppe D) and I have the unit at Nauroy in mid Nov 1916. So any connection between these two flying units are very unlikely but not completely impossible. Gunnar
    12. Thanks both for added info These Saxon officers are really hard to solve regarding basic info. My theory at moment is that he "left" the Army already during 1915, so that award in early 1917 might reflect an "late award". It is certain that he in 1918 was back in the Army due an DAL liste. Gunnar
    13. Hi I am looking for date and place of birth the the Saxon Hptm Erhard Steinbach from IR 178. I have his promotions but no good service record from WW1. He received the A R1X on 17.01.1917. Anyone who can help ? Gunnar
    14. Thanks Dave for providing the data. Unfortunate it does not fit directly with my theory that Walter might have gotten his award very late during the War(due to an annerkennung for an un-specified Lt dR Hübner). So the hunt continues Gunnar
    15. Hi again Dave Does it exist approximate dates when these two different Lt dR Hübner received the Hohenzollern award ? I have some clues/ideas when Walter might have received his award. Gunnar
    16. Hi again Walfisch The basic info comes from his AFP 6 file which you can find on ancestry.de. It also have some additional info like parents, where he lived, his occupation etc. The info regarding his wounding comes from the loss list which can be found at http://des.genealogy.net/eingabe-verlustlisten/search/index The wounding would make him an candidate for the wound badge also. Gunnar
    17. Hi Walfisch There are some good info on him on ancestry.de, like a file from AFP 6 and also marriage certificate. He served within IR 28 until 310117 when he was posted to FEA 1. On 090217 he was transferred to Flieger Schule Halle a.S. where he probably stayed until 060717 when he was posted back to FEA 1 (despite overwritten in the text this was the normal way in education for pilots). Then posted to AFP 6 on 131017 and further to JS I (Jasta Schule) on 171017. Back to AFP 6 on 301017 then to FAA 240 on 071117. He was badly wounded in a crash probably late 0618 but I dont have exact date so I am unsure if he returned to his unit before EOW.. Loss note indicates it was accidently and not due enemy action. He entered the Army in Ers.Batl. IR 28 on 010315 and was promoted Gefreiter on 090515 and Uffz 220515. He received the EKII on 040916. Gunnar
    18. Hi I do think that he might be the later Obstlt zV in the Luftwaffe Walter Hübner who was born 15.01.1897 ! He is also listed on ancestry.de regarding some basic info as pilot during the War. He is noted later on to be an Dipl.Ing. I dont have his complete flying career during the War. Gunnar
    19. Thanks Andy It is him , I have meanwhile been able to find him through other sources but I still lack his date and place of death. He was promoted Hptm dR on 30.09.1915. Before FüR 36 he had served served within PiB 4 and PiB 6. His time within the Air Force was more or less "an failure" and he was posted back to the Army. Gunnar
    20. I forgot to mention that Plato was born 31.01.1879 in Berlin. His birth certificate can be found on ancestry.de. Gunnar
    21. Hi Rob Plato started the War within the Luftschiffertruppe then later in 1914 he went back to his Regiment. In summer 1915 he started training to observer and he served in the autumn of 1915 in BAO. During 1916 he served in support- and homeland units. Early 1917 he was back at the front serving within FA 1. In 0717 he was transferred to AFP 4 and after a short stay as stv of FAA 221 he was posted further to AFP 2. Before taking command of FAA 240 in the autumn of 1917 he shortly served at FAA 225. He apparently led FAA 240 until demobilization. For most of these movements I only have approximate dates. Eventually he received the Hohenzollern award on 210517 but I dont knew where I got this info from. The photo gallery provided Tobias Weber is really nice. Gunnar
    22. Hi Rob The "Böhmer" who was stv of FAA 221 shortly(came from AFP 4) was another officer with the name Boehmer from IR 93. A speculation regarding Ernst Böhmer is that after his service as commander of FAA 213 is that he possible had an connection to the Marine Air Force like coordinator between the Army Air Force and the Marine Air Force. It is only based on that when he received the Hohenzollern award late 1917 (dont knew award date) that he is mentioned in an Marine source... but this is only speculation. Gunnar
    23. Hi Rob I do not have a complete service record for Hptm Ernst Böhmer (O). Born 29.06.1885 in Berlin. Military service within FAR 46 and Lehr Reg Fa.SchSch. He joined FFA 11 when the War started and served there until summer 1915. Then he became the leader of the FlgSch at Jüterbog "until" he took command of FAA 213. After FAA 213 I loose the track of him, but he might have ended up as commander of FAA 284 in the later part of 1918. Some awards: PKrO4 PHOvH3mSchw EK1 PV PFlE WF3bmSchw MK2 Gunnar
    24. Hi Rob I have that Irminbert was the leader of "old" KG 3/13 in the autumn of 1916 so they did not share airfield with FAA 213. I do not have exact dates, thats the reason for the question about his file in Dresden. He do have an file in Freiburg but that file basically dont contain any WW1 Gunnar
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