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    Glenn J

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    Everything posted by Glenn J

    1. Hi Rick, I received the German language copy of the new Kraus/Schlicht Reichswehr book today. Very impressive it is as have been the previous publications from Verlag Militaria. They confirm that the medical officers and veterinary officers of the "Provisional" Reichswehr in the period 1919/1920 continued to wear the pattern of patches introduced by the A.K.O. of 21.9.15 for the Bluse M1915. Regards Glenn
    2. Hi David, Offizier-Stammliste des Ersten Garde-Regiments zu Fu? 1869-1913 zum 25 j?hr. Jubil?um S. M. d. Kaisers u. K?nigs Wilhelm II. als Chef d. Regiments. Regards Glenn
    3. Hi David, I wish you had have asked me that question this time last week. I don't own a copy of the 1. G.R.z.F. Stammliste but had a copy in my hands on Monday at the Deutsche B?cherei in Leipzig. I typed into my laptop only the basic career details and most importantly the first names of nearly 500 officers of that regiment. Otto von M?ller spent the early part of his career in 1. G.R.z.F. before being officially assigned to the Generalstab around 1908. Incidentally that is where I also handled a copy of the Kaiser-Alexander-Garde-Grenadier-Regiment Nr. 1 Stammliste from which I transcribed the information I sent you regarding Georg. Regards Glenn
    4. Hi David, I have seen that photograph before. I thought I had it on my computer but can't find it. It is perhaps in one of the edtions of the Deutsches Soldatenjahrbuch. Otto von M?ller, a General Staff officer was originally an officer in the 1. Garde-Regiment zu Fu? (as was the CP) and these gentlemen are wearing the uniform of that regiment. Otto von M?ller: Portepee-F?hnrich: 17.6.93 Sekonde-Lieutenant: 27.1.94 R3r Oberleutnant: 18.4.03 F4f Hauptmann: 21.3.08 T8t Major: 19.8.14 S5s Regards Glenn
    5. Robin, more good news today Andy Baus (who still has difficulties posting here) sent me the following on Rittmeister Hemmerde to pass on to you: Heinrich Leopold Hemmerde, born 25.05.1847 in Hannover. Vizefeldwebel in Reserve Landwehr Batl. Hannover 73. 13.11.1869 Sek.Lt. of the reserve of IR 57. 12.07.1870 Sek.Lt. in F?s. R. 39 (D?sseldorf) with a patent of 12.07.70. 11.03.1876 transferred to LHR 1. 02.05.1878 Prem.Lt. 12.11.85 retired as a captain. 21.04.1898 died in Hannover. Also, from the Ranglisten: 1884-12.11.85 in 3./LHR 1 (Danzig) 1883 in 5./LHR 1 (Danzig-Langfuhr) 1880-1882 Adjutant of LHR 1 (Danzig) 1879 in 3./LHR 1 (Preu?isch Stargardt) 11.03.76-1878 in 1./LHR 1 (Danzig) 1874-1876 Adjutant II. Batl./F?silier Regt. 39 (D?seldorf) 1871-1873 in 10./F?silier Regt. 39 (D?sseldorf) 12.07.70-1870 in 5./F?silier R. 39 on active service Regards Glenn
    6. Hi Rick, Doktor Karl Wezel, born 5 July 1877 in Berlin. Attended the Kaiser-Wilhlem-Akademie f?r das milit?r?rztliche Bildungswesen from 20 October 1896 until 14 February 02. Qualified as a Doctor of Medicine on 20 June 1902 and commissioned as an Assistenzarzt on 12 Sep 02 B. Regards Glenn
    7. Just back from a four day trip. Can't see Boroevic in this one. The guy to Kaiser Karl's left is Franz Freiherr Rohr von Denta. The general to his left appears to be Erzherzog Joseph and the old boy with the beard is FML Zdenko Prinz von Lobkowitz, Herzog zu Raudnitz, Genaraladjutant to the Kaiser. The German I think is von Cramon. Regards Glenn
    8. Hi David, the photograph shows an Unteroffizier, possibly a Portepee-F?hnrich of what looks like Garde-Grenadier-Regiment Nr. 1. However I don't think it is Georg as this photograph was taken after the 22 March 1897 introduction of the Reichskokarde. Georg had been a Sekonde-Lieutenant since 27 Jan 1895. Regards Glenn
    9. Hi Robin, I am pleased to be able to tell you that your plate was once the property of one Generalmajor Vollrath von Hellermann, holder of the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross! General von Hellermann, born 18 May 1900 at Ratzeburg commanded 2./Kavallerie-Regiment 5 from 15 October 1935 until 12 October 1937 when he was assigned to the staff of the H?here Kavallerie-Offizier 4 at Hannover. He won the Deutsches Kreuz on 20 Sep 1942 and the Knight's Cross on 21 Nov 1942 for his actions as the regimental commander of Panzer-Grenadier-Regiment 21. He spent much of the latter part of the war on the staff of the OKH eventually rising to the rank of Generalmajor on the 1st of October 1944 as the inspector of Officer Careers. He died in M?nchen on the 25th of August 1971. Regards Glenn
    10. Robin, the Chef of 2./K.R. 5 in April 1934 was one Rittmeister (1.2.31) Krahmer. He was already a Major by 1.1.36 (28) and was in Kavallerie-Regiment Nr. 8 by October 1938. Promoted to Oberst on 1.1.42 (43) and certainly still alive in 1944. However probably not your man but I can hopefully confirm on Friday. Regards Glenn
    11. I have a secret 1934 but with the expansion of the army in that period I very much doubt the same guy would still have been commanding a squadron in 1937. Regards Glenn
    12. Otto, this Freiherr von Puttkamer is not the later General. Rittmeister Freiherr von Puttkamer was still a squadron commander in . Leib-Husaren-Regiment Nr. 1 when he received his patent as a Major on the 15th of February 1887 (he had been promoted without a patent somewhat earlier). He left the army sometime between 1891 and 1894. I have him listed in Ulanen-Regiment von Schmidt (1. Pommersches) Nr. 4 in 1891. Heinrich Freiherr von Puttkamer was serving as an Oberst-Lieutenant in Anhaltisches Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 93 in 1891. Regards Glenn
    13. Mike, in fact char. Oberstleutnant Bruno von Prittwitz und Gaffron, born 10 March 1855. The later Generaloberst was Max von Prittwitz und Gaffron. Regards Glenn
    14. Not the same von Prittwitz und Gaffron 1. Leib-Husaren-Regiment Nr. 1 von Prittwitz und Gaffron rose to the rank of charakterisierter Oberstleutnant on retiring from Ulanen-Regiment Kaiser Alexander II. von Ru?land (1. Brandenburgisches) Nr. 3 on 18 May 1905. Regards Glenn
    15. Hi Brian, I'll try and finish that this Sunday. Regards Glenn
    16. Brian, managed to find Rittmeister von Schwarzkopf's first name or to be more precise all his forenames Kurt Guido Cuno Detlef Heinrich von Schwarzkopf. Born 28 January 1874 in Hannover. Regards Glenn
    17. Carl Albrecht Groh is still an Hauptmann in this photograph which therefore must date it between his award of the St. Henry on 27 March 1871 and his 23 December 1874 promotion to Major. Born on the 14 February 1835, he commanded the 1. Feldartillerie-Regiment Nr. 12 from 23 January 1885 to 13 November 1886 and died on 11 May 1895 as an Oberst a.D. Regards Glenn
    18. Major/Oberstleutnant Georg Schmidtmann commanded the Ausbildings-Bataillon of the 18. Infanterie-Regiment from 1 April 1924 until 28 February 1927. He presumably retired then. Regards Glenn
    19. Georg Wilhelm Gustav Schmidtmann, born 4 July 1876 at Alfeld, Hannover. Entered Infanterie-Regiment Prinz Friedrich der Niederlande (2. Westf?lisches) Nr. 15 on 31 March 1896 as a Fahnenjunker. 18 October 1896: Portepee-F?hnrich 18 October 1897: Sekonde-Lieutenant (Patent 20.7.97 D7d1) 1 October 1902 - 30 September 1906: Adjutant I. Bataillon 11 September 1907: Oberleutnant M2m 1 October 1908 - 30 September 1911: Adjutant Landwehrbezirk Minden 20 May 1913: Hauptmann E4e Regards Glenn
    20. David, correct. The Landesbibliothek in M?nster holds a copy of the Ebertz Grenadier-Regiment Nr. 11 book. I will look at it next week although I can't promise he will be mentioned! I'll copy any mention of him if he is. Regards Glenn
    21. David, the old Hanoverian promotion Patents were used to determine seniority on transfer into Prussian service and were listed in the published Prussian Dienstalterlisten along with the Prussian patents. Regards Glenn
    22. David, not much I am afraid. He was awarded an EK2 in 1870/71 and died at Hildesheim. Seconde-Lieutenant: 16.5.62 Premier-Lieutenant: 6.9.70 He had retired by 1877. Regards Glenn
    23. David, Louis Ernst Wilhelm Friedrich M?ldner von M?lnheim died as an Hauptmann a.D. on 25 May 1890. Regards Glenn
    24. Hi David, as an aggregierter officer he was a supernumary. Once he was eingereiht he was on the permanent establishment of the regiment. He would have been serving with the regiment between the two dates. Regards Glenn
    25. Hi David, luckily Karl Louis also served in Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 57 He was still alive in 1910. Regards Glenn
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