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    1. May I have your permission to link to "Stockbroker and spy, France, Rissia and beyond" from the BlennerhassettFamilyTree.com website ?

      1. dante


        Hi Bill, no problem, if you have any connections with the family, I would like to get hold of a nice portrait of him, cheers, Paul  

      2. Bill Jehan

        Bill Jehan

        Paul, have an extremely battered childhood scrap-book compiled by the son (only child) of Cap. William Lewis BH. The son was Maj. Rowland BH (full name Casimir Paul Francis Rowland BH) b.25-Aug-1911 d.19-Mar-1993. This scrap-book, full of newspapers cutting etc, is signed "R.P.F. Blennerhassett year 1923" so he was aged c12 years. This family loved playing with the arrangement of their many initials. Much had been removed from or otherwise lost from the scrap book prior to me acquiring it, but an amount remains in it. There are not many family photos left but I think it may have photos of Rowland as a boy, and of his parents. I purchased the scrap-book on eBay, also on eBay I found an original photo of Capt. Wm Lewis BH's father (Sir Rowland BH, 4th Bart.) and a couple more relatives.  The family were aristocratic R.C., this is confirmed by the cuttings which mention people they were related to or friends with. One photo appears to be Oswald Moseley. In the last couple of years I have corresponded with a couple of people about Capt. William lewis BH but won't mention their names, could do so by email.  I have a sale group photograph of the medals you display, plus another "The Order of the White Rose" which is not in your photo. regards, Bill

      3. dante


        Thanks Bill, I have the White rose, but if you turn up any pictures, my email is paulbiddle401@btinternet.com happy to correspondence further 

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