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    Old Contemptible
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    Everything posted by Claudio

    1. Hi David, I personally saw the medal bar in Gunzenhausen at Christian's stand. It is surely a very interesting combination of medals and orders. Did you notice that the Ehrenkreuz f?r Kriegsteilnehmer is marked G&S (Godet & Sohn)? Very nice. Since I am a bit "anal" about conditions I didn't buy it. Too bad, because it looks as if it was carelessly stored away and got a lot of humidity. With a bit of more care this bar could have looked much better. But there's still some room for restauration or at least prevention of any further deterioration. Ciao, Claudio
    2. Great ribbon bar, Christophe!!! ... and it comes also with a face!!! I would have liked to see also the medal bar of this guy!!! Ciao, Claudio
    3. Dear Daniel and Rick, I am also interested to purchase one of each volume... very well done for both of you!!! @ Daniel: Also CDs don't last more than 10 years? I thought they were, if correctly stored, almost "eternal"... Ciao, Claudio
    4. Don, Here's my latest Bavarian Reserve-Offizier medal bar... it's a Godet-mounting!!! Mint... almost the same medals like your bar. Because of the Austrian Milit?rverdienstkreuz 3. Kl. these officers could have served in the same regiment whose chef was the Emperor Franz-Josef I (10th and 13th Bavarian Regiments if I am correct...). Ciao, Claudio
    5. to me it looks very good. No problem whatsever with your bar!
    6. Yes, Dave, you're right! I didn't pay attention on the reverse. Ciao, Claudio
    7. Very nice bar Don! The Medallion of the BMVO 4. Kl. mit X seems to be in GOLD... I am not a specialist but it looks like a "Gebr. Hemmerle"... or maybe somebody can correct me! Ciao, Claudio
    8. Dear fellow collectors, Through a dear fellow collector and German friend I received a lot of ribbons. In this group there were some that I couldn't identify some other that I need a confirmation. Here are the ribbons: 1) Saxony, some sort of long service ribbon? 2) Weimar Republic, Gedenkm?nze f?r Oberschlesien, 1926, oval, am Band 3) ? don't know, it was suggested to me maybe some decoration of the principality of Liechtenstein (because of the colors) 4) ? clueless, probably ribbon of some Balcan State 5) ? , same as above 6) First I thought some kind of Bavarian ribbon, but I coudn't find any confirmation. Who knows? 7) Ecuador? 8) Bulgaria? Thank you in advance for your inputs!!! Ciao, Claudio
    9. Hi Joe, I don't need to apologize, but I thank you for your support and encouragement to post more. Yes, you are right: it's an advertisment of a firm which produced flags and such textile items (maybe also embroidery). I don't know if this firm still exists nowadays (probably). Ciao, Claudio
    10. His Membership's booklet of the Regiment's association.
    11. A very interesting document about the celebration of the 215th anniversary of the F?silier-Regiment Nr. 34! F?silier is an old denomination for Infatry or Rifleman, like in Switzerland all the infantry soldiers are "F?silier" and not "Sch?tze" or "Grenadier" or "J?ger".
    12. His EK 2. Klasse 1914 document, quite a late date if he was really at the front since 1914! He almost risked to finish the war without getting a Bravery award!
    13. Vizefeldwebel Schwantes' document of the Swedish Order of the Sword silver cross, dated 1909. His name is here correctly written or maybe he changed his name between 1897 - 1909 for obvious reasons...
    14. his Urkunde for the Zentenar-Medaille as young F?silier... too bad that there isn't any date on it, but I presume that this document was issued in 1897-8... A very funny note... on this document his name is written "SCHWANZ", which in German means literelly "tail" or also "penis". His real name was "SCHWANTES". Maybe the Beamte/Schreiber (clerk) who wrote his name was a bit confused or was a joker...
    15. Hi everybody! I am posting some nice ribbons that came in a whole group. Not bad, isn't it? Ciao, Claudio
    16. Yes, thank you Dan for your kind reply and showing interest in this thread. You're absolutely right about the unit! Here I am posting his bar with his EK Besitzzeugnis and his Award (Auszeichnung) on double ribbon (colors of Sweden and Prussia). Ciao, Claudio
    17. wow... over 40 people have looked into this thread, no one has even thought to write something about it. I am asking myself if I should go on and show the other interesting stuff I aquired with this bar. Too bad!!! I can't hide that I am quite disappointed! Ciao, Claudio
    18. Dear forumites, I just came back yesterday from my "Strafexpedition" in Germany. Very nice and mild fall weather, good German food and beer... all in all a very good and relaxed trip! I was in Gunzenhausen (Militaria show in Bavaria), in Ingoldstad (bayrisches Armeemuseum... very nice!) and in M?nchen. From Gunzenhausen I got this bar with documents, therefore came with a name; it's always very nice for NCO bars, since they wouldn't be researchable. Here's the description of the medals: ? Preussen, Eisernes Kreuz 1914, 2. Klasse (OEK 1909) ? Deutsches Reich 1933-45, Ehrenkreuz f?r Frontk?mpfer (OEK 3803/1) ? Preussen, DA 2. Mod., 1. Kl. f?r den Soldatenstand, 15 Jahre (OEK 1974) ? Deutsches Reich 1933-45, Treudienst-Ehrenzeichen f?r 40 Jahre (OEK ? Preussen, Zentenar-Medaille 1897 (OEK 1965), ca. 1'233'000 Verleihungen (awarded pieces) ? Schweden, Orden des Schwertes, silbernes Kreuz A little quiz for your Imperial collectors; in which regiment has this NCO served? That should be very easy for the "alten Hasen" (veterans) on this forum. I will post more later... In the meanwhile enjoy this little-big bar! Ciao, Claudio
    19. Hi Heiko, Gunzenhausen was fun! Not many dealers but lots of Imperial medals... not so many great bars and the few ones quite expensive, but all in all a very good show. I had also the chance to know some fellow collectors better. The all atmosphere there was much more relaxed than in Stuttgart... bayrische Gem?tlichkeit, I guess! I have spent some money there... but I will definately have a go for Thies auction, maybe I will try to get one max two good bars... The starting price for the Kaiser Wilhelm II's bar is Eur 25'000.-, it would be already about CHF 50'000.- (Swiss francs); I could buy myself a very nice BMW 3 with that money! Ciao, Claudio
    20. Hi Heiko! Great bar!!! I remember to have seen it on Baldes' website catalogue a couple of years ago... Were you at Gunzenhausen? Ciao, Claudio
    21. Dear forumites, I just received the medal bar... it's really very nice. The Hindenburg Cross is marked G S (Godet & Sohn) and I presume that this bar was put together by Godet or a professional Taylor or Orden & Ehrenzeichen dealer. Here's a brief biography I found on internet about the medal bar's owner (name researched by Rick Lundstr?m... many thanks! ): Ciao, Claudio Konteradmiral Otto Fricke (*29.05.1894 in Wennigsen, Hannover - ? 26.11.1966 in Heidelberg) Promotions: 03.04.1914: F?hnrich zur See 18.09.1915: Leutnant z. See 07.01.1920: Oberleutnant z. See 01.05.1925: Kapit?nleutnant 01.04.1933: Korvettenkapit?n 01.01.1937: Fregattenkapit?n 01.10.1938: Kapit?n z. See 01.09.1942: Konteradmiral Career: Entered the Navy as a Seekadett and attended Basic Training and on board the Heavy Cruiser ?Hansa? (01.04.1913-31.03.1914) Attended Naval School in M?rwik (01.04.1914-31.07.1915). On board the Light Cruiser ?Stuttgart? (01.08.1914-30.01.1915) On board the Light Cruiser ?Graudenz? ( 31.01.1915-22.11.1915) On board the Liner ?Helgoland? (23.11.1915-22.05.1917) Commandant of the Minesweeper ?M 38?, 4th Minesweeper-Flotilla (27.05.1917-15.09.1919) Watch-Officer, Flag-Lieutenant and Commandant with the 5th North-Seas-Minesweeper-Flotilla (16.09.1919-20.1919) Watch-Officer on the Cruiser ?K?nigsberg? (21.10.1919-31.05.1920) Platoon-Officer, Coastal-Defense-Regiment Wilhelmshaven (01.06.1920-25.10.1920) Company-Officer and Company-Leader, Coastal-Defence-Battalion II; at the same time, detached to the J?ger-Battalion of the 15th Infantry-Regiment (26.10.1920-03.04.1923) Adjutant and Group-Officer, Naval School M?rwick (04.04.1923-22.09.1924) Company-Leader, Ship?s-Cadre-Division of the Baltic Sea (23.09.1924-30.03.1925) Watch-Officer on the Cruiser ?Berlin? (31.03.1925-25.09.1927) Company-Leader, 3rd Naval-Artillery-Battalion (26.09.1927-02.10.1929) Watch-Officer on the Liner ?Hessen? (03.10.1929-24.09.1930) 2nd Artillery-Officer on the Liner ?Hessen? (25.09.1930-25.09.1932) Artillery-Officer on the Cruiser ?K?nigsberg? (26.09.1932-26.09.1934) Instructor and Staff-Officer with the Staff of the Ship-Artillery-School (28.09.1934-30.09.1937) Chief of Staff of the Inspection of Naval-Artillery; at the same time, with the Sudeten-District Commander of the 11th Naval-Artillery-Regiment at the West Wall (01.10.1937-30.04.1940) At the same time, Acting-Inspector of the Naval-Artillery (07.07.1938-06.08.1938) Port-Commandant Stavanger (01.05.1940-18.07.1940) Chief of Staff of the Naval-Commander Channel Coast (19.07.1940-17.04.1942) Chief of Staff of the Commanding Admiral France (18.04.1942-15.11.1942) Senior-Quartermaster in the Staff of Naval-Group-Command West (16.11.1942-31.03.1943) Inspector of Naval-Artillery (01.04.1943-22.07.1945) In Captivity (22.07.1945-19.04.1947) Released (19.04.1947)
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