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    Everything posted by landsknechte

    1. Not that it makes any more sense on there, but you've also got Bavarian Red Cross decorations on that ribbon. -C
    2. I think I got the only two items that he had in either of those two fields...
    3. I rather doubt it, as collar tabs are apparently 1933-1934 vintage, and wouldn't have been on the same uniform. Might have been part of a lot from the same SS trooper, but there's no way of knowing. The seller was a police specialist that knew what stuff was, but was clueless when it came to valuations. Simple commonplace stuff hideously overpriced, and some wonderfully undervalued. Both of these sold (individually) for less than an Ostmedaille he had for sale. Far be it from me to educate him on the error of his ways.
    4. I did. I had already bought it when I posted, as the deal was almost too good to pass up. My instincts told me they were good, but I asked for second opinions as it's enough out of my area of expertise.
    5. That thing looks like it's about ready to start melting at room temperature.
    6. I really must break that pesky habit of trying to interject logic into Weimar ribbon bars... Do you think the Thuringian commemorative is a plausable candidate though?
    7. Random thought... Would this bar make any more sense if it were the bottom row of a double row bar?
    8. I can't extracate the image from the PDF of Thies' latest catalog, but I may have found another match on page 24: "Medaille auf die 200-Jahr-Feier des 2. Bat. 7. Th?r. Inf. Reg. No. 96" Curiouser and curiouser...
    9. Didn't see this one until after the fact, but I can only presume it came from the same man. Even though I missed out on the opportunity to keep the group together, at least I can hang onto the record of it.
    10. Yep... I'm still alive and collecting. I had to take a break from sinking most of my disposable income into photographic gear and a new car to pick up at least one new toy. I suspect it's from a naval groundpounder of some sort, provided that the two naval vanity decoration were chosen by the recipient with some sort of respect for logic. Of course, that may be too much of a leap, given the Weimar years...
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