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    Old Contemptible
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    Everything posted by Jacques

    1. Will you collect all the KM cap band of the boat which participated to the Spanish war?
    2. This is a text issued from Dr. Klietmann book.
    3. Rick, you're right, no bronze class of this badge. One badge was made in gold. A special badge offered to von Thoma by his Staff. Les, all the known documents have no stamp. A stamped one might be suspicious ! As I wrote, the badge was unofficially attributed by von Thoma in 1936 and worn during the spanish civil war. it was only officialized in 1939 by von Brauchitsch in an order of the OKH. von Thoma was the unique commander of the Panzer Gruppe Drohne during the whole war. I don't remember where von Thoma was appointed at the time the documents were issued. jacques
    4. another one with the date "10 Mai 1940 ". This one was sold by Petersen few month ago.
    5. Here is a close up of the signature
    6. Here is a document for the rare LC Panzer badge. It is original signed by von Thoma. As the badge was authorized on july 10th, 1939, even though it was worn during the SCW, it is dated later on juni 17 1940. the date of may 10 1940 could be encountered too.
    7. Another one for you Sal Willi STR?HMANN, SC in silver with swords, Pz Gruppe Drohne
    8. thanks Gordon. The badge on top is mine and is to sell on another forum. jacques
    9. Here is an interesting document for the Spanish cross in silver w/o sword. It is attributed to an interpreter attached to the A/88. Note that it has been delivered in 1940. jacques
    10. new arrival. He wears the spanish cross in bronze w/o sword
    11. Jacques

      SC Gold "900"

      Very fine cross : . I opt for a Juncker 900 silver.:beer I will check mine if I see the same flaw. jacques
    12. Yes, pics of von Thoma seems rare, especially portrait showing his medal. In fact I never saw one. I suppose that he took some portrait before his captivity, and I hope to get one . jacques
    13. The two pilots reported to have been later awarded the diamonds (around 20th june) are Galland and Balthasar (7 victories), not von Thoma. Some other Army officers like Warlimont or von Funck should have been on the list before von Thoma. I don't know if these two pilots kicked up a fuss to get the diamonds; other pilots riched the score of 7 victories and only got the gold cross. jacques
    14. A compilation of spanish cross with diamonds from period pics. The top left is von Thoma's cross, to copare with the others which are from von Richthofen, Oesau, Galland, M?lders, Balthasar, L?tzow, Harlinghausen.
    15. A close up of the cross (The best I can do). No ring with brightening diamonds.
    16. A close up of von Thoma. The spanish cross shows no diamonds ring. Note the " Medalla Militar" and the belt buckle.
    17. The picture shows Oberst von Thoma reviewing the Imker troops with von Brauchitsch on June 3rd, 1939 in D?beritz. Von Brauchitsch will award some gold and silver crosses to the Imker troop. von Thoma is wearing his spanish cross, the LC Pz badge, the "Medalla Militar" and the "Medalla de la campa?a".
    18. Few years ago a polemic occured on WAF concerning von Thoma. Bill Stump (RIP) showed a document of the spanish cross with diamonds attributed to von Thoma and stated that he was awarded the diamonds as 28th recipients. The document looked odd to me. Moreover, there was no clear picture available showing von Thoma with the diamonds. The only picture showed was from Bender's book and was very blurry. At that time, I didn't agreed this opinion. that opinion was shared by others that will read these lines. Indeed, some books mention 28 recipients, other mention 27. In my opinion, only 27 soldiers were awarded the spanish cross with diamonds. All are from the Luftwaffe. During the ceremony which occured in Hamburg on May 31th, 1939, following the return of the LC troops in Germany, Hermann G?ring awarded crosses with diamonds and some gold crosses. At that time von Thoma received the gold cross, so did von Funck and another Army (Signal troops commander) officer. I finally found a period picture showing von Thoma during the June 3rd ceremony in D?beritz. This front pic shows him with his cross. I tryed to enlarge the pic and I do think it is a gold cross without diamonds. Diamonds are generally clearly visible, making a bright ring around the center circle. I think that this picture proves that von Thoma was not awarded the diamonds.
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