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    Everything posted by Deelibob

    1. I have seen a photograph of a relative taken 1943 in which he sports the ribbon of the 1939-45 star. There was also an article many years ago regarding medal ribbon collector Lionel Guille (Founder Member of OMRS) and photo of him inspecting WW2 Medal ribbon being manufactured in 1942/43. So it is possible that Christie is wearing the Defence Medal ribbon. I do not know of serial killers but certainly know of five men who served in WW1 went on to kill and took the nine o'clock walk for their trouble. The Blazing car Murderer, Travelling Salesman Alfred Rouse, 24th London Regiment, wounded during a bayonet fight at Festubert 1915 and discharged wounded with a Silver war badge badge 1916. (Suffered terrible nightmares) Entitled to WW1 Trio. The Crowborough Chicken Farm Murderer, Small holding owner Norman Thorne. Entitled BWM and Victory (Poss. Named to RNAS) "The Dandelion Dead" Murderer,Solicitor Herbert Rowse Armstrong TD MA Entitled to TD,TEM and BWM. Don't think he served overseas. (It may be that the TEM was handed in on his being awarded the TD as some officers did) Police Killers, Garage Owners Browne and Kennedy who murdered Essex Police Constable George Gutteridge c. 1927 during the theft of a Morris Cowley motor car. I believe both entitled to Trio's but not confirmed. I would not doubt there are many more. Hope of interest. Peter OMRS = Orders and Medals Research Society
    2. Spot on Dave, he was a Paid Police War Reserve and as such not entitled to Special Cons Faithful Service medal. As far as I am aware he is only entitled to a First War Medal and Victory. It is possible he may have worn a 14/15 star ribbon when not entitled.(There is certainly more than two medal ribbons on the bar he wears.) He served with the Duke Wellingtons Yorkshire Regiment and was invalided out due to Mustard Gas poisoning. He is/was entitled to a silver wound badge.
    3. Hi, There is a small book called " The Tottenham Outrage" written in 2009 to coincide with the anniversary and available (or Was) from the Tottenham Council/Amenities. It is very in depth and will answer all your questions. My understanding is that at some stage during the chase the two Letts meandered over or close to the "J" Division border and were engaged by officers of that Division. In the book a full list is given of those Civilian and Police, Killed, Wounded, Awarded KPM's, Commendations or Notes to Constables Credit. Regards Peter
    4. Hi Steve,

      Again thanks for the information, I am at present getting ready to do some research on him, I will send full details of his citation and the location of incident for inclusion on the BTPHG site.

      The main reason for this message is that I initially went to the BTPHG site to view Michaels entry thereon, I then viewed Police Roll of Honour Trust and was a bit confused/dismayed to see he was not included on it.(AS best as I could see, but I do attend Spec Savers) I mention this just in case it has been an oversight and he is meant to be on the PRofHT.


      Peter Dellius

      1. Polsa999


        Hi Peter

        Thanks for the heads up, past experience with the PRoHT is not great. Additions to their Roll takes a great deal of time and for some reason never happens! However saying that, the HG do keep them updated. Thanks for the offer to keep us updated.

        Best wishes

        Steve Beamon

      2. Deelibob


        Hi Steve,

        I was perusing an old Auction list (C.2010) and came across this pair of medals. Defence medal with Kings Commendation Oak Leaf for brave conduct and the LMS silver medal for courage.

        They were awarded to Special Constable Herbert George Thomas of Sheffield (Wicker) 12th December 1941 for Courage during the Blitz on Sheffield.

        I presume he was a Sheffield special but worked for LMS or could be the Gallant act took place on LMS land.

        Just two medals the LMS is shown Obverse and Reverse. They sold for £1000.oo

        Thought you may be interested.

        Regards, Peter


      3. Polsa999


        Thanks Peter...sorry for delay in replying but not been so good! Will pass on the information for investigation. Best wishes Steve

        A quick reply.....yes there was a guy with this name who was a LMS police special but was based at Bow in London....thanks for the information. We now have to find out whether this is the correct one.....was the information about Sheffield on the eBay entry? Joined LMS specials on 25/09/1939 and left 24/09/1945 to return to the railway.

    5. Nilsen was attached, as a cook, to the Argyle and Sutherland Highlanders, famous for their exploits in the Crater District of Aden under Col."Mad Mitch" Mitchell. I have seen a photograph of Nilsen wearing a A&SH Glengarry. The medal was sold in London and I have kept a weathered eye out for it since the 70's and to my knowledge it has never appeared. Sadly it could have fallen victim to the trend at the time of jeweller's using GSM's to Corps as replacements by skimming name off and renaming.This was done before reasonable copies were available on the market.
    6. This is the first I have heard of this matter but for what it is worth here is what I know of the issuing process. The HR (Personnel as was) note the officer is entitled to the Exemplary Police Service Medal ( Known to all and sundry as the LS&GC) They make a list of those eligible, ie 20 years Service (22 years as was) they forward the list to the Professional Standards Department (Discipline Department as was) for a Check as to whether there are any matters past, present or pending which would exclude an officer from being awarded the medal. If all clear the HR submit the names for approval to the Home Secretary in the case of most forces but in the case of Port, Tunnel Police etc to the Secretary of State for Transport, when approved the HR forward the list to the Royal mint who will strike, name and supply the medals to the Force in question. The Mint do not issue medals they supply them to the Police from a list supplied to them by the HR of the Force concerned. The fault for false information given to the Mint must lay with the HR. I speak from experience as I have been involved in the process.
    7. BJofW, Please bear with me as I am new to Met.Police collecting but I think that you may find that PC Thompson has a (Tenuous) link with the Jack the Ripper I have the following from a book on the murders. I do not own the book (and alas do not recall the title) and this is from rough notes I made from it. On the 13th February 1891, Pc 240"H" Ernest Thompson was on his first lone night patrol when he disturbed the Murderer of Frances Cole ( who some believe was a Ripper victim) in Swallow Gardens, although he heard the receding footsteps of the assailant he saw Frances's eyelid move and so in accordance with force orders he stayed with the victim who he deemed alive. A decision he was to regret for the rest of his short life. He was stabbed to death by a Barnett Abrahams having moved him on once after a disturbance at a Cabmans refreshment stall. I am sure this information can be verified Regards Peter
    8. Odin, Many thanks for your helpful information and advice as always. Regards Peter
    9. Polsa, Correction, after re searching the RofH I find he is on it under the BTP but only with the information that you have. A glancing search of Ancestry shows that he is, if same man, variously refered to as Leonard Harold, Harold Leonard with the surname Wetherall, Weatherall and Witherall. He was b. Dartford, Kent 1897 and appears to have married a Miss. Vincent in 1922. Regards Peter
    10. Could anyone assist with information on an Inspector J.Davis "B" Divn. Metropolitan Police 1887. Thanks Peter
    11. Polsa, Try Anthony Rae at the Police Roll of Honour Trust, although I know Weatherall does not appear Mr Rae just may be able to assist or point you in right direction as he has great experience of such research. Regards Peter.
    12. Thanks Max, I have no further information on Ivy, only that someone thought she had gone to Cyprus with the Liverpool City contingent. Thanks very much for your efforts and if any further information comes to light I will certainly be in touch. Regards Peter
    13. I am trying to establish if a Female Constable Ivy A. Murray (nee Philips) served in Cyprus as part of the Liverpool City Police Contingent and would be grateful for any help. Thanks
    14. Thanks Guys, Very informative indeed. Will follow up and try to obtain medal. Regards Peter
    15. I have been offered a 1887 Met Police Jubilee medal to PC E. Nursey "A" Division. The vendor has a note with the medal which states " Involved in Jill the Ripper Murders" Which I take to mean he was involved in the investigation re the Murderer Mary Pearcey. I would be grateful for any information on PC Nursey. Many Thanks Peter
    16. Up to mid eighties such behaviour was frowned upon by the UK Police Service with many officers being put on report including one in Liverpool who merely let a football supporter wear his helmet whilst he donned the supporters red/white cap. However, the Powers that be later decided that such displays of interaction were to be encouraged as it would let the public see the human side of the Police. An old hand said to me, " Familiarity breeds contempt, just watch respect for the Police drop" have the intervening years proved him right ?
    17. Hi Alex, I would agree it is a life saving medal awarded by a Society such as the Royal Humane Etc. I have only ever seen one medal with the suspension bar so close to the actual medal and that is the Stanhope medal, however, the medal in the photo does not depict the half circle effect on the suspender. My best guess would be it is a jewellers mounted medal of the Society of the Protection of Life from Fire, this sports a dark Red ribbon. But it is just a guess. Peter
    18. The attached uncut pair of Divisional shoulder titles were given to me many years ago by a WW2 Veteran who had served in the Recon Corps and 11th Hussars. Can anyone identify the Division they represent. Thanks Peter
    19. Thanks for posting this. A Brave man indeed. R.I.P. Patrick.
    20. This medal is now for sale on e-bay but the picture supplied appears to show the name Pontle as do three of the above pictures. Was there a PC Pontle or do I need to go to spec savers !
    21. Odin Mk 3, Many thanks for that, I am obliged to you and Alex for all your help, again enlightening and much appreciated. Regards Peter
    22. Alex, Thanks very much, information very enlightening and much appreciated. Regards Peter
    23. Can anyone assist with information on Constable J. Wyatt 2nd Division and information on 2nd Division would also be appreciated. Regards Peter
    24. Hi Craig, The lad on the Coach appears to say Blue Beanies but my hearings not that good, but I don't recognise that either. You may be right and it was one blokes phrase or he may be referring to the film Yellow submarine where the Blue Meanies were a Clan of Fierce Buffoonish Music Hating Creatures and relating it to Evertonian's. My only regret re this posting is watching that film all through for the interesting bit to be in the last 5 seconds. I hate football so thanks Mate. Yes the predominant name for the Police in Liverpool is Bizzie, I think this relates to Prisoners shouting for something from the cell's to be told " I'm Busy" Regards Peter
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