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    Herr General

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    Everything posted by Herr General

    1. Was one allowed to wear his Dutch, French, Belgium etc awards in German medalgroups during World War Two? I'm thinking of diplomats, higher officers, nobility etc.
    2. Here's a photo I found a few days ago..
    3. I recently sold a nice photo of Heye in South America to forum member Noor!
    4. Looks like General Heye to me,
    5. Thanks, Is it possible for you to list these names? Is a citation like this common for a Bronze Star? Where could i find more info about the Soldier's medal. Would an award like that to a foreigner been publiced in an American Newspaper?
    6. Republic of Korea Office of the Minister of National Defence 21 october 1953 Citation Chungmu Distinguished Military Service Medal with Silver Star The minister of National Defence, in accordance with the authority vested in him under the provision of the Presidential Order II, awards the Chungmu Distinguished Military Service Medal with Silver Star to Captain EDWIN ------ 231215007, Royal Netherlands Army For exceptionally meritorious service in connection with military operations in Korea: Captain EDWIN ---- 231215007, Infantry, Royal Netherlands Army, is cited for exceptionally meritorious service in connection with military operations against an armed enemy in Korea during the period 28 September 1952 to 2 august 1953. During this period, Captain --- exhibited exceptional ability in performing all the tasks that he was called upon. As Executive Officer of company ?E?, and later, Company ?A?, Captain --- showed exemplary efficiency and promptness in his dealing with various personnel matters and related problems. His competence was such, that the Company Commander was able to devote all his time to other matters. As Commander of Headquarters Company, Captain ----displayed admirable leadership qualities. Regardless of the job, Captain ---, throughout his tour of duty, worked only for the betterment of his unit. No task was to great or too small for hum to undertake and his devotion to duty set a brilliant example for others to follow. The eminently meritorious service rendered by Captain ---- throughout this period earned for him a deep respect and admiration of those with whom he served, and reflects great credit upon himself and the Royal Netherlands Army. WON IL SOHN Minister of National Defence
    7. Citation Bronze Star Medal Headquarters Eight United States Army ATO 301 Captain EDWIN ----, 291215007, Infantry, Netherlands Army. Captain ----, a member of the Netherlands Battalion, is cited for meritorious service in connection with military operations against an armed enemy in Korea during the period 25 September 1952 to 1 Augustus 1953. As a company executive officer, company commander, and motor transport officer at various times during this period, Captain ---- exhibited superior qualities of leadership, aggressiveness, and diligence. His comprehensive knowledge of military techniques and combat tactics and his willingness to assume additional responsibilities under extremely adverse conditions were instrumental in the outstanding combat success attained by the battalion. His loyalty, initiative, and devotion to duty earned him the respect and admiration of all those with whom he served. The meritorious service rendered by Captain ---- throughout this period reflects great credit on himself and the Netherlands Army. Is this a normal citation for a Bronze Star Medal?
    8. Paul, I think that the PH was a mistake from the veteran? I only saw one veteran wearing a PH... Is there a way to research the Soldier's medal of this man in America?
    9. Hello Paul. I have seen one Dutch veteran wearing a PH years ago. I was just reading about the PH and read that the are only awarded to American Soldiers. Very strange... Dutch soldiers also received the Legion of Merit and the Medal of Freedom for actions in Korea.
    10. The son is looking in his fathers papers to see if he can find out more. I have a document and a citation for the Bronze Star. (will show those later) A lot of Silver Stars, Bronze Stars, Purple Hearts, etc where awarded to Dutch soldiers in Korea. Here is the bar of a veteran friend;
    11. The seller of this group (his son) told me that his father always use to tell that he earned one of these medals for saving the life of an officer in Korea. Could the SM been given for such an act?
    12. Forgot to add, the Bronze Star is named, The Soldier's medal isn't..
    13. How many soldier's medals where given to Dutch soldiers in the Korean War? I'm in the process of buying a WWII RAF/Dutch Army - Indonesia and Korea medalgroup with Dutch, French, British, American and Korean medals and bravery awards including a Soldier's Medal, Bronze Star, Chung-mu and Croix de Guerre and would like to now how rare these American awards are to a Dutchmen,
    14. Very nice group! Was there a photo of the man or his medals sold?
    15. Thanks for the info! I think I might be able to find him in a Dutch ranklist somewhere after 1918..
    16. New in my collection Dutch officers long service cross with XXV years of service Dutch Red Cross - Cross of Merit Dutch Mobilisationcross WWI Prussian Red Eagle order - knight Are there lists available of foreign receivers of this prussian order?
    17. Maybe owned by one of those persons buying up all the high end Russian orders recently ?
    18. The first one in this group is the rememberance medal of the wedding. The wedding medal has the same ribbon but is in bronze http://www.haffmansantiek.nl/coins/images/IMGP9668.JPG
    19. Did the brother and other family of the Dutch Queen Mother Emma receive Dutch decorations? Are there photo's of them wearing the wedding medal of there family member Queen Emma?
    20. Thank you for the information. Did the person with the Hochzeitsmedaille have an connection with the Duke Hendrik of Mecklenburg-Schwerin? Does anyone have more bars to add?
    21. Herzogs Hermann Bernhard Georg von Sachsen ? Weimar ? Eisenach, w?rttembergischer General der Kavallerie Preu?en: EK 2. Klasse 1870 mit Eichenblattspange ?25?; Niederlande: Milit?r-Wilhelms-Orden, Kreuz 3. Klasse, Gold und Emaille; Preu?en: KDM 1870/1871 f?r K?mpfer mit 2 Gefechtsspangen: Villiers und Paris; W?rttemberg: Offiziersdienstauszeichnungskreuz f?r 25 Jahre, K?nig Karl; Olga-Orden, Silber, teilweise Gold; Silberne Karl-Olga-Medaille; Goldene Regierungs-Jubil?umsmedaille zum 25j?hrigen Regierungsjubil?um K?nig Karls, 1889, Gold; Preu?en: Goldene Hochzeitsmedaille 1. Klasse, 1879; Centenarmedaille; Rot- Kreuz-Medaille 3. Klasse; Bayern: Sanit?ts-Verdienstkreuz 1870/1871; Sachsen-Weimar: Goldene Jubil?umsmedaille zur Erinnerung an die Goldene Hochzeit, 1892, Silber-vergoldet; Ehrenzeichen f?r R?hmliche T?tigkeiten 1870/1871; Hessen ? Darmstadt: Milit?r- Sanit?tskreuz 1870/1871; Schaumburg-Lippe: Milit?rverdienstmedaille.
    22. Preu?en, Eisernes Kreuz 2. Klasse, 1914 Roter-Adler-Orden 4. Klasse Kronenorden 3. Klasse, Offiziersdienstauszeichnungskreuz f?r 25 Jahre Centenarmedaille K?nigreich Sachsen, Kriegsverdienstkreuz 1915 ? 1918 Mecklenburg-Schwerin, Milit?rverdienstkreuz 2. Klasse, 1914 Oldenburg, Friedrich-August-Kreuz 2. Klasse, 1914 Haus- und Verdienstorden von Herzog Peter Friedrich Ludwig, Ritterkreuz 2. Klasse mit Krone; Mecklenburg-Schwerin, Greifen-Orden, Ritterkreuz mit Krone Anhalt, Friedrichskreuz, 1914; Schaumburg-Lippe, Kreuz f?r Treue Dienste, 1914 ? 1918 ?sterreich, Milit?rverdienstkreuz 3. Klasse mit KD Niederlande, Hausorden von Oranien Nassau, Ritterkreuz mit Schwertern Hochzeitsmedaille, 1901 Sold by Carsten Zeige
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