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    Everything posted by Micke

    1. You are very right. But in Thailand every government employee have the right to wear coronation medals. EVEN they not attended the ceremony.
    2. I dont know of any forigner that been awarded these awards. I think its only swedish citizens that can apply for the awards.
    3. I dont understand what you mean. Are you asking about The Royal Swedish Orders? The awards given out by the Royal Patriotic Society and The Royal society Pro Patria are given to Swedes.
    4. The Royal Patriotic Society are a old swedish society. The Society was founded in 1766. In 1772, the Royal Declaration was issued by the Society's basic rules, after which the Society was called the Royal. (Swedish) Patriotic Society.That medal are still awarded but with the reigning king's portrait on it. The society have a number of awards they are give out. See there home page: https://kungligapatriotiskasallskapet.se/the-royal-patriotic-society/. The bigger medal are from this society. The other society are the Royal society Pro Patria, also founded in 1766. The smaller medal, "För Trohet och Flit", For faithfulness and diligence, was awarded between 1836 and 2005 to those who have been employed by the same employer for a long time or served with the same household or relative. The service for the larger medal was at least 25 years and for the smaler at least 15 years. The medal has been awarded to more than 10,000 people. My great grand father was given the larger medal for his service. Here are there homepage: http://propatria.se/. unfortunately it is not in English.
    5. I think moste forigners who have received these types of medals are royalty. But i have not found any evidence for this. Its an interesting subject to look more into but the information are very hard to find.
    6. In Thailand the commemorative medals like this can be worn by any government employees. It dosent mather if they attend or not. But only Thai citizens can wear it. Very seldom any forigners get issued this type of medals. I know only of one. Princess Ubol Ratana married Peter Ladd Jensen, American, and he got some commemorative medal.
    7. Your very welcome
    8. Here are the new coronation medal for king Rama X. I got the picture from my friend in Thialand and he said it was not yet officiall.... The coronation ceremoni will take place between 4-6th May. Last time a coronation took place was 5 may 1950 when King Rama IX hade his coronation ceremoni.
    9. Hi Dave What i mean is that the certificates are showing the highest grade of the order. I agree that its strange that the certificat are showing the obsoleted medal. Maybe they hade alot of them and used them until lthey were finished up. What are your thoughts about the diffrent classes i mentioned? BR Micke
    10. The Winter War medal was instituted Aug 2. 1940. It was awarded to around 700.000 people. It is a commemorative medal for the war that was in the winter of 1939/40, october 1939 to mars 1940.
    11. Yes i know it was created in 1909. But in the act of 1941, as i understand it, the collar became the highest class, there for they changed the certificates to show the highest class of that order.. The picture are a certificate from the Royal Swedish order of the Sword. Its for a knight 1 class. It is showing the collar of the same order on the certificate. (sorry its not so good picture....) The class system used in Thai RTO, Royal Thai Orders, are little diffrent then the class system in europe. The Thai RTO system was structured according to european style, but not everything. Everone say that the Thai RTO have 36 classes. But when you count them its 44 classes because In Thai RTO the medals are named as a class of the order, that is not the case in europe. In europe the medals are connected to the order but are not a class of the order. Rename the medals in thise orders to onley Gold and Silver medal, not with a class. Example: In The order of the white elephant. There are the 6th and 7th class. That are Gold and Silver medals. They should be named Gold-/Silver-medal of the order of the white elephant. Not 6th-/7th- class of the order of the white elephant. Because they are not a class of the order. This was a little sidestep... but i think this is interesteing and i think Thai RTO should change there system......
    12. Very interesting thoughts you have and i agree with them. My thoughts on the award certificates can be that in The act of 1941 it changed that the collor as the highest class of the order. Thats why they changes the certificates...
    13. The order of the crown and the order of the white elephant changed 1909. So the type 1 are before 1909 and the type 2 are after 1909. /Micke
    14. The type 1 are before 1909. The act of 1909 changed the appearance of the order. Both the order of the white elephand and the order of the crown to type 2.
    15. Here are the medals/orders. 1. The Order of the white elephant 5th class type 2 after 1909 and the Order of the crown 5th class type 1 before 1909. 2. King Rama IX Coronation Medal 3. Border service medal 4. Victory medal - World War II 5. This medal are a combination of two diffrent medals. Ribbon - The Dvidhabhisek Medal (1898) Medal - The Coronation of King Rama VII Medal (1925) 6. This medal are a combination of two diffrent medals. Ribbon - The WWI Campaign Medal (1918) Medal - Commemorative Medal on the Occasion of the 150th Years of Rattanakosin Celebration (1932)
    16. Very Nice. Speciellt the mounted orders top left.
    17. FINALY!! After i talked to my friend in Thailand and he did some research he found when both of the orders were changed. It was 1909 just before king Chulalongkorn passed away in 1910. The act of 1941 changed that the collor as the highest class. In the section 3 of the act is say: "On his opinion, the order appearance should edite for more magnificent, and collect any class in this order included the newly medals [gold & silver medal] counted as seven classes." Attached you can see the acts of 1909. So i admit i was wrong. Sorry for all... But now we know. "man lär sig något nytt varje dag - you learn new things everyday" order of the crown 1909.pdf order of the white elephant 1909.pdf
    18. Then this are getting evenmore interesting. There have to be an explanation to this. An order doesn’t just change without any explanations. There are almost always documentation on these things. More then just different pictures.
    19. I been thinking about one thing. All pictures that show the 2nd type before 1941 are on foreigners. Can it be that there was 2 different acts. One for Thai and one for foreigners? I’m just guessing. But I think it’s very interesting. I admit that I been wrong that the type 2 started after 1941 for everyone. There must be an explanation for this. It requires more digging to find the truth about this.
    20. Interesting! He was a danish wrighter. He was in south east asia 1899-1900. Little strange he didnt get a danish order as well....
    21. It's very hard to see on the pictures. I have been looking for this book. Where did you find it?
    22. Little of topic, but information not given are information lost. general Charles Joseph Dupont hade a order from Sweden. He was commander 2:nd grade of the Order of Vasa. (Kommendör av andra klass av Vasa orden, KVO2kl) See first picture. Second picture are the swedish royal chancellor´s register of when he got it. 21 nowember 1913.
    23. I don’t know you and for sure you don’t know me. So what do you know about my trustworthiness? ? And another thing... my friend in Thailand are not Dave. I don’t know anyone named Dave. I’m on this forum to learn not to talk down on people like you. If I’m wrong about anything I’m willing change my opinion. There are always someone that know more then your self. I always been nice to you, so I don’t really understand why you act like you do. I thought you were interested in phalerestics... but it seems like your here to talk down to people. I think like this... the acts for the royal Thai orders that I showed you say one thing. You have showed one picture that say another thing. That’s very interesting and I would like to get to the bottom of this... why is it like this. So.. instead of just acting like you do, you could help finding out why it is like this. English are not my native language so it’s sometines hard for me to express exactly what I mean. But it seems like you know Swedish so we could continue in Swedish? ?
    24. I will look into it more. I think this is very interesting. Because something are not what it looks like. It’s philaristicley very interesting. I know the orders have been changed more then one time. The latest are the acts from 1941. But I think it’s amusing that you know sooooo much more then the Thai government about these royal Thai orders. So instead of being a prick you can show documents that are saying exactly when the orders changed? Because you are saying the official documents I showed you are wrong. Kasta inte sten i glashus.
    25. This pictuer was taken during the Sook Ching Massacre February–March 1942. They are still wearing the old type of uniform...... Prince Chichibu in December 1940. Still wearing the old type of uniform. Have i made my point?
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