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    Everything posted by JimZ

    1. Part of what was undoubtedly one of the most impressive soviet groups ever. It is such a pity to see that such groups, which are otherwise unaffordable to 95% of soviet collectors, keep being broken up into smaller lots for monetary gains. Whereas it is great to own a bit of history, it is also a shame that such groups are broken up rather than being preserved by a collector with deep pockets, or a museum, where they can be enjoye by all. Having said that, a museum may perhaps not be the best place either. The amount of "replacement" pieces that I had observed in some of the groups held at the Central Armed Forces Museum in Moscow makes you wonder what happened to the originals. Jim :cheers:
    2. Reviving Christophe's Soviet Quiz for 2011 in "Soviet CCCP: Other Militaria Forum" - Check it out!!

    3. Reviving Christophe's Soviet Quiz for 2011

    4. Reviving Christophe's Soviet Quixz

    5. Reviving Christophe's Soviet Quixz

    6. Reviving Christophe's Soviet Quix

    7. QUESTION 1 I wear an impressive array of medals that should readily identify me. I can also be associated with a high profile trial held in the mid 50s. Point scoring question: What is my name (very easy) and what was my involvement in this trial (easy)? Other question: Please provide some other information about the trial. Good luck! Jim :cheers:
    8. OK....lets run a test of the above rules and see if we can get things started. The rules may eventually be modified but the most important thing, is to request one specific answer without making it so obscure that nobody can find the reply. I hope that this kicks off again, and also hope that all previous particpants as well as new members will return to the quiz. Good luck to all. Jim :cheers:
    9. Darell, If you need help, feel free to PM me and I'll send you my e-mail address. Just mail the pics which I can then post on your behalf. We're always glad to help anyone who wants to share his knowledge with others but encounters some difficuilty or other!!! Jim :cheers:
    10. If I may also ask...what does an original unattributed PLM sell for? Just out of curiosity really. Just trying to learn something here. Jim :cheers:
    11. Ouch - not a good start!! Care to expand medalnet? Just stating its a fake does not educate anyone. Thanks! Jim :cheers:
    12. The Soviet Quiz, started by Christophe ran for a few years since 2006 and was extremely active and a great success. It did however die down over time due to a number of reasons: - Questions asked were at times too complicated as they required composite multi-answer replies; - Questions at times covered areas that were way too obscure and therefore they limited the number of possible respondents severely and thus slowed down the tempo of the quiz; - Members would post questions without bothering to follow up on their queries; - Members would be too busy to set questions and not pass these on to other members when they could not reply. I would like to invite Christophe to involve himself again with the quiz as it used to generated a lot of activity, not only in the quiz thread itself but also in the Soviet fora, that has sadly been lacking over the last year or so. The rules were as follows: All Forum members are eligible to participate, but there needs to be a few ground (and "classical") rules so there is no confusion among Forum members. 1. Discuss only one trivia item at a time so as not to confuse what is being discussed with other Forum members. 2. Once a Forum member guesses the correct trivia question, that member can then post their trivia question. Or if they wish can pass it on to another Forum member. [PROPOSED ADDITION - IF THE QUESTION IS NOT SET WITHIN 48 HOURS OF REPLY THE NEXT QUESTION WILL INSTEAD BE ASKED BY A QUIZ HOST] 3. To ensure we keep this thread friendly, there should be no heckling, bantering, quarreling or arguing with another person when he or she does not correctly answer the trivia question. Never forget we are amongst Gentlemen (or -women). 4. The trivia question must have a connection to the Soviet Union & former Eastern Block Countries, as it is the purpose of this Forum. The trivia could involve history, people, awards, badges or items. The trivia question needs to relate to a time-frame. For example, when was this award first established? Or When did East Germany come into existence? [PROPOSED ADDITION - THE QUESTION MUST HAVE A CLEAR ANSWER - A DATE, AN EVENT, A STORY - IT SHOULD NOT HAVE SEVERAL QUESTIONS BUT SHOULD ENCOURAGE ADDITIONAL BACKGROUND TO THE ANSWER. QUIZ HOSTS MAY REQUEST A MEMBER TO NARROW DOWN THE SCOPE OF THE QUESTION IF TOO MUCH INFORMATION IS REQUESTED. QUESTIONS SHOULD ALSO NOT BE TOO OBSCURE AND SHOULD BE READILY RESEARCHABLE WITHOUT TOO MUCH DIFFICULTY] 5. When the question is answered, the original poster should give [ADDITIONAL] background about the fact, the person, the item in question [WHEN CONFIRMING THE REPLY AS CORRECT]. 6. No posting items to just show you have one unless its adds to the post that is being discussed or shown. 7. [ADDITIONAL RULE: IF IT SO HAPPENS THAT THE PERSON ASKING THE QUESTION WILL BE AWAY FOR A NUMBER OF DAYS, HE IS TO INDICATE THIS AND TO PASS THE ANSWER TO ONE OF THE HOSTS OR ANOTHER MEMBER THUS ENSURING THAT UPON CORRECT REPLY, THE QUIZ MAY PROCEED] Christophe, are you up to it? I am ready to help out with monitoring and keeping tabs until we can set the ball rolling once again. I'd also suggest that we make a fresh start with statistics to rekindle new interest. Should anyone have further suggestions that will make the game more accessible and easier to play, please go ahead - This is the time and place for such suggestions. I hope that with the number of fresh members we can kick start the quiz again. Regards, Jim :cheers:
    13. DETAIL REVERSE - Medaglia di Madri e Vedove Dei Caduti
    14. DETAIL OBVERSE - Medaglia di Madri e Vedove Dei Caduti
    15. REVERSE - Medaglia di Madri e Vedove Dei Caduti
    16. OBVERSE - Medaglia di Madri e Vedove Dei Caduti
    17. I believe Kevin was referring to the "Medaglia di Madri e Vedove Dei Caduti" or Medal for Mothers and Widows of the Fallen. This medal was instituted on 24 May 1919 as a token of national gratitude and was presented to mothers and widows alike. The obverse shows a woman handing a laurel wreath to a wounded/dying soldier with another woman stands in the background (possibly wife and widow). The reverse includes the text: - IL FIGLIO CHE TI NACQVE DAL DOLORE TI RINASCE "O BEATA" NELLA GLORIA E IL VIVO EROE "PIENA DI GRAZIA " E TECO; which translates to - THE SON THAT WAS BORN TO YOU IN PAIN IS REBORN "OH BLESSED ONE" IN GLORY AND LIVES AS A HERO "FULL OF GRACES" AND IS WITH THEE. This medal is one of my favourites with very good quality relief. The ribbon is black (faded) with the italian tricolour. See below -
    18. Very good to see the setting up of this forum. The I-A Victory Medal is indeed a whole are of collection to itself that can be compared to other award specific fora such as the EK forum. Well done on the good work. Jim :cheers:
    19. Many thanks to UWE and GORDON for the recent info. I will look forward to trying to compile the info as I would like to present this to the Veteran's son. I know that he has other pictures of his father's and I will some day try to obtain scans of these - although this may have to wait till the next time I visit Austria Re the tunic, when this was given to me, he had confirmed it as being his. Now whether this meant it was his official uniform or perhaps any other uniform given to him when he was released from his POW camp was a detail I never thought to ask. Of course, those photo albums might hold the key to this (if photos that late into the war even exist). Its a humble grouping of items really but as I knew the veteran and his son, it means the world to me that I can put some information together and at least, return part of the story back to his son. Jim :cheers:
    20. Hi Gordon, I was rather pleased to hear that you concurred with the uniform being tailored out of green material. Rick had earlier indicated this as a possible POW suit but as I mentioned, the lining and threads show absolutely no discoloration from dying, which is why I was not really keen on that explanation. How uncommon are these tunics made out captured material as this green tunic seems to baffle most people, making me think that its not so common to come across them. You say its a typical wermacht uniform. But is it a typical NCO flak uniform? In the photos, he seems to be wearing a different style of uniform.... Thanks, Jim :cheers:
    21. Hi Gordon, What collar patch would denote Waff. Oberrwm and is that below the Stabsfeldwebel rank. That could put some time frame as to the ranks. Agreed that to the best of my knowledge he was regular flak and not attached to HGD. Its something that cropped up earlier on that made me include that possibility. Gordon, is there any way we can put together a time frame of sorts from the various bits and pieces as to what ranks were held and when he may have received his medals etc. I tried something of the sort in an earlier post but I am sure it could do with some polishing up. Thanks Jim:
    22. Gordon, Many thanks for the information you have provided on the original grouping . As you may know these items fall very far from my area of collecting and unfortunately, apart from receiving these from their original owner and his son, I do not know as much as I would like to. Of course I did spend time with the veteran, a very old man when I knew him, but unfortunately, we never really could communicate in a common language. In so far as the wound certificate is concerned, I believe the veteran to still be alive and I will ask his son if he could provide me with any further information that may tie in to the info you provided. I am very appreciative of your time and effort!!! Jim :cheers:
    23. Hi Uwe, Thanks again for your kind reply. If the patch displayed in post 26 is the correct trade patch, then he probably did earn it at some point or other. I say at some point or other as he is seen in photo 74 mounted on a horse with a similar patch, on his left sleeve instead (unless the photo is inverted). However, I think that he might be in Austrian uniform in that picture albeit what seems to be sidecap with german insignia. No one ever confirmed what the uniform is. Could that be the same patch or could it be anything else. In photo 80, you are very right to comment that he wears no patch on his left sleeve when even the person behind him is wearing it - it can just be seen. There seems to be no other evidence in the few photos I have, of him wearing the patch. If you have the time to scan through the thread and provide any more information Jim :cheers:
    24. Thanks Uwe. Could you translate the text please as I only parially understand it. I take it that this places my man in Erlangen-Bruck in 20.10.43. Is Waffenoberinspektor a title or a rank? If a title, what is his rank? Would have said from the collar tabs (although not clear in the photo) that he is probably a Hauptmann.
    25. I am reviving this thread from three years ago in the hope that some new members might go through it and perhaps, provide some new details on any of the items displayed...as well as answer many of the questions that I asked. All info is, as always, very much appreciated. To collect the info provided so far: Started career as a "gunner" in the old pre Anschluss Austrian artillery Got promoted to full Corporal. Recipient of Austrian medal Wears trade patch of an armourer to Hermann Goring Division Promted to Feldwebel and Oberfeldwebel Flak Awarded war merits cross and 4 year service Was captured as a POW in Italy (if in Hermann Goring Division and captured in Italy probably captured pre 1944 when I believe the HG division was pulled out of Italy) Was kind of hoping that more info would have come to light from the various bits and bobs….. Jim :cheers:
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