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    Everything posted by bigjarofwasps

    1. Is there anyway of identifying a modern issued Silver Star? Are they always issued named?
    2. Ladies/Gents, Without wishing to make light of injures sustained by service personal in anyway shape or form!!!!! I'm curious to know has anyone heard any amusing tales of injuries sustained which resulted in a PH been awarded? The type of thing that you wouldn't brag about down the pub..... What's the lamest wound that someone had been awarded a PH for? So lame that the guy refused to wear his PH?
    3. I've seen photographs of guys being awarded their PH whilst still in hospital (having it pinned to their pajamas!!). I assume that these wouldn't have been engraved, but that later they'd be reissued with a named one, is that how it works?
    4. Thanks gents, that's very interesting. If you where shown a double MOH how could you tell, do they have an emblem on the ribbon like other US medals do? I believe that the various arms have a slightly different MOH, if someone should win say one asa Marine and another as Soldier, would they wear two MOH's? Or did the 13 double winners in fact wear two MOHs?
    5. How interesting!!! Just out of interest is the naming on the medal official or privately done?
    6. I was conducting some research into how many Purple Hearts an individual soldier had `won` during the course of their career. I believe this to be Robert L Howard https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_L._Howard during the Vietnam war (there's also a guy whose won 5 for Iraq & Afghanistan). Interesting Howard was recommended for the Medal of Honor on three separate occasions. Which leads me onto my question is it possible (like the Victoria Cross) to win the Medal of Honor more than once?
    7. Interesting stuff. I've seen examples of TA soldiers wearing two different types of LSGC with additional bars on each, again I wish I'd taken a photograph!!!
    8. lol thought that might have been the case. There's a similar situation with the TA long service medal, I believe.
    9. I recently attended an event and saw a soldier in number two dress, who was wearing two accumulated campaign service medals (wish I'd have taken a photograph). I'd never seen this before and am curious to know whether it's a common sight these days or whether his group was unique?
    10. It's not so much that it worries me per say. It's the fact that it's happened, I've provided evidence of it and that no one seems overly concerned about it. To me it totally belittles the efforts of officers who have put the time in and saddens me to the point, of why bother having a Long Service medal at all.
    11. The process for the recommendation and award for the LSGC, from what I have learnt is extremely thorough however it is only as good as to the information inputted, by HR. In the case I have uncovered it has certainly failed and I believe a whitewash has been enforced. HR have blamed the Royal Mint which as we know would appear to be blameless however. I wonder whether they are indeed aware of the mis awards of these medals and it is the HR department that have taken the decision to allow these medals to stand? I appear to have been fobbed off, which is disappointing, so I guess I'll never know. One thing I do know without any shadow of doubt is that at least one officer without the required 20 years service has been awarded the medal, the fact that nothing has been done to recover this medal,suggests that there are more and it would be just to hard to trace them all? How many forces this effects I do not know, but I do know that at least one is involved.
    12. That was my roughly my understanding of how the process worked, HOWEVER, when I approached the Fed about the matter, who in turn approached HR. HR told the Fed that the error was on behalf of the Royal Mint who had a new employee in post, who was unaware of the correct criteria. When I questioned this discrepancy further, it was evident that no one other than myself really cared and that was the end of the matter. I was just curious to know whether I am in fact the only one who cares or not. As I've noted above to give one to an officer with a little over tens years seems to belittle the efforts of someone who has done the required 20. I would further like to add that this whole situation arose from the fact that previous military service was being included in police service to accrue the required 20 years. In one example I've come across 10 years army with 12 years police. If I am in fact the only one who cares, then I'll wind my neck in here and now!! I don't think it'll ever get quite that bad, HOWEVER, I strongly suspect that the job will become more along the lines of something you do for a few years to put onto a CV, rather than a job for life. But this is a topic for another thread...............
    13. I'm informed that there was a new member of staff employed at the mint, who didn't know the criteria? Although, I'm finding it difficult to grasp how the constabulary's in question didn't know the criteria either?
    14. Ladies/Gents, It has emerged that due to an alleged mistake by the Royal Mint, officers with less than 20 years service (some considerably less than 20) have been issued with a Long Service Medal.It also seems that this may have in point of fact been going on for sometime. Further this mistake having been realised, the officers in question have been allowed to keep their awards. Personally I feel this is outrageous and belittles the efforts of officers who had to serve 20 years, in order to qualify. I would be interested to hear other peoples view on this?
    15. Mervyn, I had just assumed that H would have had one like the B one below. I've been unable to find an example on the internet so perhaps your right and they never had such a thing?
    16. Has anyone got a photograph of a H Division helmet plate that they could share with me? I've scoured the internet and can seem to find an example from every division, except H!!!
    17. Hi Guys, has anyone got a picture of a H Division helmet badge? I've scoured the internet but can't seem to find an example of one? BJOW.
    18. The New Ebola medal, certainly has an older Effigy on it. Could it be that they'll begin issuing all medals with this effigy from now one? Will LSGC medals be issued with this effigy in future?
    19. The New Ebola medal, certainly has an older Effigy on it. Could it be that they'll begin issuing all medals with this effigy from now one? Will LSGC medals be issued with this effigy in future?
    20. Queen's new portrait for coins revealed by Royal MintFifth coin portrait created during Queen's reign unveiled by Royal Mint as money begins being struck with new effigy designed by Jody Clark http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/queen-elizabeth-II/11443933/Queens-new-portrait-for-coins-revealed-by-Royal-Mint.html
    21. With the Queen poised to become the longest reigning monarch in British history, in September. I wonder whether this event will mark the changing of her effigy on her medals?
    22. ​Will be interesting to see and certainly worthy of further discussion, perhaps I'll start a new thread?
    23. The Queen is set to become the longest ever reigning monarch in British history. On September 9 2015, she will pass the record set by her great-great-grandmother Queen Victoria. I wonder whether this will merit a change of design or wording?
    24. Thanks again Odin. I've had a little surf of dealers lists and interestingly there appears to be no difference in pricing between the QEII D.G & QEII Br Omn, examples. Despite the latter appearing to be rarer? I've also noticed a difference between the naming styles on the various Police LSGC's. I wonder when this change occurred and is it possible to roughly workout a date difference in issuing by the naming styles?
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