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Everything posted by Christian1962
Some new additions to my collection
Christian1962 replied to Carlo's topic in Austro-Hungarian Empire
@Enzo: Franz Kaindl was a good friend auf mine. He was president of "Gesellschaft für österreichische Heereskunde", when I joined that society. We have been in the society board together from 1987 - 1991. He was a real nice and open minded guy. He died few years ago at an age of 96. Regards Christian -
Some new additions to my collection
Christian1962 replied to Carlo's topic in Austro-Hungarian Empire
There are ups and downs in 40 years collecting, you will see. Have much fun with it. Regards Christian -
GL Karl Alexander Moyses (1882–1960)
Christian1962 replied to Deutschritter's topic in Austro-Hungarian Empire
You are welcomed! Christian -
GL Karl Alexander Moyses (1882–1960)
Christian1962 replied to Deutschritter's topic in Austro-Hungarian Empire
It´s on the way... Regards Christian -
GL Karl Alexander Moyses (1882–1960)
Christian1962 replied to Deutschritter's topic in Austro-Hungarian Empire
Yes, I have seen this pic before. It must have been a strange feeling for Franek to stand together with Moyses - two heads difference in heigth. May I ask for you special interest in Moyses? Regards Christian P.S.: I own Moyses' complete "Personalnachweis". If you want I can send it via email. -
GL Karl Alexander Moyses (1882–1960)
Christian1962 replied to Deutschritter's topic in Austro-Hungarian Empire
GL Karl Alexander Moyses (1882–1960)
Christian1962 replied to Deutschritter's topic in Austro-Hungarian Empire
@Deutschritter: both dates are correct. 18.08. is the date of the appointment ceremony (the emporer's birthday) 01.09. is the seniority date Regarding pics Moyses is very elusive. I have just one which is not of good quality. I would assume that you are on ABR too, here are some blurry pics: https://forum.axishistory.com/search.php?keywords=Moyses&t=14230&sf=msgonly Regards Christian -
GL Karl Alexander Moyses (1882–1960)
Christian1962 replied to Deutschritter's topic in Austro-Hungarian Empire
@Deutschritter: the pic doesn't show Moyses. Here his bio (source: https://www.militaria.at/Book.aspx?book=7756560&Language=de): MOYSES Karl (Gresten/NÖ, 03.10.1882 - 08.05.1960, Zell bei Waidhofen a.d. Ybbs/NÖ) Offizier des Truppendienstes Religionsbekenntnis: römisch-katholisch Vater: Dr. Alexander Moyses, praktischer Arzt (1840 - 1914) Mutter: Anna, geb. Weninger (1857 - 1908) 30.03.1940 Heirat mit Stefanie, geb. Oppelt, verwitw. Schodek (Wien, 16.08.1881 - 01.03.1978, Waidhofen a.d. Ybbs/NÖ) Ausbildungsgang: Volksschule Unterrealschule in Waidhofen a.d. Ybbs Infanteriekadettenschule in Wien Pionierkadettenschule in Hainburg 01.09.1902 Kadettoffiziersstellvertreter (PB 14)[1] 01.11.1903 Leutnant (PB 13)[2] 01.11.1909 Oberleutnant (PB 2)[3] 01.01.1915 Hauptmann [187] (PB 2)[4] 01.01.1920 Major 23.06.1923 Oberstleutnant (Titel) (2. Brig.Kdo)[5] 24.06.1930 Oberstleutnant DKl. IV (PB 1)[6] 25.06.1934 Oberst (PB 3)[7] 01.01.1938 Generalmajor (Trp.O) [8] mit dt. RDA 01.08.1936 [2b] 01.04.1939 charakterisierter Generalleutnant 01.02.1941 Generalleutnant [27] 18.08.1902 als Kadettoffiziersstellvertreter aus Pionierkadettenschule Hainburg zum PB 13[9] 18.08.1903 - 01.11.1907 Kompaniedienst beim PB 13 01.11.1907 - 01.11.1909 Kompaniedienst beim PB 4 01.11.1909 - 11.12.1918 Adjutant, Zugs- und Kompaniekommandant beim PB 2 11.12.1918 - 01.01.1919 Liquidierungsdienst beim Pi.Ers.Baon II in Linz 01.01.1919 - 01.08.1920 ständiges Mitglied beim ehrenrätlichen Ausschuss des Landesbefehlshabers in Linz 01.08.1920 - 01.03.1921 Verwaltungsreferent für das Grundbuch in der Pers.Evidenz des Mil.Liqu.Amtes 01.03.1921 beim 5. Scheinwerferzug eingeteilt als Kommandant 01.06.1922 dem techn. Baon 1 als Instruktionsoffizier dauernd zugeteilt 01.10.1922 zum techn. Baon 2 transferiert 19.01.1923 dem 2. Brig.Kdo als technischer Referent dauernd zugeteilt 15.10.1923 betraut mit Agenden als Offiziersvertrauensmann beim PB 2 01.01.1927 zugeteilter Offizier beim PB 2[10] 01.03.1929 versetzt vom zugeteilten Offizier beim PB 2 zum zugeteilten Offizier beim PB 1[11] 01.02.1931 - 28.02.1931 Kommandant des PB 1 01.03.1931 - 31.03.1937 Kommandant des PB 3[12] 01.04.1937 bestellt zum stellvertretenden Kommandanten der TherMilAk[13] 14.03.1938 Übernahme ins dt. Heer 15.03.1938 betraut mit dem Kdo/TherMilAk 01.08.1939 - 24.09.1939 kommandiert zur Wehrersatzinspektion Wien 01.09.1938 versetzt zum Stab der Wehrersatzinspektion Stettin 30.09.1938 versetzt in den Ruhestand 10.11.1938 ernannt zum Kommandeur der Wehrersatzinspektion Köslin 01.10.1943 Führerreserve OKH/XVII 31.12.1943 Ruhestand Österreichische Auszeichnungen: 02.08.1908 Militär-Jubiläumskreuz 07.11.1914 Bronzene Militärverdienstmedaille am Bande des Militärverdienstkreuzes mit Schwertern[14] 07.09.1915 Orden der Eisernen Krone 3. Kl. mit der Kriegsdekoration und den Schwertern[15] 15.03.1916 Militärverdienstkreuz 3. Kl. mit der Kriegsdekoration und den Schwertern[16] 13.01.1917 Silberne Militärverdienstmedaille am Bande des Militärverdienstkreuzes[17] o.D. Karl-Truppenkreuz 17.03.1930 Silbernes Ehrenzeichen für Verdienste um die Republik Österreich[18] o.D. Österreichische Kriegserinnerungsmedaille 1914 - 1918 mit Schwertern 08.10.1934 Militärdienstzeichen 2. Kl. für Offiziere[19] 18.08.1937 Militärdienstzeichen 1. Kl. für Offiziere[20] Deutsche und ausländische Auszeichnungen: 00.00.1915 Preußisches Eisernes Kreuz 2. Kl.[21] o.D. Ottomanischer Medschidije Orden o.D. Ottomanischer eiserner Halbmond o.D. Ungarische Kriegserinnerungsmedaille mit Schwertern und Helm 01.01.1939 Wehrmacht-Dienstauszeichnungen IV. - I. Kl. 24.11.1939 Deutsches Ehrenkreuz für Frontkämpfer 06.11.1940 Kriegsverdienstkreuz 2. Kl. mit Schwertern 01.09.1942 Kriegsverdienstkreuz 1. Kl. mit Schwertern [1] Schematismus 1903, S. 314 [2] Schematismus 1907, S. 309 [3] Schematismus 1914, S. 246 [4] PVBl. 100/1914 v. 19.12.1914, A.h.E. v. 17.12.1914 – Präs. 17.839 [5] VBl. 27/1923 v. 28.06.1923, Entschl. d. Bundespräs. v. 23.06.1923, Erl. Abt. 3, Zl. 13.188/A v. 27.06.1923 [6] VBl. 8/1930 v. 03.07.1930, Erl. 31.697-Präs. v. 24.06.1930 [7] VBl. 12/1934 v. 30.06.1934, Entschl. d. Bundespräs. v. 25.06.1934, Erl. 17.650-Präs. v. 28.06.1934 [8] PVBl. 15/1937 v. 30.12.1937, Entschl. d. Bundespräs. v. 23.12.1937, Erl. 150.008-Präs. v. 24.12.1937 [9] Broucek, Ein General im Zwielicht, Band II, S. 281, Fußnote 177; DAL1938(Ö) v. 01.08.1938 [10] VBl. 23/1926 v. 23.12.1926, S. 163, ohne Angabe der Erlasszahl [11] VBl. 2/1929 v. 28.02.1929, Erl. Zl. 8.931-Präs. v. 22.02.1929 [12] VBl. 2/1930 v. 28.02.1931, Erl. 5.442-Präs. v. 13.02.1931 [13] PVBl. 5/1937 v. 26.03.1937, Erl. 8.407-Präs. v. 13.03.1937 [14] PVBl. 81/1914 v. 11.11.1914, A.h.E. v. 07.11.1914 – Präs. 15.587 v. 07.11.1914 [15] PVBl. 144/195 v. 15.09.1915, A.h.E. v. 07.09.1915 – Präs. 19.019 v. 08.09.1915 [16] PVBl. 36/1916 v. 23.02.1916, A.h.E. v. 15.03.1916 – Präs. 3.771 v. 16.02.1916 [17] PVBl. 15/1917 v. 22.01.1917, A.h.E. v. 13.01.1917 – Präs. 1.218 v. 15.01.1917 [18] VBl. 3/1930 v. 17.03.1930, Entschl. d. Bundespräs. v. 17.03.1930, Erl. 13.085-Präs. v. 17.03.1930 [19] VBl. 24/1934 v. 31.10.1934, Erl. 27.229-Präs. [20] PVBl. 9/1937 v. 31.07.1937, Erl. 25.129-Präs. v. 05.07.1937 [21] PVBl. 17/1916 v. 26.01.16, A.h.E. v. 07.11.1914 – Präs. 23.564/15 v. 20.01.1916 -
Some new additions to my collection
Christian1962 replied to Carlo's topic in Austro-Hungarian Empire
Congrats! Two very nice pieces. I am collecting now for more than 40 years and always failed to purchase them. Regards Christian -
This cross was an unofficial award, bestowed by a private person and not recognized by the Austrian government. It was not allowed to wear it on army, police or whatever uniforms. A kind of decoration for people who were not qualified for any other official decoration. They had to pay for it. Just rubbish. Regards Christian
Thank you very much, Tony, you are welcomed! Christian
This version of the medal was given to civil servants and not to soldiers. So it would make no sense in combination with the rest of the ribbons. In addition the owner would have recevied the 1908 Jubilee Cross in addition which is not on the medal bar. That rules the 1898 Signum Memoriae out. Regards Christian
The Upper Austrian and the Tyrolean "Katastropheneinsatzmedaille" were both established in 1965. The Upper Austrian´s ribbon is white and red with narrow red and white edges, the pic above shows the 2002 version which was given out with a wrong ribbon. This kind of medal bars with 15 mm wide ribbons was in use just beween 1938 and 1945 in Austria as it was part of the Third Reich. And some years after, because there were not any other ribbons available. It would be very uncommon to mount medal bars in Wehrmacht style in the 1960ties. Some did, but in my opinion it's not a match... Regards Christian
a iron crown with some question&opinions wanted
Christian1962 replied to wangyaokang2003's topic in Austro-Hungarian Empire
Dear Carol, same as for the FJO in your other post. All three pieces are legit and WW1 production but not in good condition. It depends on the price - if they are going cheap and you are in need of an EKO3 you can buy it, but there are much better pieces around. It will not be easy to find an original ribbon for the third piece. Look at the Dorotheum auction again: https://www.dorotheum.com/de/a/104732/ Kindest regards Christian -
is this Franz Joseph Order looks great?
Christian1962 replied to wangyaokang2003's topic in Austro-Hungarian Empire
Dear Carol, in my opinion both items are legit and pieces from the period of the First World War. The Franz Joseph Orden is not in good condition and quality. You can see the sprinkles in the frontside center medaillon. If you can buy it for about 300 up to 400 €, then take it. Otherwise not. There is a lot of better pieces around. Your question if the FJO would look "great" I would answer with "not anyway". The Red Cross decoration is in quite good condition. I can't if there is an enemal defect in the 12 o'clock arm within the laurel wreath. It could be a light effect on the pic too. Have a look at the next Dorotheum auction in May: https://www.dorotheum.com/de/a/104732/ Regards Christian -
Tony, I must confess that I had no idea too 😉. I have no ribbon in my mind which could match, just the 1898 Signum Memoriae for civil servants and that would not match here anyway. Regards Christian
The white and red ribbon of the ÖSK cross was in use from the beginning (established in the 1950ties) until the 1980ties. Then it was change to red-white-red. Around 2000 it was changed another time and shows narrow white und black edges now. You can see it here: https://www.osk.at/de/ueber-uns/auszeichnungen The rank order on the bar is quite correct. The highest ranking is the ÖSK cross (a nationwide award), medal no. 2 would be from his own local organisation (could/should be the last one), the other medals are ranked in gold (Styria, Carinthia, Lower Austria), silver (Styria, Styria 40 years service) and bronze (Styria). There is no Tyrolian medal on the bar. There are no WW1 or WW2 decorations, so we can assume that he did not serve in WW2 or just a short time, not achieving a wartime decoration. Regards Christian
Wien address assistance help please.
Christian1962 replied to Farkas's topic in Austro-Hungarian Empire
please help with id
Christian1962 replied to mariusgin's topic in Rest of the World: Militaria & History
In my opinon it was a former studendical "Bierzipf". You can see the loop on the backside where originally the ribbon ran through. The ears of corn indicate a corporation at an agricultural university. It was made for honouring a 25 years membership. Regards Christian -
Wien address assistance help please.
Christian1962 replied to Farkas's topic in Austro-Hungarian Empire
Hi Tony! You are right, Strudlhofgasse 14/11 and 14/14 should be in the same building. Adresses in Vienna can be specified differently: 1. In smaller buildings (with just few apartements per floor) they are often displayed like this: Strudlhofgasse 14/1 (=first floor), 14/2 (= second floor), ... 2. in bigger buildings (with more apartements per floor) they will be displayed like this: Strudlhofgasse 14/1/1 (=first floor, apartement no. 1), Strudlhofgasse 14/2/1 (=second floor, apartement no. 1), ... 3. In real large buildings (with more than one staircases) you can find 4 digits: Strudlhofgasse 14/1/1/1 (=staircase 1, first floor, apartement no. 1), Strudlhofgasse 14/2/3/2 (=staircase 2, third floor, apartement no. 2).... 4. Strudlhofgasse 14/11 and 14/14 f.e. would give a hint to a smaller building with few apartements which were simply numbered. We can assume it was no skyscraper at all with 14 or more floors. This should help postmen and visitors to find their clients. As always Vieanna is different. In many elder buildings exists a "Souterrain" (a floor between basement and ground floor), then a "Mezzanin" (I could find "mezzanine" in google translate) between groundfloor ("Erdgeschoss") and first floor ("1. Stock"). Buildings can consist of: Souterrain Erdgeschoss Mezzanin Erster Stock Zweiter Stock ..... Regards Christian -
35 Karl Truppen Kreuz and counting. KTK.
Christian1962 replied to Farkas's topic in Austro-Hungarian Empire
Dear Tony, please mind that Zagreb was called "Agram" during the Habsburg period until November 1918. I am not sure if a company working for the crown would have the used the name "Zagreb Metal"? Kindest regards Christian -
You are welcomed. I would be interested to look onto your efforts. Regards Christian @tony: I like these kind of challenges. I have studied about 3.000 bios of Austrian interwar officers, in some cases I could find out the owner and give a bar a name. Regards Christian
It's an interesting feature. There were some solutions for it. We could assume that the bar belonged to an (f.e. engineer) officer who startet his career als "Fähnrich" in WW1. He could have owned a "Bronzene" or "Kleine Silberne" Tapferkeitsmedaille (nr. 5 ribbon - there was mounted a small medal or cross), then he received the "Bronzene Militärverdienstmedaille" (nr. 4 ribbon - there was mounted a medal or cross with a crown), then "Militärverdienstkreuz 3. Kl. mit Kriegsdekoration und Schwertern" (nr. 3 ribbon - there was mounted a cross without crown) and then a "Ritterkreuz des Franz Joseph-Ordens" (nr. 2 ribbon - there was mounted a bigger cross without crown suspension). KVK II on nr. 1 ribbon is out of question. The blue one should have been a 25 years service cross, followed by the "Medaille zur Erinnerung an den 13. März 1938" (illegal nazi!). Then red cross "Ehrenzeichen 2. Kl. mit der Kriegsdekoration" (most probably) and on last position a red cross medal. Just one option which would fit. A less likely option would be an officer of medical or veterinarian service. He would have earned a "Goldenes Verdienstkreuz am Bande der Tapferkeitsmedaille" (nr. 5 ribbon), a "Goldenes Verdienstkreuz mit der Krone am Bande der Tapferkeitsmedaille" (nr. 4 ribbon), a "Bronzene Militärverdienstmedaille am Bande des Militärverdienstkreuzes" (nr. 4 ribbon), no idea for nr. 3 ribbon (that makes it less likely), and a "Ritterkreuz des Franz Joseph-Ordens mit der Kriegsdekoration" (nr. 2 ribbon). Regards Christian
A-H Medal Bar And Wound Medal (5 Wounds)
Christian1962 replied to gjw's topic in Austro-Hungarian Empire
Sometimes, when original ribbons are in really bad condition it is useful to preserve them on an extra place and replace them by new ones. One of my collector friends had another access. He was a former officer in the german Luftwaffe. He always said that during his active service medals and ribbons had to be in best, clean and perfect condition. Therefore he cleaned and polished his medals from time to time and changed the ribbons. Other collectors wouldn't do that at all. Anyway it's a matter of taste. Kindest regards Christian