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    Brian Wolfe

    Honorary Member
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    Everything posted by Brian Wolfe

    1. Hello Peter, Thank you for posting this link I found it very interesting and it dispelled several myths that I have always held as fact. Regards Brian
    2. Hello Stretch, Welcome to the forum. I asked around to the fellows in this area of Ontario who restore militay vehicles and could come up with nothing. The restorers here informed me that they are into vehicles only. While I could not help you I do hope you will stay with the forum and post photos of your project. You never know when a member will read your post in the future and have a source for the parts for your 25 punder. Good luck on your project, I'll keep watch for any parts and please keep us posted. Regards Brian
    3. Hi Scott, This is one cross that is truly a thing of beauty and a joy to behold. Thanks for sharing this with us. Regards Brian
    4. Hello Vic, An absolutely amazing piece of history. Thanks for taking the time to share it with us, and the video was most interesting. Regards Brian
    5. Hi Kevin, Here's a close up with a full sized ribbon behind it for comparison. I was looking at this style of mount with the idea of mounting up some of my Imperial singles in this manner and noticed that it looks like they use the ribbon size that we woud use on a miniture if we were mounting up British medals. This may be the reason it looks strange compared with the full sized ribbon. I'm pretty sure the ribbon is correct. What do you think? Regards Brian
    6. Stuart: Tanks. Engrish is still the gooderest languge. ;)

    7. Hello Claudius, Thank you for the comments. I really liked the bar when I saw it but I was wondering about the swords on the Merit Cross as opposed to no swords on the HK. Thanks for clearing that one up. Regards Brian
    8. Here is a view of the reverse. You can clearly see that the Honour Cross was added after the group had been mounted up. The pin is not attached and is just sitting there. I can't see how to re-attach it so I'll probably leave it as it is. I don't want to disturb the back of the mount and whether the pin is attached or not makes little difference to the group (in my opinion). At least the pin is there. Thanks again for your opinions, as always they are most welcomed. Regards Brian
    9. Hello Everyone, This group of four just arrived yesterday and I was hoping that the members might have some opinions as to what position this fellow might have held that kept him out of combat yet earned him a Bavarian Military Merit Cross with crossed swords. I am pretty confident that this group is authentic, though I am still quite new to Imperial German collecting. In 1897 he recieved the Prussian 100th anniversary of Kaiser Wilhelm I's birth medal so he was in the army before WWI. At some point, probably during the War, he revieced the Military Merit Cross for his contributions to the War efforts.The Kyffhauserbund Medal would indicate that he survived the war and joined this particular veteran's association. Then in 1934 he was awarded the Honour Cross (aka Hindenberg Cross) and added it to the group that had already been mounted up after he received the Kyffhauserbund Medal. The group would have had to have been changed after 1936 to conform with regulations since the Kyffhauserbund Medal was banned from wear after that date. He either passed away before having the changes made or, perhaps lacking the funds, decided to leave the group as it was. Was it common to continue to wear the Kyffhauserbund Medal after 1936? The Honour Cross is for non-combatants (due to the absence of the crossed swords which indicates combat service) so he never saw action. Would this indicate that he was in some sort of administrative role? I would really like to hear your comments. Regards Brian
    10. Hi Dan, Very nice stick pin that really tells a tale, at least to my way of thinking. Service on the Eastern Front and wounded. Thanks for posting it, the first I personally have seen. Regards Brian
    11. Hello Peter, Thank you for an informative and enjoyable article. I've owned a couple of Martini Henrys over the years. Looking back I regret having let them go in trade. Even though we can't keep everything I wish I'd kept my Martini Henrys. Regards Brian
    12. Hi Enzo, What a coincidence, a post I made in December 09 just got a reply. That's just one of the great benifits of the GMIC, with new members and seasoned members looking through past posts you just never know when you will get an answer to a query. Yes, we have come to expect instant gratification. I recall the days when if you had a "pen-pal" you'd wait for weeks to get a reply. Now Insta-Messaging and Skype have done away with the long wait and, sadly, pensmanship. Regards Brian
    13. Thanks Norman. Now I have something else to watch for, the "M" prefix. Regards Brian
    14. Here's a good example for new members who get upset when their questions are not answered straight away. The initial post by Alex was 22 April 2007 and here we are nearly three years later and the answer has been posted. It's also a good point for keeping an open mind as Alex mentioned earlier. Thanks for the information Elmar, I would have passed one like this by thinking it was a fake. Regards Brian
    15. Hi Don This is probably news to most as my statement was not very accurate. I was thinking more of the geographical area compaired to the Western Front or even the Eastern Front (Russia) as thought by most people. Just to set the record straight or as straight as I will get it. After the Bulkan Wars Serbia and a few other nations were in control of lands thought by Bulgaria to belong to Bulgaria. Though Bulgaria did not get involved in the War at first they did come in on the side of Germany, Austria-Hungary and the Ottoman Empire, declairing war on Serbia in October 1915. Of course the British, French and their allies then declaired war on Bulgaria. Regards Brian
    16. Great information! Possible ex-NCO and Navy personnel. That's amazing, something I would have never found out on my own. Thanks again. Regards Brian
    17. A beautiful yet deadly little pistol. Thanks for sharing it with us Mervyn. Regards Brian
    18. Thanks to all who have responded. You have added greatly to my knowledge this topic, not to mention alleviated my fears about the bar itself. Regards Brian
    19. Thnaks for the information. I may be a sick puppy but this makes me quite excited. I'll replace the incorrect medal and I will then have a new one for my Austrian collection. This is not the first time this has happened. Now to look for the proper ribbon. Do you have any ideas for a ribbon source? Regards Brian
    20. Thanks, I thought it unusual as well, so I made the purchase. That's usually where I start to go wrong. Thanks again. Brian
    21. I agree with you Matt, the one on the left is a lot better. There is more definition and the "feel" is just better. I do hope the one on the right is the way it is due to a later manufacture but hope won't save it if the consensus of the membership toward it is negitive. Many thanks for your help Matt. Regards Brian
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