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    Everything posted by ArHo

    1. I just got this picture and found it interesting enough to post. It belongs to a Reserve-Regiment 119 (Württemberg) group but this man seems to wear the ribbon of the bayerische Militärverdienstkreuz - with a metal crown and swords on top. My question: Would you experts consider this "common"? I cannot remember seeing it before... Cheers ArHo
    2. Interesting! Never heard about U-Flotille Mittelmeer before! https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/U-Flottille_Mittelmeer It seems like Cattaro would also be an option. Cheers
    3. On top it says his name is Adnan - in the given mail address it says Adan - just a missing N?
    4. Ist das ein von rechts nach links durch den Kranz springender Rehbock? (schwarz) Ich meine links am Rand Auge und Hörner zu erkennen? Just my two cents ArHo
    5. No problem at all Glenn - like I wrote I am extremely grateful for all your help until now! Thanks to all of you I now know much more about these men than I ever hoped to... Best ArHo
    6. I know, I know, you are right - but, you know, "hope dies last"... ? I managed to identify some early birds (around 1860) during the last years myself but I cannot access the bavarian Militär-Handbücher I would need for this album (they are not online yet for the 1880s+) Grüße!
    7. No one? I would still be grateful for ony info - these are the last, promised ? And I will try to pay back by being a productive member of this community, of course! Cheers
    8. ...which I am not, of course ? Just thought it would be nice to know for you here... But I get your point! Viele Grüße
    9. Thanks for your opinions - good to hear theyre originals! VtwinVince: do you know what the "KO" means? Is it the manufacturer? Best ArHo
    10. Thanks Prussian - well that was what I expected, no specific action. Well perhaps someday somewhere I will find more :-) By the way - just today there is a nice Rohr Minenwerfer Postcard on german Ebay: https://www.ebay.de/itm/352918737559 Cheers
    11. Hallo everyone, as I am absolutely no expert on medals and orders - apart from some basic knowledge - I would really appreciate your opinion(s) on these two EK1. They come from a known veteran (machine-gunner, NCO) and were worn well into the 1950s on a volunteer-firefighter uniform. So they are basically "real" but it would be great for me to know wether they are period 1914-1918 pieces or perhaps later replacements. The only markings are "KO" and "800" - and I just love the patina ;-D looking forward for your comments ArHo
    12. Indeed he was in a "double sense" (denglish)... ? - ist mir garnicht aufgefallen! Cheers!
    13. Not exactly Sturmbataillon but I hope you excuse - this was always a bit of a mistery to me as this postcard was written by the man with the + over him - a Fahrer (driver) in FAR 74. How can we interprete this? Was he commanded to take part in some action with the divisional unit? And what does the date mean? I could not find any relevant action on it - a training course? Happy to hear from you! Cheers ArHo
    14. Just a little more info on the man: Peter Alfred Anton von Coreth Frei- und Panierherr zu Coredo 17.01.1887 - 29.11.1948 (so definitely too young for anything before 1914) Zgsf tit Objg, 4.TKJ (I guess this means what rank etc. he had at the date of the award: Zugsführer, titularmäßiger Oberjäger, 4. Regiment Tiroler Kaiserjäger) award date: 10.12.1914 (which may explain why he got, perhaps, an old stockmedal) source: http://www.heldenwerk.info/191418C.htm (and yes, this is the internet but a good source)
    15. Agree - seen it before, too - but far less often than the cloth patch. Nice picture, though!
    16. Brilliant! Thank you bolewts58! This makes the image really interesting and will help me a lot in deciphering the name of the place written on the card! Cheers ArHo Edit: And there he ist: According to Tessin the Brigade Nordlitauen was sent to West Prussia in June 1919 and first served near Graudenz, thereafter near Schwetz - and in the Kreis Schwetz there lies a really small village with the german name "Waldau" - so that is presumably where this photo was taken on 26.6.1919. Thanks again bolewts58!
    17. Thanks to all for your input! It seems that we have here either a Reuss honour cross or... a civilian medal used to "promote" someone during a drunk night by a bunch of officers having fun - I like both options ;-) Solomon - thanks for the advice on the name - yes it may be a "55" which would fit nicely but no chance at getting it clearer, sadly :-( Thanks again, cheers, ArHo
    18. Thanks Mike, really appreciate your input! Today I got another tip from a friend - it might not even be an "award" but perhaps it is a so called "watch fob" used from victorian times to pull the pocket watch out. Never heard about such but you never cease to learn. Research goes on... Cheers ArHo
    19. Very nice! Oberst Krause, Kommandeur IR 185 from 5.1915 to 9.1918! Here he is again from the regimental history. Impressive bar... Best
    20. Hi all, this picture has plagued me for some time as I was not able to identify the neck cross of the lower left gentleman. There is no writing on this image, the officer in the upper left back seems to have a 50 or so on his shoulder and the breast crosses visible may be Lippe war merit crosses 1st class. So the neck cross may be something from Lippe, too? Unfortunately I cannot produce any better pictures (the photo is very small, cut from a postcard). Can you help me, please? Best ArHo
    21. Hi everyone - though I dont collect Freikorps / Reichswehr, from time to time something interesting washes in with the imperial masses. So I recently got this picture which I assume shows a Freikorps soldier? But I cannot identify the badge on his sleeve. I also have problems deciphering the back which says "Zum Andenken an (???), (???) d. 26.6.19" (In rememberance to XXX ec.). Any help on this is greatly appreciated since I do not own any Freikorps literature. Best ArHo
    22. Hallo all, I might be wrong here so mods please feel free to move or delete this topic if inappropriate. I own this little silver (?) cross, we assume it was bought wherever decades ago and has no family ties. It seems to be of UK origin - inscribed "Harris Pairs cox 1913" and I wonder if this is some sports /masonic /club medal? Or does it have an unofficial military background. Any thoughts on this little cross appreciated (I dont collect medals). The color is silver in reality - the lights made it look like copper. Best ArHo
    23. Yes sir, you are right - of course! But I was far from all my books at home (I know the Baer but would not have looked there!) and found it all so interesting, that I just switched off the brains and translated from Wiki... mea culpa ? Best and thanks for adding! ArHo
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