Hi Jacques, That could not have come out of the factory that way. Any manufacturer would not solder the eagles on until he had cut the swords off if the goal was to make some with mo swords. You don't think this one came that way do you??? Must have been a collector/faker who did that one. Do you agree? Best, Sal
Thanks John, That can't be my guy you're right. Im still sorting the letters they are in a mess and I get to it as time permits so I will have a lot of other info with all the feldpost stamps etc. I am sure we can get a bead on this guy eventually. Best, Sal
Poor Jacques, the LC fans are growing! Ummmmm,... Marcus... you were looking for cases for your old pal Sal remember? Out of sight out of mind??????? Best, Sal
Well it seems like if one was trying to hide the fact that the swords were cut off they would do a better job? The theory that some factories did not have a seperate die for no swords is helped by that I suppose. One would think a faker would make a much neater and then polished cut. Best, Sal
I got this pic of this guy in my travels in Europe. Nothing special just it is a super thick black card, odd size and really neat photograper studio mark.
Yeah, Thats what I would have thought the Spanishizing of the names was all about too. They weren't allowed to be there officially as combatants any more than the Lincoln brigade or any of the foreign volunteers on the republican side were. They had to sneak in through France and then over the pyrenees. Best, Sal Jacques I would really like one of those if you see one that you can pass up let me know please!
Hi Mike, it does spring back, and there is s section of the cloth thats torn and you can see a white cottony material behind it. The scratches all over the case look purposly done unless someone cleaned it with some horribly abrasive sponge or something. looks more like it was done with fine grit sandpaper. Thanks, Sal (and thanks for your opinion on the unknown pilots bage too )
Hi Gordon, If I can take a close up of the button and pin on the case you will be able to see that it isn't good either. I will try to get a good close up pic. Best, Sal
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