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Hi Andreas, Beautiful orders you have! It seems that you have all the most exotic or rarest classes with swords of these orders... very impressive! The problem for me is that I should first see such babies personally and touch them with my hands, like you, in order to have an idea about the quality, construction types, period of manufacture and different makers' variants. If I was in Germany, I would go regurlarly on Auction houses just to see and compare the quality of these orders. At Thies auction in December last year I was impressed about the high quality of some orders. Such craftmanship is nowadays inimaginable, since there are no longer juweller who would make an effort to make such highly complicated designs combined with precious metals, enamal and hand-painting. It would not be commercially feasable. That's why nowadays orders, also German State orders, they look quite crappy if I can say so! During this auction I saw a Gold Komturkreuz of the Oldenburg House order. It was such a jewel! Very light and very delicate design... a dream! If you can hold one of this real orders in your hand, you can't be fooled so easely with cheap repros. But you have to see them with your own eyes! Not always pictures on internet can be as good as having such an order in your bare hands and inspect it carefully. Thank you Andreas for letting us see such beauties! Really remarkable... Ciao, Claudio
Beautiful medal bar, Andreas... does it a name? I especially like the Waldeck Verdienstkreuz mit Schwertern.... What a beauty!!! Here I'd like to show you another named bar with a AO RK 1. Kl. mit X (Hans Andreas Wolff, Rittmeister im Dragoner-Rgt Nr. 9, K?nig Carl I von Rum?nien). Enjoy... Ciao, Claudio
Here's his story... Medal Bar of Kurt Oertmann Born: 9 January, 1883 in Wurzen, Saxony Served his entire career with Saxon Infantry regiment 102, joined ca. 1903 Patent, Leutnant: 18 August, 1903 Ca. 1910: Received Bavarian Military Merit Order, Fourth Class, Peacetime ribbon, while on detached service as Cadet Instructor with the Royal Saxon Corps of Cadets Patent, Oberleutnant: 9 August, 1912 Serving as Adjutant I Korps, Infantry Regiment 102 in 1914 Albert Order, Knight?s Cross, Second Class w. Swords: 31 October, 1914 Patent, Hauptmann: 28 November, 1914 Bavarian Military Merit Order, Fourth Class w. Swords: 5 February, 1916 Albert Order, Knight?s Cross, First Class w. Swords: 20 May, 1916 Albert Order, Crown to The Knight?s Cross, First Class w. Swords: 24 August, 1917 Military Order of Saint Henry, Knight?s Cross: 7 May, 1918 Serving as Hauptmann/Commanding II Korps, Infantry Regiment 102 St. Henry Citation: Oertmann has distinguished himself again at the Battle of Armentieres, where the IR 102 was attached to the 32nd Infantry Division (9.4.1918). Without caring for his own safety, he lead his battalion several times in assaults on the enemy lines. His leadership and courage had great influence on the spirit of his men. Demobilized from the Imperial Army ca. 1920 Listed in 1939 as Commander, Wehrmeldeamt Bitterfeld, Saxony, with the rank of Major z.D., seniority date of 1 June, 1932 ...and here a close-up of the AO... Enjoy! Claudio
I found that HH sold also another Saint Georg Medal in Gold of Prince Alfons... so he had it least two of these medals! @ Rick: When I saw Hemmerle's invoice I thought the same thing like you: he didn't really spend a lot of money for his spange considering his status... he just upgraded the bar. @ Kev: I have notice all his items being sold individually... his MVO with sash, star and Grancross scored quite an high price... (Eur 25'000.-!) Ciao, Claudio Details of the obverse and reverse, Golden St.Georgs-Medaille: HH's description: Gestiftet vom Prinzregenten Luitpold am 15. Dezember 1889 zur Erinnerung an das am 8. Dezember gefeierte Hauptfest des Haus-Ritterordens vom Heiligen Georg, an dem der Regent das Jubil?um seiner Aufnahme in den Orden vor f?nfzig Jahren begehen konnte (OEK 344). Gold. 50 g. Dazu das Lederetui mit goldgepr?gtem, gekr?ntem "A" und Inventarnummer "41", zwei Fotografien des Prinzen Alfons, auf einer diese Medaille tragend, ein masch.geschr. Inventarverzeichnis zu seinen St. Georgs-Medaillen und zwei Schreiben des Ordens-Gro?kanzlers Freiherr von La?berg 1929 und 1930 an Alfons Sohn den Prinzen Joseph Clemens von Bayern. Aus dem Besitz von Prinz Alfons von Bayern (1862-1933), General der Kavallerie, stammend. Von allergr??ter Seltenheit, es erfolgten nur 75 Verleihungen. Zustand: I Limit: 2200 EURO sold for 2300 EURO + 20% commission
Dear Forumites, I am quite sure that many of us have noticed this quite interesting bar. I was surprised that it was already offered on the previous HH's auction, but it didn't sell. Only the Golden St. Georgs-Medaille is quite a rare piece... Not to mention the SEHO in Prinzengr?sse! I commented the bar with a German dealer/collector who said that it wasn't to him very appealing, because such aristocrats had several medal bars being made for wearing in different occasions or on different uniforms. Is it true? Might be, but just the combination is quite unique. Maybe also it's not so "sexy" to many collectors because it's not a "brave Military Officer" type of medal bar. I am eager to hear you comment on it, since I am really interested in bidding on it. Ciao, Claudio Prinz Alfons von Bayern - Gro?e Ordensspange: Bayern: Goldene St. Georgs-Medaille, Gold, 50 g. (OEK 344). Erinnerungskreuz f.d. Mitglieder beider Kammern 1918, Silber (OEK 481). Jubil?umsmedaille f.d. bayerische Armee 1905 (OEK 517). Dienstauszeichnungskreuz 24 Jahre (OEK 525). Preu?en: EK 1914, 2.Kl. (OEK 1909). Rot Kreuz Medaille 3.Kl. (OEK 1872). S?chsische Herzogt?mer: Sachsen-Ernestinischer-Hausorden, Ritterkreuz 1.Kl., Reduktion, Gold, zwei kleine Chips (OEK 2474). Rum?nien: Orden vom Stern Rum?niens, Ritterkreuz mit Schwertern ?ber dem Kreuz (kleiner Chip). Spanien: drei emaillierte, Silber vergoldete Insignien f?r Ritter des Ordens des Heiligen Jacob sowie der Adelskongregationen von Madrid und Zaragoza. Medaille Maria Christina in Silber. Erinnerungsmedaille an die Belagerung von Zaragoza 1808, vergoldet. In Schachtel mit Papiersiegel des Prinzen Alfons. Dazu eine Rechnung der Juweliere Gebr?der Hemmerle in M?nchen, 1916 mit verschiedenen Arbeiten, dabei auch die Verl?ngerung dieser Spange. Au?erdem ein Foto des Prinzen als Inhaber des preu?ischen Dragoner Regiments Freiherr von Manteuffel Rheinisches Nr. 5, 1913, auf dem der Prinz mit dieser Spange abgebildet ist. Prinz Alfons von Bayern (1862 - 1932), ein Enkel K?nig Ludwigs I., zweiter Sohn des Prinzen Adalbert und der Infantin Amalia Philippa Pilar von Spanien, verheiratet mit Louise, Prinzessin von Orl?ans, General der Kavallerie, Inhaber des 7. Chevaulegers Regimentes und ? la suite des 1. Schweren Reiter Regiments, Inhaber des preu?ischen Dragoner-Regiments Nr. 5.
No sweat for me Andreas... I filed all interesting bars that I followed in auction, just in case! Sometimes it's interesting see the whereabouts of such bars... all of sudden they appear again on the market et voil?! I don't about the Steckkreuz... Have they ever been issued with that configuration of swords (swords through the middle of the cross and swords "am Ring")... that is quite unique since the ones with only the swords through the middle of the cross, weren't surely awarded more than, let's say, 20-30 times tops! Ciao, Claudio
@ Andreas: I think that when the bar you showed was sold at Zeige, it came with a "Steckkreuz" of the lippischer Hausorden mit Schwertern... Quite rare this combination... the order is not correct... the KVK 2. Kl. 1939 should come right after the EK... but I guess this guy was quite proud to be a lippischer B?rger! @ Solomon: Yes, you're completely right. Some of these medals from the little duchies or principalities are much rarer of a "sexy" (a least for many) Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes... Do you collect only Lippe? Ciao, Claudio
Hi Rick, These are really great bars... such bars with medals of the small German states (as Lippe Detmold for instance) are really great fun to collect. Usually in Germany there are quite a few enthusiast collectors who specialize in collecting medals of an individual state. That's why sometimes a collector who wants to fill a gap in his very special collection would spend much more than the usual market price. Such bars were sold like peanuts at Thies auction houses and fetched very high prices. I particularly liked this one (see below), but if I remember correctly, it went for much above of the 1'000.- Euros mark... This bar came even with a name... Very nice indeed! Ciao, Claudio
No, Stogie, it didn't escape me that Linnarz airship (Zeppelin) was the first to bomb London (not England). Still to me the price was a bit to much. Niemann asked at least double the market price of such medal bar for this nevertheless very interesting story. Not bad. That is what I call maximizing the profit, like the auction houses in the last 10 years. The more the collectors and history enthusiasts are ready and willing to pay, the more the prices will increase.... like a bit collecting VCs, PlM or RKs... now it's time for well researched groups or medal bars! LZ38 was a German Army Zeppelin commanded by Haptmann Erich Linnarz and first appeared over Southend at 2.45am on 10th May 1915. Dropping incendiary bombs, it killed one person and injured two. On 26th May Southend was again bombed by LZ38, this time three people were killed and three more injured. During this raid, LZ38 was caught in search light beams and became the first enemy aircraft ever to be illuminated this way. On the night of 31st May, LZ38 was on its way to London when Flight Sub Lieutenant Robinson attempted to intercept it crossing the coast over Shoeburyness. This was the first time any enemy aircraft had attacked London, killing seven people and injuring thirty five. On 7th June, LZ38 was bombed in its shed, at 'Evere' near Brussels and burnt out. Linnarz and crew escaped, but only just! http://www.eastlondonhistory.com/zeppelins.htm