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    Jock Auld

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    Everything posted by Jock Auld

    1. Kyles bullets, If you see another and it is cheap and chearful you should take it. German ebay is a very good source of stuff. I don't doubt there are plenty out there and I must have walked past 100s of them over my 26 years in Germany but you have to know they exist to collect them I suppose. If you don't notice the Luftshutz property mark then it is just a black thing amongst the junk. Jock
    2. Guys, Last punt today, with a handful of mouth pieces. As ever unmarked, not even a maker. The old girl said her opa could get a not out of it. Same construction tecnique as the fanfares but a lot shorter obviously! Jock
    3. Guys, Not much about today but this tickled me as it still has some fag papers and a bit of tobacco in the bottom. Jock
    4. Guys, Not much of interest out there today. This is marked 'gjz' and dated 44. The maker firm name is Websky, Hartmann & Wiessen AG from Wuestewaltersdorf. Jock
    5. Bernhard, There is a documentary about the 'non art' as it were. I think a lot of it is also 'lagered' somewhere in Munich? I wonder when it will become acceptable for it to be catogorised as 'history', it did happen after all? We will probably both be dead by then! jock
    6. Can't say I've seen it. I guess I need to look at the local history more closely. Jock
    7. Guys, Got this curious little bugger today, i have pictured it next to normal tin (M31) to give a sense of size. It is marked on the bottom JAPY inside a diamond (see pic not too clear). I thought possibly for kids camping or the likes? I think it is too small for an adults lunch box type of thing? It appears to have some age to it. It is well made soprobably from a peace time market? Who knows? Jock
    8. Guys, Not in the best of condition and sadly not complete but that was reflected in its price. I have pictured the more interesting prints that remain. Sorry about the flash glare but it would not go away as these are just bigger than A3. Jock
    9. Morten, You have better eyes than me, I thought it looked like a 27 they are both pretty similar. Cheers Jock
    10. It is something I have not seen before. I do have one somewhere that gives advice on how to civilianise uniform by changing the colour for sure and I think the cut but I can't remember and it will be in a box somewhere. Jock
    11. All adds up now Bernhard, Hogo Rab Von Spesshard, sounds like a posh name, seems he was a court secertary by trade then called up in May 43. I like his discharge papers where he has been issued 3 days rations and the seperate authority to were uniform until Jan 46 after which he is in trouble, I have not seen one of these forms before! Nothing fancy, no medals but I don't think I have another from General Government area. Jock
    12. Bernhard, Thanks it is probably just me and Dis Lexicon der Wehrmacht. Jock
    13. Guys, Struggling to find this unit, cant find it on Lexicon, any ideas? Thanks! Jock
    14. Paul, I don't doubt it did well back then but Herr Neimann is out of the game and a lot of people this side of the channel think he has been very shrewd in retiring early. The question stands, what is his bit of paper worth now, not then? Soft strong and thoroughly absorbant springs to mind. I think too much in the past has been done on reputation in this hobby. It is slowly catching up the likes of Gottlieb and Winkler. Who's next it makes me wonder? Best Regards Jock
    15. I just thought it bizzar that they would complicate the manufacturing process at a time when they should simplify production. Mad! Jock
    16. Nick, He must have left it quite late in life to publish his memoirs. I was rather hoping it was like a 50s 60s type publication before the 'rot' set in. I don't suppose you happen to know when the first one of these EKs came on the market do you? Jock
    17. Thats not fair its all in 'jibberish'. Does his book exist translated, I bet it is a good read! Jock
    18. Robin, I have plenty of independant thoughts, just not about these, how many people have handled them or have one in their collection? I suppose when someone comes up with an actual photo of one in wear then the postmortem of the copies can begin. Until then it is always going to be six of one, half dozen of the other? I will keep my eyes open for any pictures that get skipped. I am more surprised that there is no paper trail from the Germans about their existance, they are normally quite good at that side of things? Jock
    19. Japan, This seems like it has been a pet project of yours, A lot of info there. When did Col Basistov puplish his book? I am not in any way an expert on human behavour but the two lines he dedicates to it would on the face of it, for me, be a truthful account. My reconing being he has not really given it the light of day as a failed operation not really worthy of much note? I think what would be more important is the dates of publication versus when these things showed up for sale. Only 28 years ago when I was a kid and the EKs were readily available the hobby had not yet developed into a sience of maker marks, round 3s shinkels etc so I think the time line is important. Something like those EK would have been unusual but not a show stopper that it could potentialy be today if it came with the correct marketing from say CG or KW for example. It would have been nice if he had said how many were made but again that is no help I suppose if only a handful survived? If I seen one of these and it was cheap and chearful whether copy of a copy or not I think I would take it just for the workmanship and to have a conversation piece. I wonder who has the dies!? Jock
    20. Guys, The key fits so I thought I could use it if nothing else. Is this really of the period or a load of old bollocks. I thought it was a messed with Bundeswehr lock but on closer inspection it would have been a lot of work to do. Jock
    21. Guys, Another one today. No maker and is a bit smaller than the last 1939 I posted. Jock
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