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    Old Contemptible
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    Everything posted by Claudio

    1. Dear Forumites, I'd like to show my last purchase (some of you already certainly saw it before ). It's an immaculate Godet bar, without the typical label and grey fabric backing, but nonetheless 100% Godet made, since it comes with the dealer box (white) and the miniatures with the label on the button. Medal bar:
    2. Well, it depends... I would have gladly spend around 4500-5000 but 9600 is too much for me. Obviously somebody else didn't think like you... but let me tell you than in this bar there are a couple of medals that well worth around 1000 Eur if not more... the Persian medal at the end, for example is made of gold, a named Silberne Medaille des MKFVO and also the Grosse goldene Verdienstmedaille - also Gold - (OEK 208, Eur 2'100.- in 2008).
    3. I bid until 4'000 and should have bid 4400 to continue... I don't know the the final price, though. I guess it went for well over 5000 including commission. C
    4. I think to have seen this bar before... maybe Zeige... but I am too lazy to check all the auctions catalogues of the past 2-4 years. C
    5. I posted the picture and text in order to show what we are talking about... Auction's description: 310 A Group of Five to a German Veteran of the Great War Germany, Prussia, Iron Cross 1914, Second Class breast Badge, 44mm, silver and iron centre; Germany, Saxony, War Merit Cross 1915, bronze; Germany, Imperial, War Combatant’s Cross 1914-18, bronze; Germany, Saxony, Reserve Long Service Medal, Second Class, bronze; Turkey, Ottoman Empire, Red Crescent Medal, 29mm, silver and enamel, with silver and enamel suspension bar and integral top enamel riband bar dated AH 1327-1329, good very fine, mounted as worn, with a scarce Bestowal Document for the Ottoman Empire award (5) £200-240
    6. Well, maybe it's just me, but I don't like the construction of the bar... the ribbons looks like brand new. Could we see the back... Moreover the devices on the first ribbon looks WWII cheap construction and this bar should be like WWI or early Weimar Era, because of the lack of the Ehrenkreuz für Frontkämpfer. From the front it seems like the type with removable single metal plates. I never liked them, also when originals... it's just my humble opinion... I just don't like this type of bars, stylewise speaking... ;-) Ciao, Claudio
    7. Thanks Joe, for your comments. I got all the info from a fellow member who got it from the book mentioned under "quelle" (source in German). I think it might be the original wearer of the medal bar, as it was pointed out from other fellow members of this club. I know Mike... I'll think about it. Maybe I can dig out other interesting info on Daeuwel like it did it in another occasion. I believe he was promoted Major General at the end of his career, because he retired from active service on 1st of October 1942, but it's only mere speculation from my part. Ciao, Claudio
    8. Dear forumites, I'd like to introduce you to my first bought medal bar. Only recently, thanks to some of military history enthusiast and researchers after 23 years being in my possession, it has been possible to attribute this medal bar to Generalmajor der Polizei Hans Daeuwel. Here's a picture of the medal bar with its detailed description: Generalmajor der Polizei, Hans Daeuwel (*25.08.1884 -† 29.6.1968) • Preußen, Eisernes Kreuz 2. Klasse 1914 (OEK 1909), E/S • Deutsches Reich 1933-45, Kriegsverdienstkreuz 2. Klasse 1939 (OEK 3836) • Preußen, Kgl. Hausorden von Hohenzollern, Kreuz der Ritter mit Schwertern (OEK 1789), punziert 938 W, Sv • Deutsches Reich 1933-45, Ehrenkreuz für Frontkämpfer (OEK 3803/1), ohne Hersteller • Deutsches Reich 1933-45, Polizei-Dienstauszeichnung 1. Stufe für 25 Jahre (OEK 3526) • Deutsches Reich 1933-45, Erinnerungsmedaille 13.3.38, Anschluss Österreich (OEK 3516) • Deutsches Reich 1933-45, Erinnerungsmedaille 1.10.38, Anschluss Sudetenland (OEK 3517) • Deutsches Reich 1933-45, Luftschutz-Ehrenzeichen, Medaille 1938-44, 2. Stufe (OEK 3509) Laufbahn: Eintritt in das Heer: 27.04.1903 Entlassen: 05.05.1920 Eintritt in die Gendarmerie: 01.08.1920 Entlassen: 01.10.1942 00.00.1903 Gefreiter 00.00.1903 Unteroffizier 18.08.1903 Leutnant mit Patent vom 19.08.1903 18.08.1912 Oberleutnant 28.11.1914 Hauptmann 15.05.1920 char. Major 01.02.1921 Hauptmann der Gendarmerie 01.09.1921 Hauptmann der Gendarmerie 1. Klasse 01.10.1928 Major der Gendarmerie (Titel) 01.10.1928 Major der Gendarmerie 01.05.1933 Oberstleutnant der Gendarmerie 01.11.1937 Oberst der Gendarmerie 00.00.0000 Generalmajor der Polizei (Titel) Orden & Ehrenzeichen: 07.09.1914 Eisernes Kreuz II. Klasse 00.03.1916 Eisernes Kreuz I. Klasse 00.00.1918 Ritterkreuz des Hausorden von Hohenzollern mit Schwertern 28.11.1938 Polizeidienstauszeichnung 1. Stufe 23.01.1939 Medaille zur Erinnerung an den 13. März 1938 (Anschluss Österreich) 30.03.1940 Luftschutz-Ehrenzeichen II. Stufe 04.04.1940 Medaille zur Erinnerung an den 1. Oktober 1938 (Anschluss Sudeten) Quellen: • Andreas Schulz / Günter Wegmann „Die Generäle der Waffen-SS und der Polizei“, Band I, Biblio Verlang - Bissendorf 2003 • Bayerisches Hauptstaatsarchiv, Minn 67911 (= Teilpersonalakt Hans Daewel 1920-1944), Minn 98670 (= Teilpersonalakt Hans Daeuwel 1955) Any more information, pictures, or documentation about him would be greatly appreciated. Ciao, Claudio
    9. Hi Jeff, no need for secrecy from my part; my Falke's group I got it from Zeige... very likely we bid against each other... Ciao, Claudio
    10. Hi Joe, Thanks for posting some images of your Ehrenbecher; it makes more sense that yours it's made of a iron alloy (since it was awarded to Falke after 1916), than the one being offered on Thies' auction, like also Alex said it so well. The engraving on your Ehrenbecher looks to me also period... :cheers: I am just wondering how many items more of Falke's group lie in different places and collections... Ciao, Claudio
    11. Well Alex, that is exactly what I thought... I don't know the market price of such an Ehrenbecher and I could think that it might be more expensive than a WWII, but then I need also to know what to look for in order to check it if it's an original period piece... That's why I am not going to bid on it. Claudio
    12. That's interesting... who knows if Herr Thies or the consignor could tell more about that! :speechless1:
    13. and the documents (+ picture) going with the Ehrenbecher. I am wondering if the medal bar and some other ribbon bars of him are still around (see pictures, he wore also one-row ribbon bars...). Ciao, Claudio
    14. Falke's Ehrenbecher is being sold by Thies (43rd auction): 184. Ehrenbecher "Dem Sieger im Luftkampf", verliehen an Oberleutnant Richard Falke, Führer der Bomberstaffel 24. Silber. In der Wandung oberhalb des Schriftreifes Silberstempel "800", Krone, Halbmond und Reichsadler sowie im Boden Signum des Chefs des Feldflugwesens. Auf der Innenseite des Schriftreifsockels die eingeschlagene Nummer 34. Innenwandung vergoldet. Dazu das Übersendungsschreiben des Kommandos der Flieger-Ersatz-Abteilung für den dem Oberleutnant Richard Falke verliehenen Ehrenbecher, "Dem Sieger im Luftkampf". Datiert Charlottenburg, den 18. Juli 1918. Abschrift des Besitzzeugnises für das durch das Kommando der k.u.k. Luftfahrertruppen an OberleutnantFalke, Führer der Bomberstaffel 24, verliehene k.u.k. Luftfahrerabzeichen. Ausgestellt vom kommandierenden General der Luftstreitkräfte gez. Thomsen. Mit Dienstsiegel des königlich preußischen Bombergeschwaders 7. Dazu Miniatur des Abzeichens. Beigefügt ein Originalfoto Oberleutnant Falkes. Die erstmals im Dezember 1915 an die Jagdflieger Oswald Boelcke und Max Immelmann verliehenen Ehrenbecher wurden an die Piloten der Jastas jeweils zum 1. Luftsieg verliehen.Sie wurden aus einem patriotischen Fonds finanziert, der dem Chef des Feldflugwesens (von der Lieth-Thomsen)zur Verfügung gestellt worden war. Bereits Ende 1916 ging man jedoch dazu über, statt der Silberpokale Ersatzmaterialien wie Eisen etc. zu verwenden. Gegen Kriegsende wurden gar keine Pokale, sondern nur noch Verleihungsurkunden ausgegeben. Sehr schönes Exemplar in feiner Qualität und Erhaltung. Der gehämmerte Effekt in der Wandung deutlich sichtbar und unverputzt. Nur wenige Pokale waren nummeriert, Diese Exemplare sind von großer Seltenheit. Schönes und sehr seltenes Konvolut. Zustand 1 – 2. Eur 12.500.- Too bad that I have been shopping quite a lot lately... Whoever who will win this auction can contact me if he wants to buy my group, to keep intact. Ciao, Claudio
    15. Thanks a lot for your fast and very educated answer! :beer:
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