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    Bob Hunter

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    Everything posted by Bob Hunter

    1. Soooooooo, whatcher guess, Rick? Officer or NCO. This is the bottom of RAO foodchain, is it not? That's what I mean by entry level.
    2. Paul, you shouldn't say things like that about Rick. He gets all gooey like a slug in a rain storm and he becomes difficult to deal with fantasizing his own omnipotence and lesser god-like qualities... Since it was the entry level award of the RAO I assumed it was for an NCO perhaps a staffer. Staffers, be they officer or enlisted, are sometimes referred to as horseholders or strap hangers (as in commuting by train). Rick's term for these folks is Lounge Lizard but I call them staff rats or RAMFS (which is too crude for a gentlemen's forum). I have my pictures somewhat organized and will begin to honor your request at long last.
    3. It could be awarded for service from 1908-1918. Swords were a possible option for wartime service as was a bandspange. I guessing this NCO earned it prior to the war.
    4. Hi, Mike! Considering rules of evidence and such I don't believe I can prove that AWS stands for Arno Walpach anymore than I can prove that you are living upside down on the planet but you are. Just for fun go ahead and prove your point. By the way have a wonderful holiday even if you have to celebrate in the middle of the summer.
    5. Some nice examples come up from time to time in The Sale Room forum. As a matter of fact, (shameless plug ) I posted one there myself some time ago...
    6. Ahhhhhhh, say it ain't so, Rick! I thought you were the font of all imperial knowledge! I am soooooooo depressed.
    7. Ah hah! So you're the culprit running around doing all these good deeds! ...and just out of curiosity how did you happen settle on these orphanages in the Caucasus since there are kids in need all over the world?
    8. Those examples are most impressive and display incredible workmanship!
    9. I thought that was the way twins came...in twos...like a set man. Two twins would be four of you guys and I doubt that Western Civilization is prepared for that!
    10. The gold medal to the Red Eagle Order is on the low end of the scale so I'm guessing this was a Prussian horseholder or strap hanger of some sort.
    11. Not particularly rare but interesting is the gold medal to the Sax-Ernestine House Order from Duke Ernst II.
    12. IMPERIALITES? That sounds so...so...imperial. That bar looks good to me but if you can get one or both of the TWINS to bless it you'll be golden.
    13. OBTW, to check out some excellent examples of PABs from some of our members check out this thread; http://gmic.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=591
    14. The flat back is a dead giveaway on most fakes. There is one unknown maker of a flatback PAB that is perfectly authentic. This ain't it! Keep your money in your pocket.
    15. I was just thinking (a dangerous activity for me without good adult supervision) that if this is an example of an assembled bar then the perp has done a good a job.
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